Marine Environment, Science, wildlife, weather & Ocean energy
IWDG 21st Anniversary Banquet in November
The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) will celebrate its 21st anniversary at a special banquet on Saturday 19 November at the Grand Hotel in Malahide, Co Dublin. The evening will consist of a three-course meal and entertainment including music…
Time Running Out for Scotland's Resident Killer Whales
Time may be running out for Scotland's only resident pod of killer whales, the Scotsman reports. The four males and five females have been studied at their home in the west of Scotland by the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust…
Scientists Set to Show Off in Salthill
Hundreds of experts will be showcasing their work in marine science, weather and astronomy in Galway next Friday 23 September, the Galway Advertiser reports. The special family-oriented Sea2Sky event - organised by NUI Galway in tandem with the…
NI Recovers After Battering by Hurricane Katia
Northern Ireland is recovering after Hurricane Katia left power cuts and travel distruption in its wake. As previously reported on, the remains of Hurrican Katia had been expected to strike hardest in the northern half of Ireland. The…
New Marine Atlas Answers Important Questions
A new edition of the North Western Waters Atlas has just been published, showing the key biological features of the waters around Ireland. The Atlas brings together in one volume the answers to such diverse questions as: How is rising…
Hurricane Katia Set to Hit Ireland
"Phenomenal" ocean conditions will be of grave concern to vessels in Irish waters from tomorrow evening as Hurricane Katia makes its approach to Ireland. As the Irish Independent reports, Met Éireann has considered issuing a severe weater warning today, predicting…
New Machines Changing the Rules for Wave Power
New Scientist has highlighted some of the latest technologies being developed to harness power from the sea. Companies such as Pelamis Wave Power and Aquamarine Power are already testing prototypes of their so-called wave energy 'harvesters' - enormous machines…
Celtic Mist Will Track Elusive Blue Whale
The infamous Celtic Mist is set to be used to track one of the most elusive marine animals in Irish waters. The Irish Examiner reports that one of the first duties of the yacht under its new ownership by the…
Proposals Unveiled for Marine Conservation Zones in England and Wales
Proposals to create more than 100 conservation zones to protect marine wildlife and plantlife in England and Wales have been unveiled. BBC News reports that the proposals - covering waters around the English and Welsh coastlines, including parts of…
Welsh Keep a Look Out for Leatherback Turtles
Beachgoers in Wales have been urged to watch out for leatherback turtles who have come to the Irish Sea attracted by the rising numbers of jellyfish. There have already been a dozen sightings of the endangered marine creatures off the…
Ireland Risks Missing Out On Renewable Energy Benefits
Ireland must do more to develop its port and shipping services or risk missing out on the benefits of the growning renewable energy sector. That was the message from a new analysis compiled by the Sustainable Energy Authority of…
'Ireland's Hidden Depths' Uncovered in New Book
The wealth of marine wildlife inhabiting the shallow waters around the Irish coast is highlighted in a new book. Ireland's Hidden Depths, published by Sherkin Island Marine Station, features photography by Paul Kay, who has studied the marine wildlife…
Pulsars Discoveries by NUI Galway Astronomers
Astronomers from NUI Galway's Centre for Astronomy have made an important breakthrough in the understanding of how pulsars work, and have recently published their findings in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The team, led by NUI Galway's…
Ireland’s Countdown to Rocket-Ship Launch!
With the recent failure of an un-manned Russian rocket reaching the International Space Station, and its subsequent crash into Siberia coupled with NASA's retired shuttle programme, perhaps the solution to reaching orbit lies much closer to home, writes Jehan Ashmore.…
Celtic Mist Needs Funds for Refit
The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) has published a notice for its plans to refit Celtic Mist as a research vessel. As previously reported on, Celtic Mist was gifted to the IWDG by the Haughey family to help…
Lusitania Divers Recover a Number of Items
Divers at the wreck of the Lusitania have recovered important items from the ill-fated cruise liner, The Irish Times reports. The haul includes a bronze telemotor (part of the ship's steering mechanism), a telegraph that assisted in navigation, and…

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