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Dramatic Weather Conditions Impact 2024 Rolex Middle Sea Race

20th October 2024
Bryon Ehrhart's LUCKY, a Juan K 27M competing in IRC Class 1 of the 2024 Rolex Middle Sea Race
Bryon Ehrhart's LUCKY, a Juan K 27M competing in IRC Class 1 of the 2024 Rolex Middle Sea Race Credit: Kurt Arrigo

With the 2024 Rolex Middle Sea Race more than 24 hours old, the story so far has been dominated by dramatic fluctuations in the wind conditions and sea state. At 16:00 CEST, the bulk of the fleet was sailing in generally light airs, spread between Capo Murro di Porco in the south and midway between the islands of Alicudi and Ustica, off the north coast of Sicily. Remon Vos’ Black Jack 100 holds a slim advantage over Huang-Seng Lee’s Scallywag 100 from Hong Kong and the United States entry, Bryon Ehrhart’s 88ft Lucky, with the Maxi72 Balthasar still in the frame, just. Some 12 yachts have passed Stromboli, and the course mark of Strombolicchio. Times at this transit point put the German Botin 56 Black Pearl of Stefan Jentszch in the lead overall under IRC time correction by a handful of minutes from Balthasar and Eric de Turckheim’s 2022 French winner, Teasing Machine. With plenty of yachts still to round the volcanic outpost, the contest for the Middle Sea Race trophy is far from over.

Huang-Seng Lee’s Scallywag 100 from Hong Kong competing in the 2024 Rolex Middle Sea Race Photo: Kurt ArrigoHuang-Seng Lee’s Scallywag 100 from Hong Kong competing in the 2024 Rolex Middle Sea Race Photo: Kurt Arrigo

Tracker below

112 yachts set off from Grand Harbour, Valletta on Saturday in a reasonable southerly breeze that propelled the fleet towards Capo Passero. Circumstances were not straightforward as the dominant low pressure system continued to disrupt the prevailing wind strength and direction. The unstable and unseasonably warm weather was also generating squalls and water spouts, interspersed with thunder and lightning, and short, steep potentially boat-breaking waves. As the yachts approached the south east corner of Sicily, the skies darkened earlier than the expected sunset. Within minutes the wind rose from 12-15 knots to a sustained 40 plus, gusting even higher, as a violent squall thumped into the main body of the fleet. The sudden change showed no respect for experience, size or status. Several yachts suffered shredded sails and worse, including three dismastings. In total, 29 boats have been forced out of the race following this extreme episode. The most high-profile entrant affected was last year’s winner Bullitt.

The seriously experienced John Ripard Jr, on his 30th Middle Sea Race and sailing double-handed with his son Tommy on the Maltese Swan 47 Lazy Duck, reported in this morning. “It has been a very difficult 24 hours so far,” said Ripard. “A harrowing 30 minute squall of quite some intensity caught as we were with full main and code zero. We emerged from that bruised but not beaten – the only downside apart from wear and tear on our bodies and minds - was the failure of our wind instruments, which we have not managed to recover as yet.” Christoph Podesta, co-skipper of the First 45 Elusive 2 also from Malta and a competitor equally well versed in the vagaries of Mediterranean sailing, was another to send in a report that captured the flavour of the previous night. “Very strong wind yesterday afternoon with a very dramatic, big thunderstorm forming very close to us,” he advised. “Heavy-duty, squally gusts with a lot of lightning. We saw multiple water spouts forming around us and we managed to carefully dodge the dangerous parts.”

This morning and for much of the day, the situation has been the complete antithesis, as the pair explained, Ripard first. “First 12 hrs of this morning were painful in zero wind and a very lumpy residual south easterly swell. Apart from all that and spending some time up the rig sorting stuff we are still smiling!” Podesta added: “Overall had quite a good night with fast progress. But now unfortunately, we are in very little wind, and we are becalmed east of Etna. We are trying to work our way up to the Strait of Messina, but the wind has not played ball.” At 16:00, some 24 boats had passed through and entered the Tyrrhenian Sea.

One of those, French entry Long Courrier, a Sydney 43, is armed with Géry Trentesaux and Alexis Loisin, both winners of this race and the Fastnet Race, and with other potent weapons in the crew. “After an interesting night we are approaching the Strait of Messina in this fantastic race. We tore some sails during a squall, which lasted 30 minutes. Everyone is well and we are looking forward to a good day,” commented Trentesaux. Loisin joined in: “24 hours into the race we are nearing Messina. A lot has happened already, and we have had a bit of everything in terms of conditions. We are in good form, at the head of our class, and we are ripping it up.” Long Courrier eventually exited the narrow strait at 11:35 CEST and by late afternoon was 11nm from Stromboli.

Another to escape the Messina Strait this morning was the British Carkeek 45 Ino Noir of James Neville, past Commodore of the Royal Ocean Racing Club. “Just coming to Stromboli turning mark now,” advised Neville. “We had a clean trip through Messina with tide behind. This leg up to Stromboli has been fickle with lots of sail changes and gybes to stay in the breeze. The wind died and picked up from the east. It is now dry on board after the hosing yesterday and a warm day, the sea is even relatively flat.” Ino Noir passed through the Stromboli transit at 15:37.

At the head of the fleet, it has not been plain sailing despite the size of the lead. Following a fast passage to Capo Passero, arriving just as the sky turned black, the fastest four initially made good progress towards the toe of mainland Italy. Black Jack arrived at the entrance to the 20nm Strait of Messina at about 22:30, with a five mile lead over Scallywag, while Lucky and Balthasar were a further 8 miles in arrears. The Strait proved a bottle neck. The four compressed during a difficult dance up the mainland shore, popping out between 02:00 and 03:00. None could achieve any significant separation on the leg to Stromboli, which they reached at day break. As we go to press, the quartet is at a standstill, with the considerably smaller Black Pearl seemingly bringing the wind with her as she closes in.

Stefan Jentzsch's Botin 56, Black Pearl competing in the 2024 Rolex Middle Sea Race Photo: Kurt ArrigoStefan Jentzsch's Botin 56, Black Pearl competing in the 2024 Rolex Middle Sea Race Photo: Kurt Arrigo


The mighty have made hay compared to the bulk of the fleet, but look to be in for a difficult night with the wind to the north of Sicily showing no sign that it will fill in. At the Stromboli transit, Balthasar held a solid near five hour lead over Lucky, with Black Jack 100 in third, a mere 20 minutes back.

Franco Niggeler’s Swiss Cookson 50 Kuka 3 competing in the 2024 Rolex Middle Sea Race Photo: Kurt ArrigoFranco Niggeler’s Swiss Cookson 50 Kuka 3 competing in the 2024 Rolex Middle Sea Race Photo: Kurt Arrigo


A cracking race is underway, with several yachts in contention for the podium. At Capo Passero, Franco Niggeler’s Swiss Cookson 50 Kuka 3 led Black Pearl and Jean Pierre Barjon’s Botin 65 Spirit of Lorina after time correction. At Messina, the ranking showed the NMYD 54 Teasing Machine at the top, followed by Kuka 3 and the Carl-Peter Forster’s German TP52 Red Bandit. The timing at Stromboli has seen another change in the standings with Black Pearl back into the lead by 11 minutes from Teasing Machine and over an hour from Kuka 3. Black Pearl has slightly extended her lead on the water as she hunts Balthasar in the class above. Mitch Booth, tactician on Kuka 3 reported in at midday: ”Right now, we are focused on the next transition turning into light upwind. We lost a bit of distance this morning but that means the boats just ahead of us provide a clear indication of what is happening with wind ahead.”


The leaders in IRC 3 are approaching Stromboli still in the breeze. How long it lasts will determine how long they spend within view of the seabound furnace in the hours of darkness, and whether they continue to hold their lead after time correction. Long Courrier is first on the water, followed by the Italian Farr 45 Sagola Spartivento, skippered by Peppe Fornich, and Yves Grosjean’s Neo 430 Roma, Afazik Impulse from France. At the Messina transit the order was the same with gaps of two hours and 45 minutes respectively.


Elusive 2, sailed by Aaron, Maya, and Christoph Podesta, has opened up a huge lead. Benoit Tuduri’s French S40 Focus (Firecrest) and Marco & Isacco Cohen’s French MAT 12 Dajenu are having an epic battle for second place. At 1600, Dajenu was picking up pace and after time correction was ranked second by a hair’s breadth. Elusive 2’s performance is outstanding, the Podestas passed Capo Passero just four minutes ahead of Focus on the water, but 20 hours later Elusive 2 was more than 20 miles ahead and pulling away, as the wind funnels through the Strait of Messina. Nikki Henderson, skippering the British First 53 Yagiza, messaged in: “It was a pretty intense 24-hours with a lot of sail changes. We saw the big breeze coming and also water spouts and furled our Code Zero early and that really worked for us. Right now, we are trying to keep the boat moving through light patches. We are planning our Messina Strait entrance, and we are gambling on the north east side for a bit more pressure. Morale on board is high and the light winds have given the crew a chance to get a bit more sleep.”


Seb Ripard and Dan Calascione’s Maltese Farr 30 Calypso has had a very successful 24 hours, moving up to first in class by more than three hours after IRC time correction. Maks Vrečko’s Slovenian Elan 450 Karpo drops to second in the class ranking. Australian Swan 53 Bedouin co-skippered by Guglielmo Giordano & Linda Goddard is in third. Not wishing to disrespect the hugely talented Calypso crew, the light winds on the second day will have suited their Farr 30 much more than the displacement competition of Bedouin and Karpo.


The ranking for this podium has seen a big shake-up over the last 24 hours. Moving to the top of the class are two Sun Fast 3300s. Simon Toms’ British crew on Zephyr was estimated to have a 90 minute lead, after IRC time correction. Italy’s Matteo Uliassi racing Alquimia doublehanded with Francesco Cerina was ranked second. In third place was Jean Christophe Cascailh’s French Sun Fast 3200 Milou. Zephyr and Alquima deployed different tactics after passing Capo Passero, with Zephyr taking a more offshore line to pass the wind shadow of Etna, while Alquima went inshore, presumably looking for wind off the land. The result at 1600 today, is a lead of three miles to Zephyr.

At midday, Claudio Bugeja, skipper of the youth team on JYS Jan called in: “We are about to start heading into the Strait of Messina. It is still far out but we are aiming there. After yesterday’s squall we managed to repair most of the damage we had onboard. We are moving fine, and spirits are high, everyone is in good order and happy. Everyone is hungry too, which means things are good. We have some nice wind now, but it was not very easy earlier on today. Hoping the Strait treats us well!”

Double Handed Class

Only half the double-handed fleet remain in play after the dramatic first night. Lann Ael 3, Muttley-BDM Audit, Lunatika, Vivace and Atame have all retired. All crews are safe and well. Didier Gaudoux, skipper of the French MN35 Lann Ael, explained what happened: “It was very very violent. Five or six hours the start, we had 15 knots sailing with a spinnaker and everything was going well. We saw a lot of storms and lightning around us, but we had the impression it was not for us. Suddenly the wind went from 15 to 50 knots, and the boat was flat on its side for about three minutes. Eventually, we were able to drop the spinnaker, but the wind came back. The compression tube exploded, and the mast dropped. I would like to mention the boat named Goose, who dropped all their sails and circled around us during an hour and a half just to check everything was OK".

Back on the race course, Alquimia is currently leading Lazy Duck and the First 36 Marina 21 from Greece, skippered by Milan Kolacek and Milan Tomek.

Class 40

Mikael Mergui’s Centrakor has passed the Stromboli transit, and so too has Matteo Sericano’s Lucente just over an hour behind. After leading to Capo Passero, Marvic40 has struggled through the day and only just exited the Messina Strait. Espoir and Talanta have yet to enter the Strait.

Published in Middle Sea Race

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About The Middle Sea Race

The Rolex Middle Sea Race is a highly rated offshore classic, often mentioned in the same breath as the Rolex Fastnet, The Rolex Sydney–Hobart and Newport-Bermuda as a 'must do' race. The Royal Malta Yacht Club and the Royal Ocean Racing Club co-founded the race in 1968 and 2007 was the 28th Edition. Save for a break between 1984 and 1995 the event has been run annually attracting 25–30 yachts. In recent years, the number of entries has rissen sharply to 68 boats thanks to a new Organising Committee who managed to bring Rolex on board as title sponsor for the Middle Sea Race.

The race is a true challenge to skippers and crews who have to be at their very best to cope with the often changeable and demanding conditions. Equally, the race is blessed with unsurpassed scenery with its course, taking competitors close to a number of islands, which form marks of the course. Ted Turner described the MSR as "the most beautiful race course in the world".

Apart from Turner, famous competitors have included Eric Tabarly, Cino Ricci, Herbert von Karajan, Jim Dolan, Sir Chay Blyth and Sir Francis Chichester (fresh from his round the world adventure). High profile boats from the world's top designers take part, most in pursuit of line honours and the record – competing yachts include the extreme Open 60s, Riviera di Rimini and Shining; the maxis, Mistress Quickly, Zephyrus IV and Sagamore; and the pocket rockets such as the 41-foot J-125 Strait Dealer and the DK46, Fidessa Fastwave.

In 2006, Mike Sanderson and Seb Josse on board ABN Amro, winner of the Volvo Ocean Race, the super Maxis; Alfa Romeo and Maximus and the 2006 Rolex Middle Sea Race overall winner, Hasso Platner on board his MaxZ86, Morning Glory.

George David on board Rambler (ex-Alfa Romeo) managed a new course record in 2007 and in 2008, Thierry Bouchard on Spirit of Ad Hoc won the Rolex Middle Sea Race on board a Beneteau 40.7

The largest number of entries was 78 established in 2008.

Middle Sea Race History


The Middle Sea Race was conceived as the result of sporting rivalry between great friends, Paul and John Ripard and an Englishman residing in Malta called Jimmy White, all members of the Royal Malta Yacht Club. In the early fifties, it was mainly British servicemen stationed in Malta who competitively raced. Even the boats had a military connection, since they were old German training boats captured by the British during the war. At the time, the RMYC only had a few Maltese members, amongst who were Paul and John Ripard.

So it was in the early sixties that Paul and Jimmy, together with a mutual friend, Alan Green (later to become the Race Director of the Royal Ocean Racing Club), set out to map a course designed to offer an exciting race in different conditions to those prevailing in Maltese coastal waters. They also decided the course would be slightly longer than the RORC's longest race, the Fastnet. The resulting course is the same as used today.

Ted Turner, CEO of Turner Communications (CNN) has written that the Middle Sea Race "must be the most beautiful race course in the world. What other event has an active volcano as a mark of the course?"

In all of its editions since it was first run in 1968 – won by Paul Ripard's brother John, the Rolex Middle Sea Race has attracted many prestigious names in yachting. Some of these have gone on to greater things in life and have actually left their imprint on the world at large. Amongst these one finds the late Raul Gardini who won line honours in 1979 on Rumegal, and who spearheaded the 1992 Italian Challenge for the America's Cup with Moro di Venezia.

Another former line honours winner (1971) who has passed away since was Frenchman Eric Tabarly winner of round the world and transatlantic races on Penduik. Before his death, he was in Malta again for the novel Around Europe Open UAP Race involving monohulls, catamarans and trimarans. The guest list for the Middle Sea Race has included VIP's of the likes of Sir Francis Chichester, who in 1966 was the first man to sail around the world single-handedly, making only one stop.

The list of top yachting names includes many Italians. It is, after all a premier race around their largest island. These include Navy Admiral Tino Straulino, Olympic gold medallist in the star class and Cino Ricci, well known yachting TV commentator. And it is also an Italian who in 1999 finally beat the course record set by Mistress Quickly in 1978. Top racing skipper Andrea Scarabelli beat it so resoundingly, he knocked off over six hours from the time that had stood unbeaten for 20 years.

World famous round the world race winners with a Middle Sea Race connection include yachting journalist Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and Les Williams, both from the UK.

The Maxi Class has long had a long and loving relationship with the Middle Sea Race. Right from the early days personalities such as Germany's Herbert Von Karajan, famous orchestra conductor and artistic director of the Berliner Philarmoniker, competing with his maxi Helisara IV. Later came Marvin Greene Jr, CEO of Reeves Communications Corporation and owner of the well known Nirvana (line honours in 1982) and Jim Dolan, CEO of Cablevision, whose Sagamore was back in 1999 to try and emulate the line honours she won in 1997.


The course record was held by the San Francisco based, Robert McNeil on board his Maxi Turbo Sled Zephyrus IV when in 2000, he smashed the Course record which now stands at 64 hrs 49 mins 57 secs. Zephyrus IV is a Rechiel-Pugh design. In recent years, various maxis such as Alfa Romeo, Nokia, Maximus and Morning Glory have all tried to break this course record, but the wind Gods have never played along. Even the VOR winner, ABN AMro tried, but all failed in 2006.

However, George David came along on board Rambler in 2007 and demolished the course record established by Zephyrus IV in 2000. This now stands at 1 day, 23 hours, 55 minutes and 3 seconds.

At A Glance - Middle Sea Race 2024

First held: 1968

Organising Authority: Royal Malta Yacht Club


The 45th Rolex Middle Sea Race will start on Saturday, 19 October 2024.

Grand Harbour, Valletta: seven separate starts, at 10-minute intervals, from 11:00 CEST Saturday, 21 October 2024

Start Line: between the Saluting Battery, Upper Barrakka Gardens (Valletta) and Fort St Angelo (Birgu)

Various vantage points all around the Grand Harbour, high up on the bastions or at water level. Harbour access for spectator boats is restricted during the period of the start.


Set in the heart of the Mediterranean and is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. It starts and finishes in Malta, passes two active volcanoes and takes in the deep azure waters surrounding Sicily, and the Aeolian and Egadi Islands, as well as lonelier outposts of Pantelleria and Lampedusa, both closer to the African continent than Europe.

Length: 606 nautical miles (1,122km)

Outright Race Record: 33h 29m 28s, Argo, United States, Jason Carroll

Monohull Race Record: 40h 17m 50s, Comanche, Cayman Is, Mitch Booth

Main Trophies

Rolex Middle Sea Race Trophy – overall race winner under IRC Time Correction

Boccale de Mediterraneo – winner of ORC category

RLR Trophy – winner of monohull line honours

Captain Morgan Trophy – winner of multihull division on corrected time (MOCRA)

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