
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Sailors for the Sea Platinum Clean Regattas Certification Achieved by Irish Sailing Women at the Helm

17th October 2019
The platinum award cert The platinum award cert

Irish Sailing Pathfinder Women at the Helm event has been awarded the prestigious Platinum Clean Regattas Award from Sailors for the Sea.

This is the highest award possible with the Sailors for the Sea Clean Regattas programme, which is the world’s only sustainability certification for water-based events. So we are up there with Kiel Week, Rolex Big Boat Series and 11th Hour Racing.

The key to the success of a “Clean Regatta” at any level, is the implementation of a Sustainability Ambassador and a ‘Green Team’. This award was achieved with the support of the National Yacht Club, the cooperation and enthusiasm of the event participants, the commitment by race officials and great teamwork by the event ‘Green Team’ members Gail MacAllister, Susan Spain and Tim O’Brien.”

Tyson Bottenus, Director of Clean Regattas told the team “This is an amazing accomplishment and on behalf of all of us here at Sailors for the Sea I’m proud to award you with a Platinum level certificate and medallion.”

Platinum status involves achieving 70 out of 75 “green” practices to reduce the impact of an event on the environment and leave a legacy of new habits and awareness. Clean Regattas has 4 levels an event can work towards based on their own capacity – Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

Irish Sailing Pathfinder Women at the Helm has left a legacy of assets that all clubs, centres and classes can dip into and help achieve certification for their events. If your club or class wants to work towards creating ‘greener’ events Irish Sailing have a sample NOR and SI recommendations, posters and basic guidelines on taking a step further into the consideration travel and product sourcing here

You can take a look at the event’s own sustainability page here 

Irish Sailing’s Sustainability Officer Gail MacAllister is happy to give advice to any club, class or centre that wants to reduce their environmental impact - [email protected]

Published in ISA, National YC
Gail McAllister

About The Author

Gail McAllister

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Gail MacAllister is Irish Sailing's Regional Development Officer

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Irish Sailing

The Irish Sailing Association, also known as Irish Sailing, is the national governing body for sailing, powerboating and windsurfing in Ireland.

Founded in 1945 as the Irish Dinghy Racing Association, it became the Irish Yachting Association in 1964 and the Irish Sailing Association in 1992.

Irish Sailing is a Member National Authority (MNA) of World Sailing and a member of the Olympic Federation of Ireland.

The Association is governed by a volunteer board, elected by the member clubs. Policy Groups provide the link with members and stakeholders while advising the Board on specialist areas. There is a professional administration and performance staff, based at the headquarters in Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.

Core functions include the regulation of sailing education, administering racing and selection of Irish sailors for international competition. It is the body recognised by the Olympic Federation of Ireland for nominating Irish qualified sailors to be considered for selection to represent Ireland at the Olympic Games. Irish sailors have medalled twice at the Olympics – David Wilkins and Jamie Wikinson at the 1980 games, and Annalise Murphy at the 2016 games.

The Association, through its network of clubs and centres, offers curriculum-based training in the various sailing, windsurfing and powerboating disciplines. Irish Sailing qualifications are recognised by Irish and European Authorities. Most prominent of these are the Yachtmaster and the International Certificate of Competency.

It runs the annual All-Ireland Championships (formerly the Helmsman’s Championship) for senior and junior sailors.

The Association has been led by leading lights in the sailing and business communities. These include Douglas Heard, Clayton Love Junior, John Burke and Robert Dix.

Close to 100 sailors have represented Ireland at the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Membership of Irish Sailing is either by direct application or through membership of an affiliated organisation. The annual membership fee ranges from €75 for families, down to €20 for Seniors and Juniors.