
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

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#olympicsailing – Irish Olympic sailing is one of the best state funded sports so perhaps those thinking of representing Ireland in Rio next year should think of nothing of a globe–trotting Olympic trial but as Water Rat points out three…
Restored Irish Sailing Classic Yacht To Go Afloat Near Belfast Today
#classicboats – One of the most significant boats in Irish sailing history is due to be re-launched today after a lengthy restoration. W M Nixon sets the scene, and takes a look at other Irish boat restoration projects on the weekend…
Sailing at Dun Laoghaire Regatta 2015 Has Everything – And Then Some More
#dlregatta – Anyone who thinks they're comprehending all the action and the full story in the continuing, colour-filled and action-packed sailfest in Dublin Bay clearly hasn't been there. You can only grasp quick visual and mental snapshots of specific classes and…
Dun Laoghaire Regatta 2015: 400 Boats & 3,000 Sailors, It's Dublin Bay Sailfest!
#dlregatta – With the Kinsale ICRA Nats/Sovereigns Trophy 2015 very successfully concluded last weekend, and a classic Dun Laoghaire to Dingle Race put stylishly in place before that, the feeling of another sailing summer busily in progress is all-pervasive. But…
Kinsale ICRA Nats Puts Sovereign Sparkle Back into Irish Sailing
#sovscup –  It's only now, with clear signs that the Irish economy is on track to return to vigorous health so long as everyone is reasonably sensible, that we can look for a real upturn in sailing enthusiasm. But with…
Dun Laoghaire–Dingle Race Won By Family Sailing Values
#d2drace – It's the Irish offshore race which ticks all the boxes.You start conveniently on a Friday night from a harbour which – despite everything that has been done to it in the name of modern architecture – continues to…
D2D – Irish Sailing's Offshore Race Heads for Dingle from Dublin Bay
#d2d – Last night's start of the 280-mile Dun Laoghaire-Dingle Race was a tricky business, with the ebb starting to sluice out of Dublin Bay, and a less-than-commanding breeze making for an inelegant beginning to this year's biggest offshore race…
Cork Sailor's Contribution to First Fastnet Race Ninety Years Ago
#fastnet race – This year's 90th anniversary edition of the mighty Fastnet Race on August 16th will see a record fleet including two of the world's very newest maxis – Jim & Kristy Hinze Clark's 100ft Comanche and George David's…
Famous Wooden Boat 'Saoirse' Maybe Re-Born At Baltimore Sailing Festival
#woodenboats – In the annals of Irish seafaring, whether professional or amateur, only a very few can match the achievement of Conor O'Brien (1880-1952). Between 1923 and 1925, this multi-talented sailor from Foynes on the Shannon Estuary circled the world south…
Royal Cork Yacht Club Has Secret Of Eternal Youth As 300th Birthday Beckons
#royalcork – Four years and seven months may seem an eternity for many people. Yet if you're in the business of planning major club and sporting events, particularly where there's a significant international context, then four years and seven months…
A Question Asked in a Kerry Boatyard
#islandnation – "Now, why would you say that Tom?" And when Fionán Murphy rightly challenged me about my question, I did ask myself why I had just said: "It's unusual, isn't it, for a boat for Norway to be built…
It's Character Boats From The Isle of Man To Achill Island
#boatswithcharacter – With the hope that boat numbers will start to increase again as we emerge from recession, categorisation resumes its central place in our thinking about the different types of craft we sail. Yet for a while, when the economy…
Ireland's Invisible Boat Builders
#boatbuilders – In the good old days of bespoke boat-building, regular visits to the boatyard by the prospective owners were a sociable part of the process, regarded as normal and mutually instructive. And as most boats were built in waterfront premises…
Jimmy Tyrrell – An Arklow Maritime Legend
#arklow legend – We are fortunate in this country to have people who are dedicated to the marine sphere and who give freely and willingly of their time and efforts in pursuit of their belief that maritime matters really should…
ICRA Sails for Kinsale But Views Differ on How Irish Regattas Are Staged
#cruiserracing – Can you successfully incorporate a full-blown National Championship into an established neighbourhood regatta? We're going to find out from June 24th to 27th, when the ICRA Nationals and the Sovereigns Cup in Kinsale are combined into one four…
Dublin Bay Sailing Partnership Based on Artistic Endeavour
#iris – It has been said that keeping a boat-owning partnership intact is much more difficult than maintaining a marriage in a healthy state. Thus for most of us with the boat-owning vocation, sole ownership is the only way to…

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