
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Marine Wildlife
Irish Sea 'Teeming' with Dolphins Says Wildlife Charity
#MARINE WILDLIFE - Large numbers of dolphins have been filmed in the Irish Sea off the Welsh coast by wildlife volunteers, as WalesOnline reports. The conservationists with the Sea Trust charity, based in Pembrokeshire, recorded the "dolphin-fest" from the deck…
Photographs of Irish Rock Pools Wins Fans in USA
#marinewildlife – Daragh Muldowney of Dulra photography has recently returned to Ireland from a whirl wind six week tour of the USA, where he successfully exhibited his collection of photographs of rock pools called Jewellery Box – Ireland's Hidden Gems.…
Bubble Feeding Whales Caught on Camera off Baltimore, West Cork
#whales – Unique video of whales "bubble feeding" off Baltimore was captured by sailor Youen Jacob Jnr just minutes after setting out from his home port at the weekjend. The RNLI lifeboat man and sailing champion Jacob, managed to photograph…
Twitter Fears Unfounded as Dingle's Fungie is Alive and Flipping
#FUNGIE - He was the subject of rumours of his demise earlier this week - but the people of Dingle say their most famous resident, Fungie the dolphin, is alive and flipping. A spokeswoman for Dingle Dolphin Boat Tours confirmed…
EU Aims to Reduce Marine Litter
#marinelitter – Marine litter is a serious threat to the coastal and marine environment. Marine habitats are contaminated with man-made garbage and other waste, posing growing environmental, economic, health and aesthetic problems. Marine litter is composed of up to 80…
Lobster Skirmish Caught On Video
#MARINE WILDLIFE - For something a little unusual on this Bank Holiday Monday, check out this video of lobsters locked in a duel beneath the waves in Co Donegal. This clash of crustaceans was captured on video by the Sheephaven…
Thirty Years of Fungie's Frolics in Dingle
#FUNGIE - A new video posted to YouTube celebrates 30 years of Fungie the dolphin in Dingle. The male bottlenose dolphin appeared from out of nowhere in the Co Kerry fishing village in 1983 and soon made it his home,…
One Week Left to Catch 'Shark Week' at Sea Life Bray
#MARINE WILDLIFE - There's still a week left to check out the Shark Week celebrations at Sea Life Bray. Till 4 November the centre on the promenade in Bray, Co Wicklow will be hosting events that take a closer look…
Conference Calls On UK Govt to 'Save Our Irish Sea'
#MARINE WILDLIFE - Marine experts are calling on the UK public to pile pressure on their government to create Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) to help protect and restore marine wildlife in the Irish Sea and around the British coast. The…
Pacific Beluga Whale Has a Donegal Accent
#MARINE WILDLIFE - US marine science experts have been baffled by a beluga whale whose speech-like vocalisations sound an awful lot like Donegal Irish! BBC News reports on research out of San Diego into the sounds made by a nine-year-old…
Porbeagle Sharks Tagged & Tracked Online by Marine Institute
#shark – October 2012 marks an important milestone for the Marine Institute and Irish Elasmobranch Group's porbeagle shark tagging project as five more porbeagles have been tagged off the Donegal coast by the project's expert shark angler, Peter McAuley. The…
Baltimore Whale Remains Dumped At Sea
#MARINE WILDLIFE - The carcass of the fin whale that died after being trapped in Baltimore Harbour two months ago has been towed out to sea after its presence in a conservation area attracted complaints. According to the Irish Examiner,…
Baltimore Whale Carcass Creating 'Rancid Oil Slick' in Conservation Area
#BALTIMORE WHALE - Nine weeks after the tragic demise of the Baltimore Harbour fin whale, its carcass is still afloat off West Cork, creating a “rancid oil slick” in a special conservation area, according to a local resident. Tom McCarthy…
Isle of Man Begins Seal Pup Survey
#MARINE WILDLIFE - The Manx Wildlife Trust has commenced its annual survey of seal pups on the Calf of Man, as Isle of Man Today reports. Volunteers will be on watch at the island nature reserve, off the southwest coast…
UK Conference to Uncover Secrets of the Irish Sea
#MARINE WILDLIFE - A marine wildlife conference in Cumbria aims to delve deep into the Irish Sea to uncover some of its fascinating secrets. The Living Seas North West Conference takes place at the Netherwood Hotel in Grange-over-Sands next Friday…
Hopes for Evidence of Coral Reefs in Irish Sea
#MARINE WILDLIFE - Might there be evidence of coral reefs in the Irish Sea? Johnny Woodlock of the Irish Seal Sanctuary believes so. Writing for Wildlife Extra, the Sea Fishery Advisory Group member recalls seeing a piece of coral that…

Marine Wildlife Around Ireland One of the greatest memories of any day spent boating around the Irish coast is an encounter with marine wildlife.  It's a thrill for young and old to witness seabirds, seals, dolphins and whales right there in their own habitat. As boaters fortunate enough to have experienced it will testify even spotting a distant dorsal fin can be the highlight of any day afloat.  Was that a porpoise? Was it a whale? No matter how brief the glimpse it's a privilege to share the seas with Irish marine wildlife.

Thanks to the location of our beautiful little island, perched in the North Atlantic Ocean there appears to be no shortage of marine life to observe.

From whales to dolphins, seals, sharks and other ocean animals this page documents the most interesting accounts of marine wildlife around our shores. We're keen to receive your observations, your photos, links and youtube clips.

Boaters have a unique perspective and all those who go afloat, from inshore kayaking to offshore yacht racing that what they encounter can be of real value to specialist organisations such as the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) who compile a list of sightings and strandings. The IWDG knowledge base has increased over the past 21 years thanks in part at least to the observations of sailors, anglers, kayakers and boaters.

Thanks to the IWDG work we now know we share the seas with dozens of species who also call Ireland home. Here's the current list: Atlantic white-sided dolphin, beluga whale, blue whale, bottlenose dolphin, common dolphin, Cuvier's beaked whale, false killer whale, fin whale, Gervais' beaked whale, harbour porpoise, humpback whale, killer whale, minke whale, northern bottlenose whale, northern right whale, pilot whale, pygmy sperm whale, Risso's dolphin, sei whale, Sowerby's beaked whale, sperm whale, striped dolphin, True's beaked whale and white-beaked dolphin.

But as impressive as the species list is the IWDG believe there are still gaps in our knowledge. Next time you are out on the ocean waves keep a sharp look out!