Marine Environment, Science, wildlife, weather & Ocean energy
 A four horned crab in red seaweed dress discovered at Geeha on Galway bay
Coastwatch is appealing for volunteers over the Spring tide period to participate in its annual coastal survey which has been extended to October 21st writes Lorna Siggins Recent stormy weather and heavy rain have curtailed this year’s effort, and Coastwatch coordinator…
Dr Peter Heffernan
Dr Heffernan has served as the CEO of the Marine Institute since 1993 and has held a highly successful role in building and leading the organisation. The semi-state agency has grown from a staff of one to 230, which now…
Dredging and Quay Wall Construction Works at Smooth Point, Killybegs Fishery Harbour Centre, Co. Donegal
Dredging and quay construction works will be underway at Smooth Point, Killybegs Fishery Harbour Centre from late October 2019 until July 2020. Plant on site shall include the Capall Mara Backhoe Dredger (Callsign: MBSF3), modular pontoon dredgers, split hopper barges,…
At the 2014 Ocean Wealth conference were (from left) Simon Coveney, TD then Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine with Dr Peter Heffernan, CEO, Marine Institute, An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, TD, Miguel Margues of sponsor PricewaterhouseCooper and John Killeen, Chairman, Marine Institute
Tánaiste Simon Coveney has paid tribute to outgoing Marine Institute chief executive Dr Peter Heffernan for the “phenomenal impact” he has had on Irish and international scientific research writes Lorna Siggins. Dr Heffernan has been a “trailblazer, demanding political attention”,…
Artist’s interpretation of Carboniferous tetrapod from Scotland by Rachel Carr, copyright National Museums Scotland. Inset: Fossil amphibian bone from County Clare.
The fossilized bones of a tiny amphibian-like creature that scurried around the shores of County Clare 325 million years ago have been discovered by Dr Eamon Doyle, a geologist for the Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark and…
Marine Minister Michael Creed
In the budget, Marine Minister Michael Creed has made provision for the Department’s Seafood Programme to increase by €5 million, to a total of €137.8 million. The provision, says Creed, will help fund vital investment in our fishery harbours, most…
Brown Trout
If there is one species to survive climate breakdown or transfer to a new planet, it is very likely to be the wild brown trout. Humans may think they have “superpowers”, but the trout (Salmo Trutta) beats us all, according…
Damian Foxall (left) with marine biologists Lucy Hunt and Niall McAllister
Two centuries after the “white continent” was recorded officially for the first time by an expedition led by Irishman Edward Bransfield, Kerry round-the-world offshore racer Damian Foxall plans to explore Antarctica by sail. Kerry-born Foxall will be accompanied on his…
New CEO - Dr Paul Connolly
Dr Paul Connolly has been announced as the Chief Executive Officer of the Marine Institute, Ireland’s state agency for marine research, technology development and innovation. The appointment follows the upcoming retirement of Dr Peter Heffernan after 27 years as CEO…
GMIT-Led Research Team Launches World’s First Shellfish Traceability Tool
Studies carried out by a research team led by Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) have resulted in the development of the world's first scientific-based shellfish traceability tool. This unique tool used ‘trace elemental fingerprinting’ of shellfish soft tissues and shells…
New Book On Clare Island ‘Shines Spotlight On Its Richness Of Life’
One hundred years ago, Irish naturalist Robert Lloyd Praeger led a survey of the natural history and cultural heritage of Clare Island in Co Mayo at a level of detail greater than any area of comparable size at that time.…
The cetacean spotted at Dublin Port this afternoon
Update Friday 4 October: RTÉ News is now reporting that the whale, now identified as a 25ft fin whale and believed to be a juvenile, was found dead in Dublin Port this morning. RTÉ News reports on a suspected whale sighting…
The predicted track of Hurricane Lorenzo as of Monday morning
Met Éireann says the progress of Hurricane Lorenzo this week and any potential impacts for Ireland “are being closely monitored”. The powerful weather system, which is currently threatening the Azores in the mid-Atlantic, was recently the most easterly Category 5…
In the UK, the newest polar research ship is to be formally named the RRS Sir David Attenborough today by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The royals will follow tradition by smashing a bottle of champagne against the hull…
The ROV Holland 1 ready to be deployed at dawn from the RV Celtic Explorer
An Irish-led, international team of marine scientists on board the RV Celtic Explorer recently completed the third and final leg of an extensive offshore reef study using the Marine Institute’s remote operated vehicle (ROV) Holland 1. The 21-day expedition investigating…
Barrow Blueway Plan ‘About Much More Than Water-Based Pursuits’
Heritage Minister Josepha Madigan has championed plans to upgrade the Barrow Canal towpath as a 46km blueway as a major economic boon for the communities it connects in counties Laois and Kildare. The upgrade scheme between Lowtown and Athy in…

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