Marine Environment, Science, wildlife, weather & Ocean energy
Scientists Probe Claims that Pollution Caused Pilot Whale Strandings
The Daily Telegraph reports that scientists are investigating the possibility of a link between the recent mass stranding of pilot whales in Scotland and the dumping of toxic waste into the sea. Though no connection has ever been…
Take Part in New Survey on Boating Holidays in Ireland is looking forward to the results of a new survey on boating holidays in Ireland. Fáilte Ireland is looking to hear from anyone who has recently enjoyed a boating holiday in Ireland to learn about their experiences, and…
On the Trail of Fin Whales in West Cork
Ireland's Wildlife's Calvin Jones recently joined the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group on the trail of fin whales off the West Cork coast. Following reports of sightings just off the coastline, IWDG researchers set off with group members and a…
Protection Needed for Horse Mussels in Strangford Lough
A new study from Queen's University Belfast has revealed the extent of damage to horse mussel reefs in Strangford Lough, the Bray People reports. The report highlighted a lack of action on the part of the NI government departments…
Entente Cordiale - Glenans Ireland Reunites with France
After a quarter of a century, Glenans Irish Sailing Club has been reunited with its French parent association, writes Bryan Dobson. Well known to generations of Irish dinghy and keel boat sailors, the Glénans sail training bases at Baltimore, Co…
Pilot Whales Returned to Sea, But 25 Die
Forty-four stranded pilot whales have been returned to open water after a mass beaching in the Scottish Highlands, The Independent reports. Medics from British Divers Marine Life Rescue joined the coastguard and navy working  through the night to right whales…
Making a Splash With the Family in Ireland
Watersports holidays at home make the perfect family getaway, according to The Irish Times. The paper recently rounded up some of the best spots for making a splash with the kids – such as surfing, diving and cliff jumping in…
Dolphins Watched Over Drowned Irishman
A pod of dolphins attempted to save the life of an Irishman who drowned in Australia last month after only six weeks in the country. Irish Central reports that Shaun McBride from Donegal was dismantling scaffolding at a wharf in…
Hooded Crows Cause a Stir Among Bangor's 'Black Penguins'
Black guillemots have been driven out of their long-time homes around Bangor harbour - by hooded crows. BBC News reports that the crafty crows have been raiding nesting holes throughout the harbour, and have almost eliminated this year's brood…
Fun On The Water You May Not Have Tried
This week The Irish Times highlights a host of water-based activities that you may not have tried. From kitesurfing to paddle boarding, urban fishing to SCUBA diving and even moonlight kayaking, there's surely a new experience for everyone from the…
Humpback Whales Spotted Off Kerry, Dublin Coasts
Humpback whales have already returned to Irish waters, with recent impressive sightings off Dublin and Kerry, Irish Weather Online reports. According to the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG), a scallop fisherman reported a 'spouting' whale near his boat last…
What Happened to the Lusitania?
American Gregg Bemis is headed to Ireland for what may be the last major dive to the wreck of the Lusitania. Bemis, who owns the wreck of the former Cunard cruise liner torpedoed off the Cork coast in 1915, told…
Irish Oil Firm Wins Lucrative Australian Gas Field Contract
A US$2 billion-plus contract to work in the Gorgon gas fields project in Western Australia has gone to Irish oil company Kentz, the Irish Echo reports. The work involves support in various aspects of the construction of three processing plants…
Irish Lead Mission to Find New Life on the Ocean Floor
A new Irish-led marine research mission has set off to discover strange new lifeforms that inhabit the deepest parts of our oceans. In collaboration with scientists from the UK’s National Oceanography Centre, the team sailed from Galway earlier this…
Cork City Dolphin Dies in Fisherman's Arms
A Cork fisherman has described his anguish after one of three dolphins that recently made their home in the River Lee died in his nets. Anthony Quilligan was fishing downriver from Cork city with his father Simon when they were…
Minister Coveney And Irish MEPS Now Have Responsibility for Fixing Irish and EU Fisheries
OCEAN2012 Ireland issued the following statement on the European Commission's proposal for reform of the European Union's Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). "The Commission's proposal includes solid targets for the recovery of European fish stocks, including requiring that measures be taken…

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