Marine Environment, Science, wildlife, weather & Ocean energy
Kelly to Give Keynote Address at Wind Energy Conference
Sean Kelly, Fine Gael MEP for Ireland South, will address the IWEA in Dublin this week. As the national association for the wind industry in Ireland, the IWEA aims to educate and build awareness in order to promote the use…
A Southern Expedition Claims 'new found land' in Needles Channel
It may not quite live up to the adventurous exploits of Scott and Shackelton, but an intrepid group from the Hamble-based Royal Southern Yacht Club, led by Mike 'Pike' Jones, Peter Delbridge and Tim Robinson, sought out new Solent territories…
Marine Sector Could Boost Tourism
Writing in the Irish Examiner yesterday, Donal Hickey points Ireland's tourism authorities towards our abundant marine wildlife as a draw for potential visitors. Hickey makes note of the "multi-million euro industry" built up around Fungie the dolphin in Dingle and…
Clare County Council Approves Doolin Development
The controversial €6 million deveopment of Doolin Point has been backed unanimously by Clare councillors. Clare county manager Tom Coughlan had recommended giving approval for the revised plan, which was submitted after surfers expressed concerns over the impact of the…
Scotland To Host World's Biggest Tidal Power Array
Scotland's west coast will be home to the world's largest tidal power facility, it has been announced. The £40 million (€45.9 million) 10MW tidal array, to be developed by ScottishPower Renewables in the Sound of Islay, will generate power for…
Record Dolphin Strandings 'Inexplicable'
There is growing concern over the rising number of dolphin deaths along Ireland's south coast, the Irish Examiner reports. The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) announced that a record 19 common dolphins washed up dead in Cork, Waterford and…
'The Sea: One of Ireland's Greatest Natural Resources' - Coveney
In his first week in office Marine Minister Simon Coveney has moved to highlight the significance of the marine sector to Ireland. The statement came in his first official engagement at the new Department of Agriculture, Marine and Food. Minister…
Marine Institute Welcomes Minister for Agriculture, Marine and Food
The Marine Institute has issued a statement congratulating Mr Simon Coveney TD on his new appointment as the Minister for Agriculture, Marine and Food today (11th March 2011), during his visit on board the RV Celtic Explorer in Cork, after…
MEP Highlights Possibilities for Marine Tourism
An Irish MEP has urged the new Government to exploit the "endless possibilities" of marine tourism in Ireland. Speaking at the European Parliament in Strasbourg earlier this week, Sean Kelly MEP said: "“My own constituency of Ireland South alone boasts…
New Thermal Imaging System Spots Whale Spouts 2km Away
Current Corporation has announced successful results of tests involving the simulation and detection of whale spouts with its new Night Navigator 3 thermal imaging camera system. An air compressor was used to simulate the spout of a whale in…
Renewable Energy 'Milestone' for Northern Ireland
The UK's Crown Estate has announced a consultation on making areas of Northern Ireland's sea bed available for renewable energy projects, Business & Leadership reports. The consultation process will inflence leasing rounds for offshore wind and tidal energy projects in…
Aran Island Fast-Ferries Sold to Mauritius Operator
Two former Aran Islands fast-passenger ferries have been sold to a buyer in Mauritius, the island nation which lies southeast off the African continent in the Indian Ocean, and some 900km east of Madagascar, writes Jehan Ashmore. The ferries Clann…
Donegal Wind Farm Faces Criticism
A Donegal conservation group has hit out at An Bord Pleanála for approving plans for a 13-turbine wind farm in a scenic Gaeltacht area. The Irish Times reports that businessman PJ Molloy originally sought permission for 35 wind turbines with…
Irish Sea Marine Habitats to Get Greater Protection
Areas along Cumbria's coast could have greater protection under new plans for the conservation of marine habitats. The Irish Sea Conversation Zones project is currently recommending areas to the UK government that could be designated for marine conservation. BBC News…
Scientists Await Data from Galway Wave Energy Test
The Irish Times reports that a number of European universities and research centres are eagerly awaiting the data from the latest wave energy test buoy deployed in Galway Bay. Cork company Ocean Energy Ltd is behind the latest test and…
Carey Courts Criticism Over Corrib Pipeline Approval
Controversy has arisen over the decision by outgoing Minister for Energy Pat Carey to grant key consents for the Corrib gas pipeline on the day of the general election. According to the Irish Times, the Department of Energy said consent…

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