The issue has raised its head on Dublin bay at the SB3 world championships where after the first three rounds the leading English boat is called ''
At the same venue, last year, Ireland's largest yacht club Dublin Bay Sailing Club took action when it refused to print the name of the yacht 'Kit off' in its results or club yearbook.
It appears the SB3 boat name has done nothing to endear the event leaders to the media either.
For example David O'Brien in the Irish Times side stepped the issue in this morning's paper by simply recording the helmsman rather than the boat name. Other papers have ignored the results altogether.
If this boat continues its current performance will organisers be happy to announce them at the winners podium on Friday? Should a name such as this be engraved on the 'magnificent Waterford Crystal Trophy'?
Given one of the main thrusts of the not insignificant marketing campaign behind the Lasers SB3 is family appeal, does this confer a responsibility on the class association to deal with it?
Should they censor or is it harmless fun? What's in a name? We'd like to hear your view. [email protected]