
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Displaying items by tag: TT Races

Approximately 34,000 visitors have travelled to the Isle of Man by sea for the TT this year.

Rob Callister MHK, who has responsibility for the TT, said this figure was up by 3,000 people from 2019.

‘It’s normally only 31,000 on the ferry, so that’s gone up,’ he told the Isle of Man Examiner.

Overall, in 2019 there were 46,000 visitors to the island for the TT fortnight.’

He continued: ‘They’ve obviously taken capacity away from the airlines because airlines haven’t had as many extra flights as usual for the TT.’

The TT has returned with a number of new features, including the newly developed TT Plus app, which has been designed for people to watch the races live from their devices, with over 40 hours of live coverage across the event.

The Isle of Man Today has more on the influx of visitors that use the IOM Steam Packet Company routes. 

Published in Isle of Man

#FerryNews - Passengers totalling 34,000 according to Isle of travelled by sea over the TT fortnight.

The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company says final figures for this year are 'on a par' with 2017.

13,236 motorbikes were also transported between May 23rd and June 8th.

The Ben-my-Chree and Manannan worked around the clock to transport passengers whilst MV Arrow covered freight services.

The Steam Packet says more than 11,000 passengers travelled from Heysham with over 12,500 travelling from Liverpool.

For more on this and bookings for 2019's TT Races click here.

Published in Ferry

#MANX TT RACES FERRY NEWS – According to BBC News, an additional ro-ro freight-ferry has been chartered from Seatruck Ferries by the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company in order to cope with demand during the TT races.

More than 11,200 motorbikes are already booked to arrive in Douglas during race fortnight, which begins on Monday. The number is the highest for a decade with the exception of the event's centenary in 2007.

The chartered vessel is the Arrow (1998/7,606grt), which will assist in peak periods. The 122m long vessel can transport around 1,000 metres of freight and is the sister ship of Helliar, which covered during the island's passenger ferry Ben-my-Chree's scheduled dry dock.

Steam Packet Company Chief Executive Mark Woodward said: "While MV Arrow doesn't bring any additional passenger space, we have already made provision for 43,000 extra seats scheduled over the TT period."

"This second chartered vessel provides additional operational resilience during the busiest time of the year."

Published in Ferry

The Rankin Dinghy of Cobh, Cork Harbour 

A Rankin is a traditional wooden dinghy which was built in Cobh, of which it’s believed there were 80 and of which The Rankin Dinghy Group has traced nearly half. 

The name of the Rankin dinghies is revered in Cork Harbour and particularly in the harbourside town of Cobh.

And the name of one of those boats is linked to the gunboat which fought against the Irish Volunteers during the 1916 Easter Rising and later for the emergent Irish Free State Government against anti-Treaty Forces during the Irish Civil War.

It also links the renowned boat-building Rankin family in Cobh, one of whose members crewed on the gunboat.

Maurice Kidney and Conor English are driving the restoration of the Rankin dinghies in Cork Harbour. They have discovered that Rankins were bought and sailed in several parts of the country.