
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Marine Wildlife
Dusty The Dolphin Makes Herself At Home Near Inis Oírr
#MarineWildlife - Dusty the dolphin has found a new home at Inis Oírr in the Aran Islands, prompting a local campaign to warn locals and visitors alike of the potential dangers of swimming with the unpredictable cetacean. Previously known as…
Locals Defy Advice To Refloat Two Whales From Donegal Beach
#MarineWildlife - Two of the stranded pilot whales at Falcarragh in Co Donegal have been refloated by locals against advice to leave them alone to die naturally. According to RTÉ News, the public was warned away from the strand -…
Stranded Pilot Whales Being Left To Die Naturally
#MarineWildlife - More sad news from Ballyness Beach in Falcarragh this morning (8 July) as RTÉ News reports that all but one of the whales returned to the water after yesterday's mass beaching have stranded again and are being left…
Five Pilot Whales Dead On Donegal Beach After Mass Stranding
#MarineWildlife - RTÉ News reports on the deaths of five pilot whales in a 13-strong pod that beached in Donegal this morning (Monday 7 July). Despite valiant efforts by locals, four of the whales stranded Ballyness Beach in Falcarragh were…
Galway Gardaí Come To The Rescue of Stranded Baby Seal
#MarineWildlife - Gardaí in Galway were on hand to rescue a stranded baby seal at Weightman's Pier in the city on Friday 4 July. As reports, gardaí said the young seal, estimated to be four weeks old, was found…
White Tailed Sea Eagles Viewing Point Opens on Lough Derg
#seaeagle – It is now possible to observe one of the first White Tailed Sea Eagles born in Ireland in over a century courtesy of a new marine wildlife viewing and Iinformation point that has been officially opened on the…
Sydney Surfers Get Too Close To Large Whale For Comfort
#MarineWildlife - Surfers in Sydney's Freshwater Bay have been accused of harassing a large whale that came close to the shore at the weekend. The southern right whale, believed to be a female searching for a quiet place to calf,…
Stranded 'Whale' Perishes In Tralee Bay Shallows
#MarineWildlife - The Irish Examiner reports that a six-metre cetacean that prompted a mass rescue effort when it beached in Ballyheigue in Co Kerry earlier this week has died in the shallows. The marine mammal, as yet unidentified but thought…
Dragonfish Discovery in River Suck Highlights Danger of Illegal Aquarium Releases to Native Wildlife
#marinewildlife – The recent discovery by a local angler of the decaying remains of an exotic fish specimen in the River Suck at Correen Ford in the Midlands has raised further concern of the threat to our native wildlife from…
New Sponsor For Relocated Seal Rescue Group
#MarineWildlife - Seal Rescue Ireland has secured sponsorship from Sligo-based organic cosmetics company Voya as it settles into its new premises in Co Wexford. The group - which only this week rescued an ailing seal pup from a Connemara beach…
Exotic Yellow-Bellied Slider Turtle Found In Limerick River
An unusual marine animal discovery was made on the River Maigue on Wednesday, 18th June, by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) officers: a yellow-bellied slider turtle. The male turtle was found in the tidal waters of the River Maigue at Adare…
Ireland’s Ocean RTE TV Programme Airs This Sunday, June 22nd at 6:30pm
'Ireland's Ocean' is a major new four part ocean wildlife series for RTÉ One exploring the wonderful and diverse creatures that live in the seas around Ireland, from dolphins and sharks to plankton and the myriad of tiny colourful creatures…
Farmer Rescues Stranded Dolphin Calf In Galway Bay
#MarineWildlife - A juvenile dolphin was saved after stranding in the shallows at Maree on Galway Bay thanks to the swift actions of a local farmer. As the Galway Advertiser reports, Martin Costello waded out into the inlet at Ballinacourty…
Cork Bathers Swim With Basking Shark As LA Boarders Meet A Great White
#MarineWildlife - Bathers enjoying yesterday's fine weather in Cork Harbour got up close and personal with a massive basking shark, as some amazing photos on and video on Facebook attest. Yet as regular readers of know very well,…
Doolin's Dolphin Safe From Harbour Blasting Works Says IWDG
#MarineWildlife - The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) has allayed concerns over the fate of Doolin's resident dolphin Dusty as work begins on the Co Clare town's new pier. Despite the distress caused by her attacks on swimmers last…
Ireland's Coast Is Alive With Wildlife On World Oceans Day
#MarineWildlife - Today is World Oceans Day, as reports, the day to recognise the wealth and diversity of the planet's seas. And what better way to celebrate it than to highlight some of the extraordinary marine wildlife that make…

Marine Wildlife Around Ireland One of the greatest memories of any day spent boating around the Irish coast is an encounter with marine wildlife.  It's a thrill for young and old to witness seabirds, seals, dolphins and whales right there in their own habitat. As boaters fortunate enough to have experienced it will testify even spotting a distant dorsal fin can be the highlight of any day afloat.  Was that a porpoise? Was it a whale? No matter how brief the glimpse it's a privilege to share the seas with Irish marine wildlife.

Thanks to the location of our beautiful little island, perched in the North Atlantic Ocean there appears to be no shortage of marine life to observe.

From whales to dolphins, seals, sharks and other ocean animals this page documents the most interesting accounts of marine wildlife around our shores. We're keen to receive your observations, your photos, links and youtube clips.

Boaters have a unique perspective and all those who go afloat, from inshore kayaking to offshore yacht racing that what they encounter can be of real value to specialist organisations such as the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) who compile a list of sightings and strandings. The IWDG knowledge base has increased over the past 21 years thanks in part at least to the observations of sailors, anglers, kayakers and boaters.

Thanks to the IWDG work we now know we share the seas with dozens of species who also call Ireland home. Here's the current list: Atlantic white-sided dolphin, beluga whale, blue whale, bottlenose dolphin, common dolphin, Cuvier's beaked whale, false killer whale, fin whale, Gervais' beaked whale, harbour porpoise, humpback whale, killer whale, minke whale, northern bottlenose whale, northern right whale, pilot whale, pygmy sperm whale, Risso's dolphin, sei whale, Sowerby's beaked whale, sperm whale, striped dolphin, True's beaked whale and white-beaked dolphin.

But as impressive as the species list is the IWDG believe there are still gaps in our knowledge. Next time you are out on the ocean waves keep a sharp look out!