The Russian military exercises which had been due to take place within Ireland’s Exclusive Economic Zone ( EEZ) raise some serious questions, according to former Defence Forces chief of staff Mark Mellett.
Mellett believes the Russian Federation’s original plan was intended to “unsettle the EU”, while showing an “utter disregard for Irish sovereign rights”, for Irish defence forces, the rights of fishers and protection of the environment.
He said the exercises' timing, with severe tension over Russian military build-up on the border with Ukraine, was no accident.
"Mellett believes the Russian Federation’s original plan was intended to “unsettle the EU”
Maritime lawyer Prof Clive Symmons has said the government was wrong to state initially that it was powerless to prevent Russia holding exercises within the EEZ.
Symmons said the UN Law of the Sea Convention is a “grey area” when it comes to military exercises – as distinct from the right of innocent passage on the high seas, which is defined.
However, he pointed out there are provisions for a state to protect its economic resources within an EEZ.
The initial Russian plan some 240 km off the south coast– which was dropped after intervention by the Irish South and West Fish Producers’ Organisation and correspondence between Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney and the Russian defence minister – was “unprecedented”, Mellett observed.
Speaking to Wavelengths on the issues raised, Mellett said that “greater complementarity” is required between the EU and Nato, which recognises member-state sovereignty. He also spoke about what this means for Ireland’s policy of neutrality.
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