
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

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The Optimist Dinghy's Good News Story Sails Into Dublin Bay
#OppiEuros2014 – This weekend sees a truly international sailing event taking shape in Dun Laoghaire, with the Optimist European Open Championship attracting 250 young sailors from 44 nations (32 European, 12 others). They will take to the waters of Dublin…
west cork sailing
The sailing paradise of West Cork on Ireland's south-west coast is at its best right now, and the south coast fleets are already heading that way for the traditional West Cork regattas in August. WM Nixon reflects on the magic sailing region…
Who Is To Blame For The Decline in Sailing?
#sailing – Sailing is a sport, not the qualification of a superior social standing. Is that fully understood by everyone involved in the sport or is there still an element of elitism which needs to be eradicated? The term 'yachting' was…
A New Maritime Safety Strategy But Will Irish Maritime Administration Listen or Dictate?
#seachange – The Government is planning a new maritime safety strategy. The Irish Maritime Administration, which is effectively the Coast Guard and other aspects of maritime transport within the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, has decided that Ireland needs…
Ireland's Oldest Wooden Boats Aren't Getting Any Younger
#woodenboats – On Midsummer's Day, W M Nixon looks back on the already busy and event-filled Irish season of 2014, and reflects on the extraordinary longevity of some boats, their remarkable variety, and the diverse characters who own them. When…
Changing Nature of Cork Harbour, Marine Wildlife & B31 Iceberg Breaks–Off
#thisislandnation – Enjoying the current good spell of weather in the South of the country I have been reflecting on how marvellous Nature and marine wildlife is and how fortunate it is to have ownership of a boat which allows…
Fun Sailing at ICRA's Cruiser–Racer Nationals at The Royal Irish Yacht Club
#cruiserracing – The opening day of the ICRA Nationals at the Royal Irish YC in Dun Laoghaire offered W M Nixon the chance of a painless transition through Friday 13th, and the discovery that there is a life after spinnakers.…
A Lifetime in Kinsale Boats – Ships, Fishing, Piracy, Hanging & A Happy Ending
#islandnation – Entering Kinsale Harbour, east of the Bulman Buoy, is a prominent 200-foot cliff rising sharply above the sea. It is known as Hangman Point and was the location of a gibbet, a warning to everyone not to engage…
The Spirit of James Bond Will Sail On In Dublin Bay
#cruiserracing – The three day ICRA Nationals begin next Friday (June 13th) at the Royal Irish YC in Dun Laoghaire. The entry of one hundred and eleven boats from all parts of Ireland will inevitably see the numbers emphasis on…
This Island Nation Podcast (June) – Irish Maritime Interests Are Wide & Varied
#thisilandnation – There are 11 different storylines in this month's THIS ISLAND NATION programme here on the Afloat website, underlining the wide variety of maritime topics to be reported. They range from an exclusive interview with the head of the…
Sailing's Dublin Bay Wags, Solent XODs – They're Two of A Kind
#historicboats – The historic Water Wag class in Dun Laoghaire have been doing well for some time now, but for 2014 they're already showing even more vitality. W M Nixon reckons they're right up there with the famous X One…
Rivers That Flow Through Our Cities Should Be Utilised
#thisislandnation – We don't make enough use of the rivers which flow through our cities. These ribbons of life to our major urban centres pass through the heart of the cities where the pressure of traffic and pedestrians shows more…
Racing Wooden Boats Round Lambay's Traditional Course Simplifies Yacht Racing
#hyc – Simplify the courses, make the starts more accessible, and sign up interesting boats, ideally with historical interest - those are some of W M Nixon's suggestions for stimulating sailing. They're going back to their sailing roots in Howth. The historic Lambay…
Sailing Friendships Lead to a Meeting By The Kittiwakes In Dunmore East
#islandnation – The 'reach' of friendship which sailing has was demonstrated to me when I was trying to record kittiwakes who live on the cliff face in Dunmore East. The County Waterford fishing port has a colony of the black-legged…
ICRA Link–Up With Kinsale 2015 Underlines Cruiser–Racer Willingness To Guide & Go With The Flow
#cruiserracing – As we start to emerge from seven years of recession, we find the world of sailing has undergone changes which may have not been noticed in the struggle for economic survival. To prosper today, it seems that sailing…
Coastal Communities Endeavour to Maintain Ireland's Maritime Heritage
#thisislandnation – After an absence of several years it is a pleasure to return to the airwaves, a decision I have taken in pursuance of my belief that the national media is seriously neglectful of maritime matters. The marine sphere…

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