
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Marine Wildlife
Work Begins to Eliminate Sea Squirts in North Wales
#MARINE WILDLIFE - Work on exterminating sea squirts at a marina in north Wales has begun. The £250,000 (€301,000) project by the Countryside Council for Wales involves attaching giant bags to the subsurface structures around the marina in Holyhead, which…
Video of Talk on the 'Mysterious' Basking Shark
#MARINE WILDLIFE - TED have posted video of the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group's Dr Simon Berrow giving a talk on the biggest fish in Ireland's waters, the mysterious basking shark. The second largest fish in the world, basking sharks…
Humpback Whale Spotted Off Achill
#MARINE WILDLIFE - The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group has confirmed the sighting of a humpback whale off Achill Island in Co Mayo last weekend. Surfers off Keel Beach were credited with the discovery, after spotting a large whale of…
Irish Sea Far From 'Dirty, Lifeless' Says New Website
#MARINE WILDLIFE - The UK's Wildlife Trusts have launched a new website in an effort to redress the idea that the Irish Sea is "a dirty, lifeless" place. As BBC News reports, the trusts' Cheryl Nicholson put down the Irish…
First Humpback Whale Sighting of 2012 Is a Newcomer
#MARINE WILDLIFE - Ireland's first humpback whale of the year has been spotted off the Wexford coast. The sighting was made yesterday by whale-watchers among a pod of fin whales some three miles south of Hook Head, according to…
IWDG to Host European Cetacean Conference in Galway This March
#MARINE WILDLIFE - The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) will host the 26th annual European Cetacean Society Conference in Galway on the weekend of 24-25 March this year. The Galway Bay Hotel will be the site for the main…
Fin Whale 'Feeding Frenzy' Off Hook Head
#MARINE WILDLIFE - A "feeding frenzy" involving a pod of fin whales was spotted off Hook Head in Co Wexford last week, The Irish Times reports. And according to Andrew Malcolm of the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG), two…
Omey Island Whale Buried at Sea
#MARINE WILDLIFE - The Irish Times reports that the sperm whale that was stranded in Connemara at the end of last year has been buried at sea. The 13-metre whale carcass has attracted thousands of onlookers to Omey Island in…
Record Year for Whale and Dolphin Strandings
#MARINE WILDLIFE - The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) says 2011 was a record year for whale and dolphin strandings, according to The Irish Times. IWDG co-ordinator Dr Simon Berrow confirmed a total of 160 strandings reported by year's…
Whales, Dolphin Found Beached on West Coast
#MARINE WILDLIFE - Three whales and a dolphin were found beached over the past few days along Ireland's west coast, according to the Belfast Telegraph. Dr Simon Berrow of the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group confirmed that reports had been…
Bottlenose Dolphin Pod Seen Again Off Dublin Coast
#MARINE WILDLIFE - They were thought to have disappeared from the east coast in October after delighting wildlife enthusiasts in Dublin and Wicklow. But concerns that one of the group had died were swept side when the pod of three…
Second Fin Whale Stranding for Sligo
#MARINE WILDLIFE - Sligo County Council is considering its options for disposal after the county's second whale stranding of the winter, when a 60ft male fin whale was beached at Agharrow. A spokesperson told the Sligo Champion that the whale…
Public Needed to Help Record Whale and Dolphin Strandings in UK
#MARINE WILDLIFE - Some 46 reports of stranded whales and dolphins in Northern Ireland are among the thousands recorded across the UK over the last six years, according to BBC News. A new study co-ordinated by the Zoological Socoety of…
Fin Whales Could Be Wexford Bound
#MARINE WILDLIFE - The Enniscorthy Guardian reports that the fin whales that have been sighted off Tramore in recent weeks may soon make their way towards the Wexford coast. recently reported that Waterford was the 'best place to be'…
Dead Seals Washed Up at Fethard-on-Sea
#MARINE WILDLIFE - The Gorey Guardian reports that the bodies of two grey seals were found washed up last week on Booley Bay beach, near Fethard-on-Sea in Co Wexford. The two seal pups were found in an emaciated and malnourished…
First Sighting of a Dolphin in an Irish Lake
#MARINE WILDLIFE - The first recorded sighting of a dolphin in an Irish lake has been reported by the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG), according to The Irish Times. The dolphin was spotted in Lough Hyne, a saltwater lake…

Marine Wildlife Around Ireland One of the greatest memories of any day spent boating around the Irish coast is an encounter with marine wildlife.  It's a thrill for young and old to witness seabirds, seals, dolphins and whales right there in their own habitat. As boaters fortunate enough to have experienced it will testify even spotting a distant dorsal fin can be the highlight of any day afloat.  Was that a porpoise? Was it a whale? No matter how brief the glimpse it's a privilege to share the seas with Irish marine wildlife.

Thanks to the location of our beautiful little island, perched in the North Atlantic Ocean there appears to be no shortage of marine life to observe.

From whales to dolphins, seals, sharks and other ocean animals this page documents the most interesting accounts of marine wildlife around our shores. We're keen to receive your observations, your photos, links and youtube clips.

Boaters have a unique perspective and all those who go afloat, from inshore kayaking to offshore yacht racing that what they encounter can be of real value to specialist organisations such as the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) who compile a list of sightings and strandings. The IWDG knowledge base has increased over the past 21 years thanks in part at least to the observations of sailors, anglers, kayakers and boaters.

Thanks to the IWDG work we now know we share the seas with dozens of species who also call Ireland home. Here's the current list: Atlantic white-sided dolphin, beluga whale, blue whale, bottlenose dolphin, common dolphin, Cuvier's beaked whale, false killer whale, fin whale, Gervais' beaked whale, harbour porpoise, humpback whale, killer whale, minke whale, northern bottlenose whale, northern right whale, pilot whale, pygmy sperm whale, Risso's dolphin, sei whale, Sowerby's beaked whale, sperm whale, striped dolphin, True's beaked whale and white-beaked dolphin.

But as impressive as the species list is the IWDG believe there are still gaps in our knowledge. Next time you are out on the ocean waves keep a sharp look out!