
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Clare County Council Undertake Emergency Flood Defence Works

23rd January 2014
Clare County Council Undertake Emergency Flood Defence Works

Clare County Council is to commence emergency flood defence works along the County Clare coastline near Quilty over fears that up to 15 homes could experience flooding.

Recent storms caused significant coastal erosion at Cloughaninchy leaving private residential properties exposed to flooding by sea water.

The local authority is investing 50,000 euro, which it says it will seek to recoup from any future funding allocation from Government, to install approximately one thousand 1-tonne bags of rock and sand as an interim flood defence barrier.

Cloughaninchy is already the subject of a funding application submitted to Government by Clare County Council. The local authority is seeking €2,581,250 to undertake permanent coastal protection works over a 800 metre stretch of coastline as well as repairs to a road, sewage pumping station and bridge, all damaged by recent flooding.

Mayor of Clare Cllr. Joe Arkins commented: "In recent days Clare County Council has met with residents at Cloughaninchy to discuss ways of addressing the very real threat of flooding posed to a number of residential properties. I want to praise the Chairman of the residents group, Michael Neenan for his pragmatic approach and to acknowledge the support of my fellow elected members in ensuring these works will now proceed."

Clare County Manager, Tom Coughlan says he has informed the Department of the Environment of the local authority's plans to proceed with emergency flood defence works.

In a letter to Sean Hogan, who is National Director for Fire and Emergency Management at the Department of the Environment, Mr. Coughlan stated: "The Council has undertaken a survey of the levels of coastline and it appears that the level of the high tides which are due in early February may exceed the height of the shoreline which has been reduced as a consequence of the storms. Such an occurrence, without the benefit of interim defence works, would probably result in flooding of private residential properties which have already suffered flooding earlier this month."

He continued: "The only apparent possible defence to this undesirable flooding event is the construction of coastal protection over a length of approximately 800 metres. It is not possible, for a number of reasons, to construct a permanent protection of rock armour at this time. However, in order to attempt to provide an interim defence, Clare County Council is proceeding with the construction of a temporary barrier of bags of material and other works along the shoreline. This temporary barrier will be constructed on the private properties along the shore and an agreement has been entered into between the landowners and the Council to facilitate the necessary works."

"Clare County Council has not made financial provision for this emergency work which may cost in excess of €50,000 – however, we have no option but to make every effort to safeguard the properties at Cloughaninchy," concluded Mr. Coughlan

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The topics in Coastal Notes can also be about the rare finding of sea-life creatures, a historic shipwreck lost to the passage of time and which has yet many a secret to tell. A trawler's net caught hauling more than fish but cannon balls dating to the Napoleonic era.

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It's all there, as Coastal Notes tells the stories that are arguably as varied to the environment from which they came from and indeed which shape people's interaction with the surrounding environment that is the natural world and our relationship with the sea.