Marine Environment, Science, wildlife, weather & Ocean energy
The French Ambassador to Ireland, His Excellency Mr Vincent Guérend, on board the RV Tom Crean with Marine Institute CEO Dr Rick Officer and Captain Colin McBrearty
Today, His Excellency Mr Vincent Guérend, the French Ambassador to Ireland, paid a visit to the Marine Institute, where he was warmly welcomed on board the RV Tom Crean. This visit is part of an official engagement aimed at strengthening…
The proposed  Sceirde Rocks wind farm involved 325-metre turbines 5km to 11.5km off the Connemara coastline
A petition opposing the offshore wind farm planned for the Sceirde rocks off Connemara has almost reached its target of 2,500 signatures. The petition was initiated last month after a photomontage of the planned project was published on the company…
National Inshore Fishermen’s Association: (from left to right) NIFA director John Menarry, NIFA chairman Michael Desmond, and NIFA director Eamon Dixon
The National Inshore Fishermen’s Association has expressed concern about the draft Designated Maritime Area Plan (DMAP) for the south coast published earlier this month. The draft DMAP identifies four areas off the south coast where offshore wind could be developed…
Minister Charlie McConalogue with Michael Mannion, Director of Ward and Burke (Contractors), at the sod-turning event for the new Deep Water Quay Development at the Rossaveal Fishery Harbour Centre. (Forbairt Ché Dhomhain, Lárionad Chuan Iascaigh Ros An Mhíl) in February
Work has stopped on the extension to Ros-a-Mhíl fishery harbour in south Connemara, following a legal challenge. As The Irish Independent reports, the 200 metre deepwater quay to facilitate floating offshore wind is three-quarters complete. The 30 million euro project,…
Helen Boland, Manager of the Dublin Bay Birds Project and Eamon McElroy, Port Engineer at Dublin Port Company, at the purpose-built platform for common and arctic terns running alongside Dublin's iconic Great South Wall
Dublin Port Company (DPC) is welcoming back its breeding terns for the summer months. Among these returning birds is likely an Arctic Tern that was first ringed in Dublin Port in the year 2000 and has been flying back and…
The Blaskets are included in the new park, Páírc Náisiúnta na Mara, Ciarraí, that is centred around Corca Dhuibhne in Co Kerry and includes the Conor Pass, the Owenmore River catchment, lands at Mount Brandon and the sand dune system at Inch Peninsula
Marine expert Dr Kevin Flannery has criticised the Government over its lack of adequate consultation with local fishers in advance of announcing the State’s first marine national park. The new park, Páírc Náisiúnta na Mara, Ciarraí, involves some 70,000 acres…
File image of one of the platforms used by breeding terns in Dublin Port
Dublin Port’s resident colony of terns is “thriving”, according to the wildlife charity that has been monitoring their progress for over 10 years. Helen Boland, manager of BirdWatch Ireland’s Dublin Bay Birds Project tells RTÉ News: “The numbers have been…
A liferaft is launched during sea survival pool drills at the the launch of BIM’s new 12 metre Sea Survival Training Pool at the National Fisheries College in Greencastle, Co. Donegal
The Minister for Marine, Charlie McConalogue, T.D, has officially opened the new €2.16 million national sea survival training pool at the Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), National Fisheries College of Ireland (NFCI) in Greencastle, Co. Donegal. Minister McConalogue expressed his delight…
The TechWorks Marine Oceanographic Survey for Clogherhead Wind Park for ESB and Parkwind involved the deployment of three metocean data buoys within the wind park area and along the export cable route. These buoys provided high-resolution data on sea state (currents and waves) and water quality
Metocean company TechWorks Marine has successfully completed a 12-month oceanographic campaign in the North Eastern Irish Sea for ESB and Parkwind at Clogherhead. The marine tech campaign involved the deployment of three metocean data buoys within the wind park area…
A curlew wading in shallow water
A landmark new project has been launched to protect Ireland’s most vulnerable group of birds, breeding waders, at Shannon Harbour. The €25 million Breeding Waders EIP is funded jointly by the National Parks and Wildlife Service at the Department of…
Invasive Species - Pink Salmon threaten indigenous salmon populations through competition for resources and transmission of parasites
As Loughs Agency marks Invasive Species Week, the pressing need for heightened awareness and collaborative efforts to mitigate the impact of these species becomes increasingly evident. Invasive non-native species pose a major threat to the delicate balance of the ecosystems…
A screengrab of the waterspout that whipped up a frenzy in Drake’s Pool in Crosshaven on Tuesday afternoon 21 May, from video shared on the Crosshaven Notice Board on Facebook
A Cork Harbour houseboat resident has told of his shock at seeing a “tornado” whipping towards him on Tuesday afternoon (21 May). As Echo Live reports, Gavin Higgins was watching TV below deck on his converted classic RNLI lifeboat in…
Jonathan Cole, CEO of Corio Generation (left) and Dave Kirwan, Managing Director, Bord Gáis Energy announce a new partnership to explore opportunities to supply Ireland’s electricity market with green electricity from offshore wind
Bord Gáis Energy and Corio Generation have announced a new partnership to explore opportunities to supply Ireland’s electricity market with green electricity from offshore wind. The agreement represents Bord Gáis Energy’s entry into the offshore wind arena and will play…
Scattery Island on the Shannon Estuary contains the remains of an ancient monastic heritage featuring a round tower, the cathedral and several medieval churches. It also has a lighthouse, an artillery battery and a restored village
The Shannon Estuary’s Scattery Island is to reopen to visitors on Friday, May 24th. Minister of State for the Office of Public Works (OPW) Kieran O’Donnell TD noted that the OPW had recently restored the “street” on the island. It…
SSE Renewables has withdrawn from a consortium to build a hydrogen gas hub in the Port of Galway
SSE Renewables has confirmed that it has withdrawn from a consortium to build a hydrogen gas hub in the Port of Galway. The renewables company, which owns the Galway Wind Park, among other projects, was a lead partner in the…
A two-year project to record the Irish Mayfly on inland waters and management of marine biodiversity in the south-west has been announced
A two-year project to record the Irish Mayfly on inland waters and management of marine biodiversity in the south-west are among biodiversity projects announced by Minister of State for Nature and Heritage Malcolm Noonan. The projects are among a list…

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