Sailors with Blessington Sailing Club (SC) and Galway City Sailing Club (GCSC) won the cruiser and dinghy classes in this year’s Cong-Galway race.
Conal and Aoibheann McGuire of Blessington SC led the cruiser fleet in their Hawk 20, finishing in a corrected time of 3 hours 17:14.
Cathal Clarke and Debbie Guinnane of GCSC sailed their Wayfarer into first place in the dinghy class in a corrected time of 4 hours 30:33.
Second in the cruiser class were Stuart Nelson and Ruairí O hAilín, also of Blessington SC and third were Daniel Concannon and Micheal Breathnach of Port of Galway Sea Scouts – both crews also sailing Hawk 20s.
Second in the dinghy fleet were IDRA 14 sailors Alan Carr and Orlaith Connolly of Sutton Dinghy Club, and third in a Fireball were Thomas Chaix and Ben and Alayna Chaix of NYC/TBSC.
Light southerly winds last Saturday resulted in a delayed start, as the fleet of 38 boats was becalmed at the start at Lisloughrey for at least 90 mins.
Race officer Aoife Lyons was able to start the race around 12 noon when the wind picked up, but most boats didn’t make it to the “narrows” at Kilbeg till around 1500 hours.
The finish was also later than anticipated at Corrib Rowing and Yacht Club (CRYC), after the obligatory capsize to navigate under the Quincentennial bridge.
Five Galway clubs - CRYC, GCSC, Galway Bay Sailing Club, Galway Hooker Sailing Club, and Cumann Seoltóireachta an Spidéil (Spiddal Sailing Club) - hosted the race over a 30 nautical mile course from Lisloughrey pier, near Cong at the north end of lough Corrib to Galway city.
Three Galway hookers sailed by the Galway Hooker Sailing Club were among the cruiser fleet of nine boats, and 26 of a fleet of 28 dinghies finished the course.