
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

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Marine Science
Marine Institute Seeks Ship-Time Programmes
The Marine Institute invites applications for grant-aid towards the cost of ship-time on-board the national research vessels (R.V. Celtic Explorer and R.V. Celtic Voyager) during 2011. Grant-aid will be provided for ship-time to carry out ship-based research activity within defined thematic…
Ireland’s Deep Oceans Offer New Opportunities
A team of scientists has just returned from a research mission to sample habitats on the edge of the continental shelf using the Marine Institute’s vessel, the RV Celtic Explorer, and the deep water remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Holland I.…
New European Atlas of the Seas
The European Commission has recently launched a pilot version of a new European Atlas of the Seas – a dynamic online atlas where users will be able to learn more about Europe's seas, its maritime sectors, the interaction between them…
€7.5 million in EU grant-aid for Irish marine food research
The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Mr. Brendan Smith TD, speaking at a workshop organised by his Department on 29th April, said that Ireland had secured over €7.5 million to date in research funding under the FP7 Food, Agriculture,…
US Firm to Make Energy from Irish Waters
A US renewable energy company is proposing to meet the Government’s target of generating 500 megawatts of electricity from ocean energy systems by 2020, holding out the possibility of generating tens of thousands of jobs in Ireland. Frank McDonald's story… Underwater Kites to Create Power
TIDAL POWER IN IRELAND: A tidal energy company spun out from Swedish car and plane manufacturer Saab plans to deploy its underwater kite-like devices off the coast of Northern Ireland next year. Minesto believes that unlike many existing tidal power… New ‘Decade of Discovery’ for Irish Marine Science
2010 opens a new ‘decade of discovery’ for Irish Marine Science, according to Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Mr. Tony Killeen T.D. who visited the national marine research vessel R.V. Celtic Explorer in Galway… Bringing Coal to Dublin Bay
The newly built dynamically positioned drillship Fugro Synergy commences drilling operations for VP Power in the Kish Basin, approximately 13.5 Nautical miles east of Bray Head this morning. The wells will be shallow coal exploration drilling to old layers of…
The Sounds of Life Under Water
We now know that Jacques Cousteau wasn't quite accurate when he called the the sea the 'silent world', but to be fair to the French underwater explorer, that was before advances in acoustic technology allowed us listen in to the…

Marine Science Perhaps it is the work of the Irish research vessel RV Celtic Explorer out in the Atlantic Ocean that best highlights the essential nature of marine research, development and sustainable management, through which Ireland is developing a strong and well-deserved reputation as an emerging centre of excellence. From Wavebob Ocean energy technology to aquaculture to weather buoys and oil exploration these pages document the work of Irish marine science and how Irish scientists have secured prominent roles in many European and international marine science bodies.


At A Glance – Ocean Facts

  • 71% of the earth’s surface is covered by the ocean
  • The ocean is responsible for the water cycle, which affects our weather
  • The ocean absorbs 30% of the carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere by human activity
  • The real map of Ireland has a seabed territory ten times the size of its land area
  • The ocean is the support system of our planet.
  • Over half of the oxygen we breathe was produced in the ocean
  • The global market for seaweed is valued at approximately €5.4 billion
  • · Coral reefs are among the oldest ecosystems in the world — at 230 million years
  • 1.9 million people live within 5km of the coast in Ireland
  • Ocean waters hold nearly 20 million tons of gold. If we could mine all of the gold from the ocean, we would have enough to give every person on earth 9lbs of the precious metal!
  • Aquaculture is the fastest growing food sector in the world – Ireland is ranked 7th largest aquaculture producer in the EU
  • The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean in the world, covering 20% of the earth’s surface. Out of all the oceans, the Atlantic Ocean is the saltiest
  • The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. It’s bigger than all the continents put together
  • Ireland is surrounded by some of the most productive fishing grounds in Europe, with Irish commercial fish landings worth around €200 million annually
  • 97% of the earth’s water is in the ocean
  • The ocean provides the greatest amount of the world’s protein consumed by humans
  • Plastic affects 700 species in the oceans from plankton to whales.
  • Only 10% of the oceans have been explored.
  • 8 million tonnes of plastic enter the ocean each year, equal to dumping a garbage truck of plastic into the ocean every minute.
  • 12 humans have walked on the moon but only 3 humans have been to the deepest part of the ocean.

(Ref: Marine Institute)

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