
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Displaying items by tag: second hand boat

Following the successful cooperation on VAT and customs, the leading European, British, and international leisure marine associations continue to provide clarity on the new post-Brexit trade relationships.

The International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA), European Boating Industry (EBI), European Boating Association (EBA), British Marine (BM) and the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) now issue a clarification on certification requirements for second-hand boats in trade between the EU and UK post-Brexit.

In dialogue with the EU and UK authorities, the key questions were raised, and clarification received. EBI has been liaising with the European Commission and BM has taken the lead with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). The scenarios have been confirmed by BEIS and are understood to be correct based on guidance by the European Commission.

Below are the scenarios for second-hand boats that are covered by the EU’s Recreational Craft Directive and the UK’s Recreational Craft Regulations. In cases where recertification would be required, a Post-Construction Assessment (PCA) will have to be completed. This applies from the end of the transition period (TP) on 1 January 2021.

Second-hand boat scenarios covered by the EU’s Recreational Craft Directive & UK’s Recreational Craft Regulations

Further clarifications are being sought from BEIS and the European Commission related to trade with Northern Ireland.

Commenting, Philip Easthill, Secretary General of EBI, says: “We are delighted to continue the positive cooperation on another important issue for industry and boaters. We hope that despite the additional barriers for second-hand boats, the clarification on VAT and now certification will facilitate trade as much as possible. Together with our partners, we will continue to work on mitigating the impact of Brexit through our advocacy channels at EU level.”

Lesley Robinson, CEO of British Marine, adds: “I am pleased that this collaborative approach between marine industry associations and governments has proved effective in receiving timely responses for our members. Whilst the agreed guidance approved by both BEIS and the EU Commission offers boat builders, brokers and consumers the clarity and reassurance required to proceed with trade, they still face impacts in terms of both time and cost when selling and buying second-hand boats cross borders. On behalf of our members, British Marine will now look to work with UK government at the reduction or removal of these new burdens.”

Patrick Hemp, Technical Consultant of ICOMIA, added: “We are aware that the obligation to recertify CE-marked second-hand boats, which were in Great Britain at the end of the transition period and then subsequently imported into the European Union, will come as a surprise to many within our sector but we hope that the continued collaboration between the marine industry associations provides further clarity on the different requirements within the new trade relationship.”

Published in Boat Sales

#buyingaboat –Thinking of buying a second-hand boat? W M Nixon outlines the options, relates some experiences, discusses the role of the broker, and looks at boats on the second-hand market.

"Fools build boats for wise men to buy". That's the way the cynics used to see it a very long time ago. In those distant days, every boat was a one-off, and when a would-be customer went to a designer or builder and commissioned a new yacht, it was said that he or she was "building" the boat even if they never put a hand near tool nor timber.

So inevitably it was a long and sometimes painful process, requiring many decisions and much patience, with almost inevitably more money involved than was first mentioned. And it didn't end once the dreamship was launched. For the first season or two, there'd be modifications to be made, and extra equipment acquired until finally – around season two or maybe even three - the dream would then at last be nearing fulfillment.

By that time, the owner would be mentally exhausted, and much lighter in the pocket than could have been imagined. And for some, the fact that the boat had been brought to perfection was an end in itself. The novelty had gone. The challenge, and the pleasure, had been in creating the perfect boat, rather than in using her for the messy business of sailing the sea. When that stage was reached, the wise man seeking value in a good boat would move in, and snap up a bargain which would probably then be happily sailed in this new ownership for very many years.

It wasn't always like that, of course. But it did happen enough times to make you think that the creation of a boat was one thing, and her active use something completely different, so different in fact that the two things should have been seen as totally separate, to be done by two clearly defined sets of people.

That's the way it was a long time ago. But even in today's completely changed boat-building industry, where builders aspire to manufacture boats using techniques honed in car production factories, there are surely some lessons to be learned from the past, and we can leap across the decades to draw analogies.

There are still many people for whom a new boat is the only way to go, people who wouldn't dream of buying a used boat. The times may be long gone when part of the charm of having a new boat built was strolling into the building shed and seeing your dream taking shape. But nevertheless in today's world, a very reasonable equivalent is meeting a yacht manufacturer's agent in agreeable surroundings, and discussing at length any special features – few and all as they usually are – that can be incorporated into your own "unique" boat.


Something entirely different. But who wouldn't be interested? The 50ft former Waterford Pilot Boat Betty Breen, built by Tyrrell of Arklow in 1951, has been well converted to a seagoing cruiser, and she exudes heritage style while being well maintained. But ownership of a wooden vessel of this age and size is not for everyone, and the asking price of €45,000 reflects this. 

Then too, buying new confers the maximum amount of warranty, and by creating a relationship with the agent, you can reassure yourself that, should any problems arise, then there is someone, some specific individual, to whom you have access for a quick and satisfactory solution.

But all these special privileges cost money, a lot of money, and the people who wouldn't think of buying other than in the second-hand market will be calculating that the depreciation is rapidly – indeed, almost immediately – out-stripping the benefits. They see themselves as the wise men, waiting to snap up a bargain as things start to turn sour for the starry-eyed new boat owners, who they see as people unhealthily obsessed with novelty.

It's different strokes for different folks. Some of us fit totally into the new boat category, while others completely avoid it, and some of us move between. It's partly a matter of taste. New boats are up-to-the-minute news, while used boats are at some stage along the heritage trail. If you have only ever tasted novelty, sometimes it's refreshing to move into a boat which is tried and tested, while those who feel that they've more than done their duty by used boats will find it an invigoratingly strange experience to acquire a new boat.

Either way, if you are seriously thinking about buying a boat, have you really thought about how you are going to use her, where you're going to keep her, and who is going to crew with you if you don't like being single-handed?

For some sailors, the Nelson range is the only way to go with powerboats for all-weather seafaring. This 1978 Nelson 42 is for sale through Crosshaven Boatyard at €99,000.

This may all seem blindingly obvious to anyone not bitten by the bug, but believe me it is often overlooked. People don't really buy boats at all – rather, they buy a dream, a dream of how they're going to sail the sea or the inland waterways, a dream of how they're going to escape from the rat-race to a healthy outdoor life. So very quickly, the simple fact of deciding and buying a boat becomes the fulfillment of the dream. But subsequent attempts to realize the dream in reality once the boat has been bought – sometimes with indecent haste – can end in disappointment.

Not being someone who changes boats frequently, I've only limited experience of why newcomers to boat-owning buy a boat, but I well remember from a long time ago one man whose family were concerned that he was over-working. As he had done some sailing, the suggestion was he should buy a boat and revive himself with a spot of cruising. We were selling our little cruiser-racer at the time, and in a classified advert we'd listed her main achievements, which included some cruising awards and the occasional race win.

He was after us like a terrier, though he did attempt to disguise his excitement, for he was a cool businessman after all. But what he really wanted was instant access to the cruising and sailing dream, and our little boat and her sailing record provided it straight off the shelf. So the deal was soon done, and the boat was sold away from our home port, which was a good thing to do, for we'd been very happy with that little boat, but it was time to move on.

There are a couple of twists to the tale. The following Christmas Eve, the phone rang. It was the new owner, more than somewhat irate. He'd been passing this morning of the festive season in sorting his new ship's papers, as one does, and he'd discovered that a bank had a charge on her. For all that he could tell from the papers, his new ship might be mortgaged up to the hilt. That completely floored me. Then I remembered that nine years earlier, when Howth Yacht Club was financing its new developments in the harbour, it did so by selling five-year marina berths. It was something of an act of faith, for it was all only on the drawing board at the time, but I so passionately believed in the need for the development that I reserved one of the berths. Yet at a time when the Irish economy had contracted by 2% in one year, the only way I could raise the money was by making our little boat a registered ship and getting a mortgage on her.


Who could resist her? This little classic 25-27ft sloop for sale through Crosshaven Boatyard is owned and lovingly maintained by a shipwright. Called Dainty, no claims are made as to her pedigree, but our research indicates she was built in Suffolk on England's east coast in 1939, though she wasn't commissioned until after World War II in 1945. Asking price for this boat of real character is €10,850

In those days banks were run by human beings, so a sympathetic bank manager friend set it up, arranged for repayments longterm from the current account, and told me the best thing to do was to forget that it was happening, as the pain would wear off over time. In our current national economic situation, perhaps we should remember that useful advice, and we should also remember that it was only recently that today's economic superpower of Germany finished paying off the reparations from World War 1, with relatively few even noticing the end of what had been in its day a very significant pain.

Whatever, there I was on Christmas Eve having to deal with a suggestion that I'd sold a boat fraudulently. In desperation I tried ringing the bank, and was surprised to get an answer. It seemed the Assistant Manager hated Christmas shopping, and had used the excuse of urgent business needing his attention to spend a quiet morning in the office. He was delighted to have something as unusual as a marine mortgage enquiry to deal with, and said he'd look into it and ring me back, for this was way before computers allowed instant answers. But the phone soon rang nevertheless, and he'd difficulty containing his mirth. "We've a real problem here" said he. Not what I wanted to hear, but I let him go on. "Yes indeed," said he, "that mortgage loan account is somehow in the black to the princely sum of £23. You should have been told. The charge has been long since cleared".

So it was Happy Christmas all round. Yet the other twists in the tale are mixed. Unfortunately, the new owner had bought the boat too late. He already had stress-related illnesses which led to his death shortly after he retired, and before he'd time to use the boat properly. And as for selling her away to put her safely out of mind, in due course a neighbour in Howth bought her, and for years now she has been berthed nearby and every time my wife sees the boat, she says it was such a pity we sold her, for we were so very happy with that little boat.

By this stage, if you're still with me, you'll have gathered that the purchase, ownership, use, and sale of a boat is a very complex business – there's an awful lot more to it than simply having a vehicle which floats and sails. So although there are many who happily wing it on their own – and their numbers are kept up by those who love surfing the internet in search of the dreamship – there's no doubt that in an age when specialisation is everything, using the services of a knowledgeable broker is very sound way to go.

As the economy slowly picks up, and people find that they're becoming cash rich and time poor, the broker's multi-functional role becomes ever more important. Unlike the private owner seeking a quick sale through the internet and taking no subsequent responsibility, the broker is in it for the long haul. He or she will benefit from building up a position of trust in the boating community, from having a good reputation as someone who will take a realistic view of what people really need in boats.

Because the buying of a boat is a business transaction, people will often lose sight of the fact that the underlying reason for it all is enjoyment and quiet pleasure. There is no economic reason for owning a boat, no pressing need, no essential requirement. I'm told it is possible to live without a boat. You buy a boat in order to enjoy it, whether it be through pride of ownership, delight in the sport of racing, simple pleasure in sailing, or simply having something which is variant on the sanctuary which is provided ashore by a good garden shed, something whose technical challenges can be happily absorbing provided they don't prove too much.

A good broker will have seen all this through many encounters with a wide variety of clients, and will also have an unrivalled knowledge of boats and their good and bad points. Good brokers can't help themselves – they like boats, they're fascinated by them. In fact, a good broker is often a yacht owner manqué, but if they're good at their job, so many boats will be going through their hands that they never get around to having one of their own, as they know that an even better one may come along soon.


A powerful seagoing sailing cruiser, and she's in the sun already. This Westerly 48 is for sale through MGM Boats at £110,000.


Just nicely run in. This 2007 Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 36i from MGM Boats is for sale in Dun Laoghaire at €89,900

We have four main brokers in Ireland who release details of their used boat range through the website, and you'll find them all knowledgeable about their subject, and keen to talk about boats, in fact they'll chat on about any boat when the opportunity arises. And they're not deskbound by any means – try reaching one on his mobile, and you may well find he's crawling about in the bilges of some boat he's just been offered for his list, and is determindly investigating hidden aspects some starry-eyed potential owner would either not know about, or prefer to ignore.

Hugh Mockler is the man down in Crosshaven Boatyard covering the entire Cork scene and dealing nationally and internationally too, while Leinster Boats, based around Dun Laoghaire with links to Carlingford and New Ross, is Ronan Beirne. Martin and Gerry Salmon of MGM Boats with bases in Dun Laoghaire, Kinsale and Belfast may be thought of as at the top end of the market, but they and their staff are like all boat enthusiasts, keen to talk on the subject and you'll be pleasantly surprised by the range they can offer. And BJ Marine in Bangor, Malahide and Bangor are the senior firm on the east coast, operating nationally and internationally through Bernard Gallagher himself, and James Kirwan.


This 1997 Beneteau Platu 25 designed by Bruce Farr is a quality sports yacht easily handled and in race ready condition for Winter series is for sale through Leinster Boats at €15,000

Before buying or selling second-hand, it's a useful idea to acquaint yourself with the new boat situation, and the prices of new boats ready for sea. Fresh out of the package is one thing, ready for sea with added equipment can be something else altogether. And of you've been with one boat for a long time, or at least living with the idea of acquiring one particular type for some time, a realistic look at the new prices can be helpful for everyone, if sometimes a bit of a shock.

Mind how you go, though, for browsing the lists can become addictive, and if you're no more than a nautical tyre-kicker, the brokers will soon spread the word among themselves. But if you're deep-down serious about buying a boat – or indeed about selling the one you have – then talk to a broker, for they really do like talking about boats, and they provide a dose of realism if you're in danger of losing the run of yourself.

Published in W M Nixon

Irish Fishing industry 

The Irish Commercial Fishing Industry employs around 11,000 people in fishing, processing and ancillary services such as sales and marketing. The industry is worth about €1.22 billion annually to the Irish economy. Irish fisheries products are exported all over the world as far as Africa, Japan and China.


Over 16,000 people are employed directly or indirectly around the coast, working on over 2,000 registered fishing vessels, in over 160 seafood processing businesses and in 278 aquaculture production units, according to the State's sea fisheries development body Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM).

All activities that are concerned with growing, catching, processing or transporting fish are part of the commercial fishing industry, the development of which is overseen by BIM. Recreational fishing, as in angling at sea or inland, is the responsibility of Inland Fisheries Ireland.

The Irish fishing industry is valued at 1.22 billion euro in gross domestic product (GDP), according to 2019 figures issued by BIM. Only 179 of Ireland's 2,000 vessels are over 18 metres in length. Where does Irish commercially caught fish come from? Irish fish and shellfish is caught or cultivated within the 200-mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ), but Irish fishing grounds are part of the common EU "blue" pond. Commercial fishing is regulated under the terms of the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), initiated in 1983 and with ten-yearly reviews.

The total value of seafood landed into Irish ports was 424 million euro in 2019, according to BIM. High value landings identified in 2019 were haddock, hake, monkfish and megrim. Irish vessels also land into foreign ports, while non-Irish vessels land into Irish ports, principally Castletownbere, Co Cork, and Killybegs, Co Donegal.

There are a number of different methods for catching fish, with technological advances meaning skippers have detailed real time information at their disposal. Fisheries are classified as inshore, midwater, pelagic or deep water. Inshore targets species close to shore and in depths of up to 200 metres, and may include trawling and gillnetting and long-lining. Trawling is regarded as "active", while "passive" or less environmentally harmful fishing methods include use of gill nets, long lines, traps and pots. Pelagic fisheries focus on species which swim close to the surface and up to depths of 200 metres, including migratory mackerel, and tuna, and methods for catching include pair trawling, purse seining, trolling and longlining. Midwater fisheries target species at depths of around 200 metres, using trawling, longlining and jigging. Deepwater fisheries mainly use trawling for species which are found at depths of over 600 metres.

There are several segments for different catching methods in the registered Irish fleet – the largest segment being polyvalent or multi-purpose vessels using several types of gear which may be active and passive. The polyvalent segment ranges from small inshore vessels engaged in netting and potting to medium and larger vessels targeting whitefish, pelagic (herring, mackerel, horse mackerel and blue whiting) species and bivalve molluscs. The refrigerated seawater (RSW) pelagic segment is engaged mainly in fishing for herring, mackerel, horse mackerel and blue whiting only. The beam trawling segment focuses on flatfish such as sole and plaice. The aquaculture segment is exclusively for managing, developing and servicing fish farming areas and can collect spat from wild mussel stocks.

The top 20 species landed by value in 2019 were mackerel (78 million euro); Dublin Bay prawn (59 million euro); horse mackerel (17 million euro); monkfish (17 million euro); brown crab (16 million euro); hake (11 million euro); blue whiting (10 million euro); megrim (10 million euro); haddock (9 million euro); tuna (7 million euro); scallop (6 million euro); whelk (5 million euro); whiting (4 million euro); sprat (3 million euro); herring (3 million euro); lobster (2 million euro); turbot (2 million euro); cod (2 million euro); boarfish (2 million euro).

Ireland has approximately 220 million acres of marine territory, rich in marine biodiversity. A marine biodiversity scheme under Ireland's operational programme, which is co-funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and the Government, aims to reduce the impact of fisheries and aquaculture on the marine environment, including avoidance and reduction of unwanted catch.

EU fisheries ministers hold an annual pre-Christmas council in Brussels to decide on total allowable catches and quotas for the following year. This is based on advice from scientific bodies such as the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. In Ireland's case, the State's Marine Institute publishes an annual "stock book" which provides the most up to date stock status and scientific advice on over 60 fish stocks exploited by the Irish fleet. Total allowable catches are supplemented by various technical measures to control effort, such as the size of net mesh for various species.

The west Cork harbour of Castletownbere is Ireland's biggest whitefish port. Killybegs, Co Donegal is the most important port for pelagic (herring, mackerel, blue whiting) landings. Fish are also landed into Dingle, Co Kerry, Rossaveal, Co Galway, Howth, Co Dublin and Dunmore East, Co Waterford, Union Hall, Co Cork, Greencastle, Co Donegal, and Clogherhead, Co Louth. The busiest Northern Irish ports are Portavogie, Ardglass and Kilkeel, Co Down.

Yes, EU quotas are allocated to other fleets within the Irish EEZ, and Ireland has long been a transhipment point for fish caught by the Spanish whitefish fleet in particular. Dingle, Co Kerry has seen an increase in foreign landings, as has Castletownbere. The west Cork port recorded foreign landings of 36 million euro or 48 per cent in 2019, and has long been nicknamed the "peseta" port, due to the presence of Spanish-owned transhipment plant, Eiranova, on Dinish island.

Most fish and shellfish caught or cultivated in Irish waters is for the export market, and this was hit hard from the early stages of this year's Covid-19 pandemic. The EU, Asia and Britain are the main export markets, while the middle Eastern market is also developing and the African market has seen a fall in value and volume, according to figures for 2019 issued by BIM.

Fish was once a penitential food, eaten for religious reasons every Friday. BIM has worked hard over several decades to develop its appeal. Ireland is not like Spain – our land is too good to transform us into a nation of fish eaters, but the obvious health benefits are seeing a growth in demand. Seafood retail sales rose by one per cent in 2019 to 300 million euro. Salmon and cod remain the most popular species, while BIM reports an increase in sales of haddock, trout and the pangasius or freshwater catfish which is cultivated primarily in Vietnam and Cambodia and imported by supermarkets here.

The EU's Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), initiated in 1983, pooled marine resources – with Ireland having some of the richest grounds and one of the largest sea areas at the time, but only receiving four per cent of allocated catch by a quota system. A system known as the "Hague Preferences" did recognise the need to safeguard the particular needs of regions where local populations are especially dependent on fisheries and related activities. The State's Sea Fisheries Protection Authority, based in Clonakilty, Co Cork, works with the Naval Service on administering the EU CFP. The Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine and Department of Transport regulate licensing and training requirements, while the Marine Survey Office is responsible for the implementation of all national and international legislation in relation to safety of shipping and the prevention of pollution.

Yes, a range of certificates of competency are required for skippers and crew. Training is the remit of BIM, which runs two national fisheries colleges at Greencastle, Co Donegal and Castletownbere, Co Cork. There have been calls for the colleges to be incorporated into the third-level structure of education, with qualifications recognised as such.

Safety is always an issue, in spite of technological improvements, as fishing is a hazardous occupation and climate change is having its impact on the severity of storms at sea. Fishing skippers and crews are required to hold a number of certificates of competency, including safety and navigation, and wearing of personal flotation devices is a legal requirement. Accidents come under the remit of the Marine Casualty Investigation Board, and the Health and Safety Authority. The MCIB does not find fault or blame, but will make recommendations to the Minister for Transport to avoid a recurrence of incidents.

Fish are part of a marine ecosystem and an integral part of the marine food web. Changing climate is having a negative impact on the health of the oceans, and there have been more frequent reports of warmer water species being caught further and further north in Irish waters.

Brexit, Covid 19, EU policies and safety – Britain is a key market for Irish seafood, and 38 per cent of the Irish catch is taken from the waters around its coast. Ireland's top two species – mackerel and prawns - are 60 per cent and 40 per cent, respectively, dependent on British waters. Also, there are serious fears within the Irish industry about the impact of EU vessels, should they be expelled from British waters, opting to focus even more efforts on Ireland's rich marine resource. Covid-19 has forced closure of international seafood markets, with high value fish sold to restaurants taking a large hit. A temporary tie-up support scheme for whitefish vessels introduced for the summer of 2020 was condemned by industry organisations as "designed to fail".

Sources: Bord Iascaigh Mhara, Marine Institute, Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine, Department of Transport © Afloat 2020