
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Northern Ireland Sailing & Boating News
Ballyholme Yacht Club dinghy park in the late 1950s
Eric and Barbara Mayne had been active sailing and committee members of Ballyholme Yacht Club for many years. Eric had been a past Hon Secretary and Commodore and Barbara held many and various positions on Committees. They undertook the mammoth…
File image of Strangford Sailing Club in Strangford, Co Down
Strangford Sailing Club has been named among the finalists for RYA and Yachts & Yachting Club of the Year 2021. Ten clubs across the UK have been selected by the RYA Awards Panel, with online voting now open. The Co…
Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024 RYA Edition is Out Now
Make sure you're ready for the 2021-2024 changes to the Racing Rules of Sailing with the RYA rules books. The new editions are now available from the RYA shop - Updated every four years by World Sailing, the Racing…
Bangor Marina's Christmas Lights show last year
Bangor's favourite band, Snow Patrol, are well known for the lines in their hit 'Run' - Light up, Light up. And that's what, in this year of endless restrictions, Kevin Baird Manager of Bangor Marina on Belfast Lough, would like…
Rules determining UK owned boats’ VAT status will be subject to change after 31st December 2020
Rules determining UK owned boats’ VAT status will be subject to change after 31st December 2020 and Global marine transport and logistics provider Peters & May has is reminding UK boat owners with vessels outside the UK that as the Brexit…
Dredging on the Lower Bann
Waterways Ireland says it is undertaking a “significant programme” of maintenance works on inland waterways in Northern Ireland over the winter period. On the Lower Bann, which connects Lough Neagh to the sea north of Coleraine, works will focus on…
Shore litter
Sea2it is a Local Community Interest Company and brings together community groups and individuals as volunteers to tackle marine and freshwater litter, and the organisation has just announced that it has had some exciting news. Sea2it is investing £18k tackling…
RYANI’s Virtual AGM Reflects on Achievements in a Difficult Year
RYA Northern Ireland held its first-ever virtual AGM earlier this month, reflecting on a different but successful year for the sport leading up to April 2020. Guests at the meeting included RYA chief executive RYA Sarah Treseder OBE, chair Chris…
Dead Swan on Lough Beg Found to Have Bird Flu
The BBC has reported that a wild swan found dead earlier this week at Lough Beg near Toomebridge, a small village on the North West corner of Lough Neagh has tested positive for Bird Flu. Lough Beg is a small…
RNLI Newcastle All-weather lifeboat Eleanor and Bryant Girling
Just three days after the return of Newcastle RNLI station's D class lifeboat, Eliza, after a refit, in the late afternoon yesterday, Belfast Coastguard requested the immediate launch of the both the station's Lifeboats to reports of an overdue swimmer…
Artemis Technologies is leading the Belfast Maritime Consortium to build a new class of zero-emission fast ferries
Artemis Technologies has won the prestigious Maritime 2050 accolade at this year’s Maritime UK Awards. The award, sponsored by the Department of Transport, recognises the firm’s efforts to capitalise on the opportunities presented within the Government’s Maritime 2050 Strategy. Founded…
Bangor RNLI's Atlantic 85 Jessie Hillyard
Last Tuesday saw the return of the Bangor RNLI's Atlantic 85 Jessie Hillyard from her refit on the Isle of Wight, where she has been since February. Her replacement, 'Vivacious Atlantic' served the station well in the interim but the…
Thornback Ray - once abundant but now extinct on Belfast Lough
Alex Easton, MLA has called on the Department of Environment, Agriculture and Rural Affairs (DEARA) Minister to create Marine Protections Areas in Belfast Lough. Belfast Lough is a long, wide, and deep expanse of water, virtually free of strong tides…
Gordon Reid Returns to RYA Northern Ireland as Development Officer
Gordon Reid has rejoined RYANI as development officer to cover Mary Martin’s maternity leave. An architect by profession, Reid is an experienced watersport enthusiast who has also worked in club and coach development with Rowing Ireland. The Belfast man has…
Snap! Irish Humpback whale named #HBIRL38 has been photographed off Scotland and Ireland
The first Irish and Scottish Humpback 'match' has been made from images taken on the Shetland Islands at the weekend and then matched to photographs of the same whale off Ireland in 2015 and seen again off Irish coastal waters…
The Brexit transition period is scheduled to end on 31 December 2020
Ireland could see an influx after Christmas of visiting boaters from Northern Ireland seeking to secure the VAT and duty status of their vessels as the Brexit transition period ends. The suggestion comes after the UK’s Royal Yachting Association earlier…