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WIORA Championship Declares McCormack's 'Relativity' as Overall 2024 Winner

15th August 2024
Overall winners of WIORA 2024 – Darragh McCormack & Crew (Vincent McCormack, Oisin Finucane, Eoin Boylan, Tommy Flynn, Cathal McMahon, and Lucy Keane) on Relativity
Overall winners of WIORA 2024 – Darragh McCormack & Crew (Vincent McCormack, Oisin Finucane, Eoin Boylan, Tommy Flynn, Cathal McMahon, and Lucy Keane) on Relativity

Foynes Yacht Club on the Shannon Estuary recently hosted the 2024 WIORA Championships from Wednesday, August 7th, to Saturday, August 10th.

Nineteen boats from various locations participated in the competition, including Kilrush, Galway, and Mayo.

The event was run on the water by Howth Yacht Club Race Officer Scorie Walls and her assistant Mike Head.

The championship spanned four days and featured a series of races in favourable weather conditions.

The competition started with fresh conditions on the first day, with Class 1 boats and White Sails completing two races each.

Moderate winds prevailed on the second day, Thursday, as the IRC class boats ran three races, while the White Sails completed two races. Friday witnessed similar fresh conditions, leading to a delay in races until 3:30 pm. Saturday morning brought beautiful conditions with a steady 12 to 15-knot westerly breeze. At the end of the championship, the IRC class completed eight races, while the White Sails class completed seven.

WIORA 2024 Winners in Echo Class 1 - Liam Burke & Crew  (Cormac Conneely, Ben Schumacher, Niall Thornton, Mike O’Dea, Aly O’Sullivan, Sean Lemonnier, Aodhan Fitzgerald, and Andrew Leavey) on TribalWIORA 2024 Winners in Echo Class 1 - Liam Burke & Crew (Cormac Conneely, Ben Schumacher, Niall Thornton, Mike O’Dea, Aly O’Sullivan, Sean Lemonnier, Aodhan Fitzgerald, and Andrew Leavey) on Tribal

WIORA 2024 Winners in White Sails - Class 4 - Base and Progressive Echo - Donal McCormack and Crew (John Paul Buckley, Isabel O’Shea, Martin O’Connor, Anthony Halpin, Cora Buckley, Kate O’Regan, and Clodagh Finnegan) on BattleWIORA 2024 Winners in White Sails - Class 4 - Base and Progressive Echo - Donal McCormack and Crew (John Paul Buckley, Isabel O’Shea, Martin O’Connor, Anthony Halpin, Cora Buckley, Kate O’Regan, and Clodagh Finnegan) on Battle

WIORA 2024 Winners in White Sails - Class 3 Progressive Echo - Dylan Reidy and Crew (Kevin, Killian, Leah, Euan, and Patrick Reidy, Alan Ruttle, and Christopher McDaid) on ShelduckWIORA 2024 Winners in White Sails - Class 3 Progressive Echo - Dylan Reidy and Crew (Kevin, Killian, Leah, Euan, and Patrick Reidy, Alan Ruttle, and Christopher McDaid) on Shelduck

WIORA 2024 Winners in White Sails - Class 3 - Base Echo - Jackie Cronin & Crew (Donagh and Adam)WIORA 2024 Winners in White Sails - Class 3 - Base Echo - Jackie Cronin & Crew (Donagh and Adam)

The championship culminated in a celebratory dinner on Saturday evening, featuring prize-giving and dancing. Darragh McCormack and his crew on Relativity were declared the overall winners, and other category winners were also acknowledged. Foynes Yacht Club Commodore Bev Lowes expressed gratitude to the WIORA Organising Committee, sponsors, and individuals who contributed to the success of the event.

Race Results

You may need to scroll vertically and horizontally within the box to view the full results

Published in WIORA, Shannon Estuary Team

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West Coast of Ireland Offshore Racing Association (WIORA)

The West Coast of Ireland Offshore Racing Association (WIORA) objective is to promote an annual programme of yacht racing for the West Coast of Ireland.

WIORA aims to encourage and promote participation in and knowledge of racing and seamanship. It does this by developing yacht racing between yacht clubs on the west coast and hosting an annual regatta known as the West Coast Championships. The championships are rotated between west coast clubs. 

WIORA was formed in 1976. WIORA is affiliated with the Irish Cruiser Racing Association.

The association burgee is a pennant with a background of St. Patrick's Blue and overlaid with an emblem of St. Brendan's Cross, which is of saffron colour. 

WIORA is open to members of yachts clubs located on the west coast of Ireland, from Mizen Head to Malin Head and the waters of Lough Derg and Lough Ree, and sailors outside thee areas who may wish to participate at the WIORA annual regatta.

The membership association has a Commodore and committee.

Annual membership is €10.

WIORA Championships

WIORA 2024 will be held at Foynes Yacht Club on the Shannon Estuary from June 12th-15th 2024

WIORA Championships

WIORA 2022 will run over three days, from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th June at the Royal Western Yacht Club of Ireland on the Shannon Estuary

WIORA 2023 will be held at Kilronan on the Aran Islands

WIORA 2024 will be held at Foynes Yacht Club on the Shannon Estuary

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