The new section will be launched at the association's headquarters, CA House, in London's Limehouse on Sunday October 30th. and covers the French coast from Dunkerque in the east to Portsall in the west, including the Channel Islands.
The inaugural meeting is open to non-members as well as members and will include talks by experts on crossing the Channel, sailing the Brittany coast and the Channel Islands.
Judith Grimwade, the CA's Chair of Sections Group says, "There are thousands of people who cruise the waters of Northern France and the Channel Islands, or would like to, and this new section has been designed for them. Not only does it provide a one-stop-shop for up-to-date information on sailing in the area but also there are experts on hand to give advice on everything from where to moor to which restaurants serve the best Moules Frites. Section members also benefit from discounts on products and services as well as the invaluable local knowledge provided by our team of Honorary Local Representatives (HLRs). A programme of events is in preparation."