
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Loughs Agency’s ‘StreamKeepers’ Programme Comes to Glenelly Valley

5th June 2023
Examining samples from the local watercourse during the StreamKeepers event in the Glenelly Valley
Examining samples from the local watercourse during the StreamKeepers event in the Glenelly Valley last month Credit: Jason McCartan Photography

The Loughs Agency recently took its StreamKeepers programme to the Glenelly Valley in Co Tyrone for an event aimed at encouraging people to get involved with their local waterways and environment.

The community outreach programme collaborated with the Glenelly Historical Society for the most recent leg of the initiative and one of the society’s funders, Rose Mary Murphy, was delighted with the event.

“The StreamKeepers event was a fantastic opportunity for members of the public to learn about the heritage value and natural history of the local waterways here in Glenelly,” she said.

Community members learn about the biodiversity of their local environment during the StreamKeepers event | Credit: Jason McCartan PhotographyCommunity members learn about the biodiversity of their local environment during the StreamKeepers event | Credit: Jason McCartan Photography

“Our group started 20 years ago with the aim of maintaining a connection to the past. We set up a ‘Glenelly Our Home’ page on Facebook and shared stories and photographs from the local area. This resulted in posts from people in places as far away as America and Australia who were interested in learning more about the history of Glenelly.

“For the StreamKeepers event, we decided to focus on the bridges that are located near waterways. In Badoney Upper, there are 51 townlands, and in these townlands, bridges were created as an entry point to inaccessible locations.

“Many of these townlands no longer have any inhabitants, but we hope that programmes such as StreamKeepers will continue to educate the community about the importance of maintaining their local waterways, which in turn could revive interest in these areas. Our plan is to simply appreciate history and continue to educate future generations about Glenelly.”

Some of the members of the local community who took part in the recent StreamKeepers event in Co Tyrone | Credit: Jason McCartan PhotographySome of the members of the local community who took part in the recent StreamKeepers event in Co Tyrone | Credit: Jason McCartan Photography

Aoibheann Gillespie-Mules is the environmental education and outreach Officer at the Loughs Agency, and she believes it is imperative that programmes such as StreamKeepers provide an opportunity for people to look after their local streams, rivers and lakes.

She said: “StreamKeepers brings people of all ages together, not only to preserve our waterways, but to create a valuable learning experience while looking after the environment.

“It offers groups the opportunity to discover, explore and learn about their local watercourse. The programme is facilitated by Loughs Agency staff and involves the exploration of rivers, discovering their journey through time as well as exploring positive connections through the river system.”

See the Loughs Agency website for more information about the StreamKeepers programme. Team

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About the Loughs Agency

The Loughs Agency is a governmental body established under the 1998 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ireland. The Agency's goal is to provide sustainable social, economic, and environmental benefits by effectively conserving, managing, promoting, and developing the fisheries and marine resources of the Foyle and Carlingford areas.

The Agency's governing legislation confers several specific functions, including the promotion of development of Lough Foyle and Carlingford Lough for commercial and recreational purposes in respect of marine, fishery, and aquaculture matters. Moreover, the Agency is responsible for managing, conserving, protecting, improving, and developing the inland fisheries of the Foyle and Carlingford areas. Additionally, the Agency has the task of developing and licensing aquaculture, as well as the development of marine tourism.

The Loughs Agency reports to the North South Ministerial Council and its government Sponsor Departments, the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) in Northern Ireland, and the Department of the Environment, Climate, and Communications (DECC) in Ireland. The Departments fund the Agency on an equal basis.

The Loughs Agency's focus on sustainable development is expected to have a positive impact on the economy, environment, and local communities in the Foyle and Carlingford areas. The Agency's efforts to conserve and enhance the region's marine resources, including fisheries and aquaculture, are expected to benefit local communities, promote tourism, and contribute to economic growth.

In conclusion, the Loughs Agency plays a vital role in promoting the sustainable social, economic, and environmental development of the Foyle and Carlingford areas. Its work on marine conservation and development is crucial in ensuring the long-term viability of the region's natural resources and in promoting sustainable economic growth.