
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Cong-Galway Sailing Race
Cong-Galway Race: this year's unique historic event - the oldest and longest inland sailing race in Europe 30 nautical miles - will take place on Saturday, June 26th.
After a tremendous race last year, despite challenging conditions both on and off the water, another hugely competitive fleet has been assembled for this year's Cong Galway Race on June 26th. The historic race from Lisloughrey in the shadow of Ashford…
Father and son winners Sean (left) and Yannick Lemonnier of Galway Bay Sailng Club
Taking the top spot this year at the annual Cong Galway Boat Race was Sean and Yannick Lemonnier of Galway Bay Sailing Club, making it three-in-a-row for the father and son duo, who won a luxurious night at the 5-star Ashford…
A variety of dinghy types complete what is the longest race on inland waterways in Europe and the oldest such race in Ireland is a great achievement
John Barry, Secretary of Galway Bay Sailing Club, is quite right! Racing down the Corrib from Cong to Galway is "not for the faint-hearted." There are plenty of challenges and obstacles along the route. From my own experience, the Cong…
Cong-Galway Race Date Set for Ireland's Oldest Inland Yacht Race
Ireland’s oldest inland sailing race will take place on August 22nd, with up to 30 sailboats taking part in the Cong-Galway Race. Ashford Castle has been announced as the 2020 race sponsor, a partnership which is made even more special…
Pre-start manoeuvres before the second stage. The historic Cong-Galway Race attracts a mixed fleet, with catamarans setting the pace. Photo: Pierce Purcell
A group of onlookers gathered at the Quincentennial Bridge across the River Corrib immediately north of Galway city last Saturday evening were bemused by the sight of a series of sailing dinghies toppling themselves over to float underneath reports John…
Attractive start port – Lisloughry Harbour at Cong will see the start of Saturday’s Cong-Galway race on Lough Corrib
Life was simpler back in 1882 when the sailing folk of Galway Bay and the stunningly beautiful Lough Corrib inaugurated the Galway to Cong race the length of the great lake writes W M Nixon. People didn’t have cars, and…
Galway Boating Clubs Unite For Historic Cong-Galway Sailing Race Across Lough Corrib This June
Sailors and boating enthusiasts from Galway’s sailing and boating clubs are coming together next month to follow their forebears in Europe’s oldest and longest inland sailing race. On Saturday 29 June the fleet of dinghies will pit their wits against…

The Cong-Galway: Ireland’s oldest inland sailing race

The annual Cong – Galway Sailing Race is Europe’s oldest and longest inland water sailing race.

The original Cong-Galway Race started at the Royal Galway Yachting Club in Galway City and travelled to Ashford Castle in Cong before returning to Galway City, a race distance of 61.5 nautical miles.

The 2020 race is the 137th such race. 

The Cong-Galway Race was a huge social event in Galway until 1914. It never recovered after the First World War and was last held in its old format in 1931. The race was later revived in 1972. Now half the original length, the race starts at Lisloughrey pier, near Ashford Castle, and ends just past the Quincentennial Bridge in Galway City.

Cong Galway Race Winner

The winner, which will be determined based on the Portsmouth handicap scheme, will be presented with the CRYC Trophy, a treasured possession of the Corrib Rowing and Yachting Club. 

Cong Galway Race Course

The Cong to Galway Race start is from Lisloughrey Pier in Cong, Co. Mayo and is typically scheduled for 10.30 a.m. on a course through Upper and Lower Lough Corrib to the finish line at Corrib Village on the River Corrib in Galway. The race makes a stop for lunch at Kilbeg Pier, approximately half way, where timings will be taken for the restart.

Cong Galway Race Organisers

Corrib Rowing & Yachting Club, Galway Bay Sailing Club, Galway City Sailing Club and Cumainn Seoltóireacht an Spidéil.