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Irish Cruiser Racing Association (ICRA) News & Updates
98 Yachts Sign Up to Compete for ICRA Honours – Current Entry List Here
#cruiserracing – The current entry of 98 boats for the ICRA National Championships at the Royal Irish Yacht Club (RIYC) (sorted by club below) reveals a wide distribution of entries from all over the Irish coastline and beyond. Although some areas are…
ICRA 'Pro Rule' To Focus on 'Pastime' or 'Business' for Marine Trade Professionals
#cruiserracing – With a month to go, the Irish Cruiser Racer Association (ICRA) is to implement an amendment to its professional sailor rule for its Teng Tools sponsored national championships on Dublin Bay. As David O'Brien in the Irish Times…
ICRA Drop Plans for New Cruiser Division
#cruiserracing – The Irish Cruiser Racing Association (ICRA) has dropped plans to create a new handicap division at the bottom end of class 1 and the top of class 2 for its IRC national championships at the Royal Irish Yacht…
Sneak Peek at ICRA National Championship Entries So Far
#cruiserracing – The ICRA National Championships at the Royal Irish Yacht Club is already boasting an entry of 72 IRC cruiser and 17 white sail entrants to date and looks set to break the record of 125 entries previously set…
Silver Lining for Scottish Yacht Racing as 40th Series Names New Sponsor
Scotland's most best known yacht racing regatta has announced headline sponsors Silvers Marine. The new owners of the iconic Scottish Boatyard Silver Hills, Rosneath, have confirmed their support and sponsorship for the 40th Anniversary of the Scottish Series Regatta. The…
42 Cruiser–Racers Entered for ICRA Nationals at Royal Irish Yacht Club
#cruiserracing – Arrangements are being finalised to provide top class racing on the water to decide National Champions in all divisions at this year's ICRA Nationals that take place at a prime time in the season from 13th to 15th June…
£8m National Sailing Centre Underway in Pwllheli, North Wales
#ISORA – The main contractor for the new £8.3m National Sailing Academy and Event Centre has been appointed in Pwllheli, North Wales. The substantial dredging works has already started and the new dedicated visitor and event pontoons will be completed by…
Denis Kiely Steps Down as National Yacht Handicapping Officer
#icra – Denis Kiely has stepped down as the ISA's national yacht handicapping officer but continues in his position as Honorary Secretary of the Irish Cruiser Racing Association (ICRA) writes Claire Bateman. After some two decades in office, Kiely is…
Policing Sailor's ISAF Categories Raises the Tempo at ICRA Conference
#icra – Of all the items on Saturday's ICRA cruiser conference agenda the 'liveliest' issue debated was how ISAF sailing categories are to be policed at future ICRA cruiser national championships. A gathering of 110 downstairs in the Royal Irish…
David Kenefick's Solo 'Full Irish' Campaign Awarded ICRA's Boat of the Year Prize
#boat of the year – The Cork based solo yacht named 'Full Irish' skippered by 22-year-old David Kenefick has won ICRA's boat of the year award. The decision was announced at today's annual ICRA conference at the Royal Irish Yacht…
ICRA Commodore Appeals for Cruiser Conference Support this Saturday
#icra – ICRA Commodore Nobby Reilly has issued a last minute appeal for support for Saturday's ICRA conference at the Royal Irish Yacht Club, urging cruiser sailors to help recruit more people to the sport of cruiser racing. It follows…
New Welsh IRC Championships at Pwllheli to be Promoted in Ireland
#IRC – A brand new Welsh IRC championships dubbed the 'Celtic Regatta' is to be staged at the Welsh National Sailing Academy in Pwllheli. It will be promoted in Dun Laoghaire this weekend by Stephen Tudor, an Irish Sea ISORA Champion and the…
Welsh IRC National Championships for Pwllheli Sailing Club in August
#welshircnationals – At their annual meeting on 12th September, the GBR IRC Committee approved the IRC GBR Regional Championships for 2014 to be held in Pwllheli.The date proposed for the Championships is to coincide with the Pwllheli Regatta between 1st…
Nominations Open For ICRA Boat Of The Year 2013
#ICRA - Nominations are now open for the Irish Cruiser Racing Association's (ICRA) Boat of the Year for 2013. The winner of the award will be announced at the ICRA Conference on Saturday 23 November in the Royal Irish Yacht…
Matt Sheahan to Give Keynote Address at ICRA Conference at Royal Irish Yacht Club
#icra – Yachting World's Technical editor Matt Sheahan will give a keynote presentation "Foiling with the America's Cup", at this year's ICRA conference on November 23rd at the Royal Irish Yacht Club.
ICRA's 2014 national championships will be sailed under the burgee of the Royal Irish Yacht Club on Dublin Bay. The three day championships from June 13 to 15, that is expected to generate over 120 boats will support the Royal…

The Irish Cruiser Racing Association (ICRA) Information

The creation of the Irish Cruiser Racing Association (ICRA) began in a very low key way in the autumn of 2002 with an exploratory meeting between Denis Kiely, Jim Donegan and Fintan Cairns in the Granville Hotel in Waterford, and the first conference was held in February 2003 in Kilkenny.

While numbers of cruiser-racers were large, their specific locations were widespread, but there was simply no denying the numerical strength and majority power of the Cork-Dublin axis. To get what was then a very novel concept up and running, this strength of numbers had to be acknowledged, and the first National Championship in 2003 reflected this, as it was staged in Howth.

ICRA was run by a dedicated group of volunteers each of whom brought their special talents to the organisation. Jim Donegan, the elder statesman, was so much more interested in the wellbeing of the new organisation than in personal advancement that he insisted on Fintan Cairns being the first Commodore, while the distinguished Cork sailor was more than content to be Vice Commodore.

ICRA National Championships

Initially, the highlight of the ICRA season was the National Championship, which is essentially self-limiting, as it is restricted to boats which have or would be eligible for an IRC Rating. Boats not actually rated but eligible were catered for by ICRA’s ace number-cruncher Denis Kiely, who took Ireland’s long-established native rating system ECHO to new heights, thereby providing for extra entries which brought fleet numbers at most annual national championships to comfortably above the hundred mark, particularly at the height of the boom years. 

ICRA Boat of the Year (Winners 2004-2019)