
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Marine Wildlife
Bottlenose Dolphins Make New Home in Donegal
The Irish Independent reports that some 100 bottlenose dolphins have made a new home off the Donegal coast in the past week. The pod of bottlenoses - a rare treat in Irish waters compared to the near ubiquitous common dolphin…
All-Ireland Whale Watch Day Next Weekend
All are invited to take part in the All-Ireland Whale Watch Day next Sunday 21 August. The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) is organising 13 land-based whale watches from headlands around the Irish coast on the day from 2pm-5pm…
Blue Lobster a Big Surprise for Clare Couple
A rare blue lobster has become and unlikely tourist attraction in Co Clare, the Irish Times reports. The lobster - its blue hue believed to be caused by a genetic trait similar to albinism in humans - avoided the…
Scientists Probe Claims that Pollution Caused Pilot Whale Strandings
The Daily Telegraph reports that scientists are investigating the possibility of a link between the recent mass stranding of pilot whales in Scotland and the dumping of toxic waste into the sea. Though no connection has ever been…
On the Trail of Fin Whales in West Cork
Ireland's Wildlife's Calvin Jones recently joined the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group on the trail of fin whales off the West Cork coast. Following reports of sightings just off the coastline, IWDG researchers set off with group members and a…
Protection Needed for Horse Mussels in Strangford Lough
A new study from Queen's University Belfast has revealed the extent of damage to horse mussel reefs in Strangford Lough, the Bray People reports. The report highlighted a lack of action on the part of the NI government departments…
Pilot Whales Returned to Sea, But 25 Die
Forty-four stranded pilot whales have been returned to open water after a mass beaching in the Scottish Highlands, The Independent reports. Medics from British Divers Marine Life Rescue joined the coastguard and navy working  through the night to right whales…
Dolphins Watched Over Drowned Irishman
A pod of dolphins attempted to save the life of an Irishman who drowned in Australia last month after only six weeks in the country. Irish Central reports that Shaun McBride from Donegal was dismantling scaffolding at a wharf in…
Hooded Crows Cause a Stir Among Bangor's 'Black Penguins'
Black guillemots have been driven out of their long-time homes around Bangor harbour - by hooded crows. BBC News reports that the crafty crows have been raiding nesting holes throughout the harbour, and have almost eliminated this year's brood…
Humpback Whales Spotted Off Kerry, Dublin Coasts
Humpback whales have already returned to Irish waters, with recent impressive sightings off Dublin and Kerry, Irish Weather Online reports. According to the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG), a scallop fisherman reported a 'spouting' whale near his boat last…
Cork City Dolphin Dies in Fisherman's Arms
A Cork fisherman has described his anguish after one of three dolphins that recently made their home in the River Lee died in his nets. Anthony Quilligan was fishing downriver from Cork city with his father Simon when they were…
IWDG Confirms 175 Sightings in June
The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) has validated 175 sighting records for June 2011. The most commonly recorded species were bottlenose dolphins, accounting for 28 per cent  of all sightings, followed by harbour porpoise (25%), minke whales (13.6%), common…
Student On the Seas for Whale and Dolphin Survey
A mature student from the Galway Mayo Institute of Technology is taking part in the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group's Ship Surveys Programme. Irish Weather Online reports that Enda McKeogh is on board the Marine Institute's research vessel Celtic Explorer…
Scientists Tracking Seabirds by GPS
A new EU-funded project is tracking the movements of seabirds along the Atlantic coastlines of Ireland, the UK, France, Spain and Portugal. The Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment (FAME) project aims to pinpoint areas that are important for Europe's…
Seal Sanctuary Pulls Out of Courtown
The Irish Seal Sanctuary (ISS) is leaving Courtown after being unable to reach agreement on the lease for its premises. Founder and co-director Brendan Price told The Irish Times last Monday that the group had been "locked out" of its…
More Whales Spotted in Irish Waters
Killer whales and a humpback whale have been spotted off the coast of Northern Ireland in recent weeks, according to the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG). Irish Weather Online quotes the IWDG's Pádraig Whooley, who said three killer whales…

Marine Wildlife Around Ireland One of the greatest memories of any day spent boating around the Irish coast is an encounter with marine wildlife.  It's a thrill for young and old to witness seabirds, seals, dolphins and whales right there in their own habitat. As boaters fortunate enough to have experienced it will testify even spotting a distant dorsal fin can be the highlight of any day afloat.  Was that a porpoise? Was it a whale? No matter how brief the glimpse it's a privilege to share the seas with Irish marine wildlife.

Thanks to the location of our beautiful little island, perched in the North Atlantic Ocean there appears to be no shortage of marine life to observe.

From whales to dolphins, seals, sharks and other ocean animals this page documents the most interesting accounts of marine wildlife around our shores. We're keen to receive your observations, your photos, links and youtube clips.

Boaters have a unique perspective and all those who go afloat, from inshore kayaking to offshore yacht racing that what they encounter can be of real value to specialist organisations such as the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) who compile a list of sightings and strandings. The IWDG knowledge base has increased over the past 21 years thanks in part at least to the observations of sailors, anglers, kayakers and boaters.

Thanks to the IWDG work we now know we share the seas with dozens of species who also call Ireland home. Here's the current list: Atlantic white-sided dolphin, beluga whale, blue whale, bottlenose dolphin, common dolphin, Cuvier's beaked whale, false killer whale, fin whale, Gervais' beaked whale, harbour porpoise, humpback whale, killer whale, minke whale, northern bottlenose whale, northern right whale, pilot whale, pygmy sperm whale, Risso's dolphin, sei whale, Sowerby's beaked whale, sperm whale, striped dolphin, True's beaked whale and white-beaked dolphin.

But as impressive as the species list is the IWDG believe there are still gaps in our knowledge. Next time you are out on the ocean waves keep a sharp look out!