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Displaying items by tag: National Bravery Awards

Outstanding courage in sea and river rescues has been recognised in the National Bravery Awards presented at Dublin’s Farmleigh House today (Friday, Nov 10).

A total of 26 certificates, six bronze medals,13 silver medals and a posthumous gold medal were presented by the Ceann Comhairle Seán Ó Fearghaíl of the Dáil to individuals from across Ireland who risked their own lives to aid others in peril.

Several medals were awarded for rescues from the water dating back to 1947 and 1964, while a Staffordshire terrier dog also played a key role in a river rescue in Kilkenny several years ago.

A posthumous gold medal award and certificate for bravery were conferred on the late James Nicholl for the attempted rescue of a young man who jumped from the Grattan bridge into the river Liffey around 1.20 am on April 8th last (2023).

The citation states that a close friend of the man in the river had called for help, and James Nicholl stepped forward, saying he would try to save the young man.

Noreen and Jimmy who accept the award on behalf of their son, James Nicholl is posthumously awarded a Gold Medal and a Certificate of BraveryNoreen and Jimmy who accept the award on behalf of their son, James Nicholl (pictured below) is posthumously awarded a Gold Medal and a Certificate of Bravery Photo: MaxwellsJimmy (James) Nicholl who received a posthumous gold medal at the national bravery awards for trying to rescue a young man from the river Liffey last April. This portrait of him by photographer Conor Horgan appeared in Horgan's "Unpublished Dublin" exhibition in the Little Museum of Dublin in 2014. Photo: Conor HorganJimmy (James) Nicholl who received a posthumous gold medal at the national bravery awards for trying to rescue a young man from the river Liffey last April. This portrait of him by photographer Conor Horgan appeared in Horgan's "Unpublished Dublin" exhibition in the Little Museum of Dublin in 2014. Photo: Conor Horgan

“The man calling for help told James not to go in if he couldn’t swim, but although Nicholl did not know the young man in the water, he insisted he would help,” it states.

“According to the man who was calling for help, Nicholl said ‘I am ex-army, I will get him’ and jumped into the dark Liffey waters to try and save the young man in distress,” it says.

“Several lifebuoys were thrown into the water by people on the edge of the river, and both An Garda Síochána and Dublin Fire Brigade searched from the quayside for some time, but neither man could be located,” it states.

“Shortly after 6 am, the body of James Nicholl was recovered from the water beside Millennium Bridge by the Garda Water Unit. The search continued, and sometime later, the body of the young man he had attempted to save was recovered from the water beside the Ha’Penny Bridge,” it says, stating Nicholl was posthumously awarded a gold medal for his “brave and selfless actions”.

Recipients from Wexford, Kildare, Laois, Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Mayo, Meath, Wicklow, Donegal and Dublin were honoured at the ceremony for acts of bravery and courage.

Among the sea and river rescue recipients were Darren Byrnes and Ian Bolger, both of Co Clare, who were awarded certificates of bravery for the attempted rescue of a man and a child from the sea at Doonbeg on August 13th, 2022.

Darren Byrnes and Ian Bolger, who both received Certificates of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery Awards, when Gardaí received a report of swimmers in difficulty at Doughmore Beach, Doonbeg, Co Clare Photo: MaxwellsDarren Byrnes and Ian Bolger, who both received Certificates of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery Awards, when Gardaí received a report of swimmers in difficulty at Doughmore Beach, Doonbeg, Co Clare Photo: Maxwells

“Darren and Ian entered the water and swam in the direction of the pair,” the citation states.

“Although they reached the struggling man and child, they were forced to abandon their efforts to save them as the sea conditions were too rough and they were in serious difficulty themselves,” it says.

“Gardaí spoke to Ian and Darren at the scene, who were both cold and visibly shaken. Thankfully, the boy’s uncle managed to get himself to safety, and the boy managed to tread water until he was rescued by the Irish Coast Guard helicopter,” it states.

Donnchadh Kennedy, who received a Bronze Medal and a Certificate of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery Awards with his daughter Fleur, 8, and father, Garret,Donnchadh Kennedy, who received a Bronze Medal and a Certificate of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery Awards with his daughter Fleur, 8, and father, Garret,

Donnchadh Kennedy, who received a Bronze Medal and a Certificate of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery Awards with his daughter Fleur, 8, and father, Garret

Kennedy was surfing off the strand when he was alerted by people on the beach and nearby cliffs that there was a swimmer in difficulty in the sea about 80 metres from his position in the water, the citation states.

“ He immediately paddled through three to four-foot waves and into the rip current to the location of the swimmer. As he approached her, she went under the waves, and he grabbed her and attempted to get her on to his surfboard,” it states.

“She finally managed to cling to the board, and with great difficulty, he eventually paddled out of the rip current, and another surfer came to help,” it says.

“They were bringing her towards the beach when Donnchadh was alerted to another man in difficulty in the water. He turned and paddled back out into the current again and managed to help the man to grab hold of his surfboard,” it says.

“ Although exhausted from the effort, he paddled back out of the rip current and, with the aid of another surfer, the man was brought safely to shore,” it states.

Don O’Neil and Donal Hanley, both of Kerry, were each awarded a bronze medal and certificate of bravery for the rescue of a man from the sea at Ballyheigue on September 24th, 2022.

Donal Hanley, who received a Bronze Medal and Certificate of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery AwardsDonal Hanley, who received a Bronze Medal and Certificate of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery Awards

The citation states that a man, who was a regular sea swimmer, found himself caught in a rip tide while swimming in the sea off Ballyheigue beach.

“He began shouting for help and was struggling to stay afloat when Donal Hanley and Don O’Neil entered the water and swam out to

him. At this point, he was some distance offshore and all three were swept out further to sea while struggling to stay afloat in the strong current,” it states.

“Due to the current and the sea conditions, all three were in fear for their lives, but after some time battling the waves, all three eventually got back to the safety of the beach,” it states.

“ The rescued man, who was a strong and experienced swimmer, was very appreciative of the assistance of both Don and Donal and recognised they were instrumental in saving his life that day,” it states.

Michael McKeon was awarded a bronze medal and certificate of bravery for the attempted rescue of a man who had got into difficulty off Seapoint, Blackrock, Co Dublin, on August 17th, 2021.

McKeon was getting dressed after swimming at Seapoint with friends when they heard a cry for help from the water and could see two people in the sea at a distance offshore of about 100m.

“One of the two was waving and shouting while trying to keep the other afloat. Although it was getting dark and Michael had already been swimming, he re-entered the water along with another man and swam out to the men in the water,” the citation states.

“They brought the man back to the bank, and members of the emergency services started CPR on the man. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of all involved, the man remained unresponsive and was later pronounced dead,” it states.

David Doran who received a Silver Medal and a Certificate of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery AwardsDavid Doran who received a Silver Medal and a Certificate of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery Awards Photo: Maxwells

David Doran of Wicklow was awarded a silver medal and certificate of bravery for the rescue of a man from heavy seas at Bray Beach, Co Wicklow, on April 24th, 2022.

Doran had set out to go for a swim at the harbour end of Bray beach but decided against it as the sea swell was significant and it was a damp and cold day.

“ As he was about to leave, he noticed some women pointing out to sea and trying to raise some attention. Following their directions, David saw a man flailing in the water about 70 - 80 metres out to sea beyond the rocks at the end of the beach,” the citation states.

“The conditions were so poor that no one was willing to go into the water. In spite of his own misgivings about the sea state, David swam out through the waves to reach the man who was by then slipping in and out of consciousness,” it states.

“After reaching the man, David swam back to the shore, dragging the man with him through the waves and difficult currents. An ambulance was called and CPR was performed on the man who thankfully recovered from the ordeal,” it says.

Fred Corcoran of Dublin was awarded a silver medal and certificate of bravery for the rescue of a young girl who had fallen into the River Dodder in July 1947.

Fred Corcoran, who received a Silver Medal and a Certificate of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery Awards with his daughters Rhona and OrlaFred Corcoran, who received a Silver Medal and a Certificate of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery Awards with his daughters Rhona and Orla

“ In July 1947, Fred Corcoran, who was then aged about 15, saw a crowd leaning over railings on Londonbridge Road at the edge of the River Dodder screaming for help,” the citation says.

“Fred rushed over and saw that there was a young blonde-haired girl struggling out in the middle of the river. There was an exceptionally high tide, and the river was full at the time,” it states.

“The girl went under the water just as Fred saw her, so he removed

his jacket and dived from the railings into the water. He swam out to her, and although she was submerged, he saw a small clump of her blonde hair and pulling her up he managed to swim back to the Dodder wall,”it states.

“He stood on the submerged debris of an old wartime air raid shelter and stretched up to hand the little girl into the waiting arms of onlookers. The girl was whisked away in an ambulance, and Fred was eventually helped out of the water,” it states.

Tom Fitzgerald of Dublin was awarded a silver medal, and both he and John Burke of Sligo were awarded certificates of bravery for the rescue of three young boys from the River Shannon on September 19th, 1964.

“At around 3 o'clock on Saturday, September 19th, 1964, three boys were playing in a boat at the quays in Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim,” the citation states.

“ The boat started to drift away on the current, and the three boys began to panic as none of them could swim. Tom Fitzgerald, who was then just ten years old, saw one of the boys, a five-year-old, jump into deep water from the boat,” it says.

“Tom plunged into the water and swam to the boy and brought him ashore. He then went back into the water to assist an older boy who had also jumped from the boat to help but was in danger of drowning himself,” it says.

“ When Tom brought this boy to the quay wall, John Burke, who was 14 at the time began artificial respiration until a local doctor arrived and they succeeded in reviving the unconscious boy. Meanwhile, Tom went back into the water to help the third boy who was holding on to the side of the boat,”it says.

“ Tom helped this boy back into the boat brought back to the quayside.

Francis Doherty of Donegal was awarded a silver medal and certificate of bravery for the rescue of a woman from the sea at Carrickfin Beach, Co Donegal, on May 15th, 2022.

One of two women swimming there got caught in a riptide current, and the second woman swam to the shore and began calling for help.

“Due to the sea conditions, nobody on the beach felt confident enough to attempt a rescue and by now, the woman caught in the water was exhausted trying to fight against the current and was several hundred metres from shore,” the citation states.

“Francis Doherty took a life ring and started swimming out to sea. When he finally reached the woman, he put one of her arms into the ring and told her to hold on,” it states.

“However, exhausted by the strain and cold, she passed out, and Francis had to take hold of her by the wrist and pull her. As the waves rose, he lifted her head above the water and swam into the waves that thankfully took them towards the shore,” it says.

“ Several men ran to meet them and pulled them both safely ashore. The woman was examined by the paramedics and flown to hospital by helicopter, but thankfully, she was released three days later,” it states.

Kevin O’Sullivan of Cork was awarded a silver medal and certificate of bravery for the rescue of a woman from the River Lee near South Gate Bridge, Cork, on November 6th, 2020.

That evening, a woman entered the River Lee near the South Gate Bridge in Cork city and was swept by a strong current towards the South Gate bridge, the citation states.

“Kevin O’Sullivan was out with friends, and on seeing the woman in distress, he climbed down to the river and began swimming towards the woman,” it says.

“ The woman was screaming for help and fighting the current and was about to go under water before Kevin reached her. Kevin's friends threw life buoys into the river, and while keeping the woman above water, Kevin managed to drag her to a buoy,” it says.

“From there, he and the woman were reeled to the nearest ladder at Sullivan's quay, where Gardaí and members of the fire brigade were waiting. An exhausted Kevin was examined for possible secondary drowning, while the woman was taken to hospital and kept in for treatment,” it says.

Conor Power of Wicklow received a silver medal and bravery certificate for rescuing a woman from heavy seas near Greystones, Co Wicklow.

Conor Power who received a Silver Medal and a Certificate of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery AwardsConor Power who received a Silver Medal and a Certificate of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery Awards Photo: Maxwells

Power arrived at the northern end of Greystones South Beach on November 11th, 2020, to train for the practical element of his PE Leaving Certificate examination. The sea conditions were severe, and training was cancelled, the citation says.

“However, as he went to get the bus home, he became aware of a woman struggling in the water and being pushed towards the rocks by the sea,” it says.

“ A bystander told him she had been struggling for some time, and so Conor decided he had to attempt a rescue. Taking a ring buoy, he swam through the waves for about 200 metres to reach the woman. He gave her the buoy, and holding onto the rope, he tried to tow her clear of the dangerous rocks,”it says.

“After much effort, he got her clear of immediate danger, but the effort, cold water, wind and waves had exhausted him, and Conor told the woman to hold onto the ring buoy, and that help was on its way,” it says.

“ He swam back to shore, where he was put in an ambulance and treated for the cold and given oxygen. Subsequently, he was brought to St Vincent's Hospital A&E where he was observed for around three hours prior to release,” it says.

“ The woman was recovered from the sea by helicopter and evacuated to hospital where she is understood to have made a full recovery,” it says.

David Dunne of Kilkenny and Mike Bolger of Carlow were each awarded a silver medal and certificate of bravery for rescuing three children and a man from the River Barrow in Graiguenamanagh, Co Kilkenny, on June 1st, 2020.

The two men were in a local park when they heard screaming from the river and saw a man and three children in difficulty in the water.

“ David and Mike jumped into the river, and David swam to reach one of the children and the man struggling against the strong river current,” the citation says.

“Meanwhile, Mike began trying to rescue another of the children, a girl who had become trapped in a weir,”the citation says.

The girl was being pushed under the water by the force of the weir stopper wave.

“The water was so rapid that Mike also got caught in the whirlpool and was struggling to keep them both above water,”it states.

“ At this point Mike’s dog, a Staffordshire terrier called Clyde, jumped in and Mike pushed the girl towards the dog. The girl grabbed on to Clyde which left Mike free to swim with his two hands so that he was able to get out of the whirlpool, but he was struggling to get the girl to safety,”it says.

“By now David had got the man and boy ashore, and then swam to another girl who was clinging to a tree out in the middle of the river. He managed to push her to the wall of the weir and they both scrambled up,”it says.

“David then ran over the weir, grabbing Mike's hand as he was going under, and together they got the girl to safety,”it says.

Callum Clarke of Roscommon was awarded a silver medal and certificate of bravery for the rescue of his grandfather from a lake near Tulsk, Co Roscommon on September 17th, 2021.

 Callum Clarke who received a Silver Medal and a Certificate of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery Awards Callum Clarke who received a Silver Medal and a Certificate of Bravery at the Oireachtas National Bravery Awards

Clarke, then aged eleven, was fishing from a boat with his grandfather, Sean, on Killina lake that evening when a freak gust of wind tipped Sean into the water. As he tried to surface, the boat began to capsize.

“ Sean went under the surface but was brought up by Callum grabbing his collar. Although they were both wearing life jackets, Sean’s failed to inflate, and with both of them in the freezing cold water, Callum grabbed a board from the overturned boat and told his grandfather to hold on to it as the pair paddled to shore,”it says.

“When they made it to shore, Sean was struggling to breathe, and young Callum ran to their car to get his phone and raise the alarm,” it says.

“After being brought out of the water, Sean was taken by ambulance to Mullingar General Hospital where he was detained briefly before making a full recovery,” it says.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Ceann Comhairle Mr Ó Fearghaíl said that “today the Irish State recognises and celebrates the noblest impulse in a human being, the impulse to risk our lives in order to save someone else’s”.

“But just as importantly, what these awards also do is mark the importance of the lives that were saved and also those that were lost.

I say this because in several instances, we are making awards where, despite brave actions and valiant efforts, lives were tragically lost,” he said.

“Those involved in these attempts know how hard they struggled, the families of those lost appreciate their efforts as do we, the Irish nation,” he said.

The annual honours are awarded by Comhairle na Míre Gaile – the Deeds of Bravery Council – which was founded 76 years ago in 1947 to enable State recognition of exceptional Acts of Bravery.

The council is chaired by the Ceann Comhairle and includes the Cathaoirleach of Seanad Éireann, the Lord Mayors of Dublin and Cork, the Garda Commissioner, the President of the Association of City and County Councils, and the Chairman of the Irish Red Cross.

Published in Rescue

Individuals who risked their own lives to aid others in peril on the water made up the bulk of this year’s National Bravery Awards, which were presented by the Ceann Comhairle Seán Ó Fearghaíl on Friday (12 November).

The ceremony at Farmleigh House in Dublin’s Phoenix Park brought recipients together to receive their Certificates of Bravery for 17 acts of bravery. There were also nine Bronze Medals for Bravery awarded, while another six recipients received Silver Medals for Bravery.

“What these awards celebrate is the noblest impulse within a human being, to risk their life in order to save another,” the Ceann Comhairle said.

“We honour people who leaped into stormy seas, who braved swollen rivers, climbed down cliffs, assisted at road traffic collisions and performed other remarkable deeds. Through their actions there are people alive today who would undoubtedly have died.”

The crew of the Waterford-based Irish Coast Guard helicopter Rescue 117 were each awarded a Certificate of Bravery for their efforts to evacuate seven from a fishing vessel that sank at Kenmare Bay in March this year.

Sarah Courtney, Ronan Flanagan and Adrian O’Hara from Waterford and Aaron Hyland from Galway each received Certificates of Bravery, and for her actions Sarah Courtney was also awarded a Silver Medal.

Four visiting Americans were commended after leaping into action to rescue a young girl who was swept out to sea on an inflatable at Portmarnock Beach in July 2019.

Walter Butler — a member of the US Coast Guard — and his relatives Declan Butler, Eoghan Butler and Alexander Hugh Thomson from Arlington, Virginia each received a Certificate of Bravery.

Another incident at Portmarnock the following month saw Gerard Tyrrell receive a Bronze Medal and a Certificate of Bravery for his rescue of two girls blown out to sea on an inflatable flamingo.

Shane Moloney was commended for saving his father Noel’s life after the boat they were moving out of a field behind their North Cork home struck overhead power lines, delivering a near-fatal 10,000-volt electric shock.

Beth Darrer and Niamh McMahon each received a Bronze Medal and a Certificate of Bravery for their swift response to help rescue four young men who got into difficulty in the water at Inchydoney Beach in May 2020.

For her selfless actions in rescuing a father and his three daughters swept out to sea off Portsalon Beach in Co Donegal in July 2020, Jane Friel was awarded a Bronze Medal and a Certificate of Bravery.

Scott McQuaid was honoured with a Silver Medal and a Certificate of Bravery for his rescue of a young boy who had got into difficulty with his father when their kayak capsized at Ardreigh Lock on the River Barrow in Athy in February this year.

Zoey Lally rescued three teenage boys who were swept into the sea from Easkey Pier by a high wave in March this year, and received a Silver Medal and a Certificate of Bravery for her actions.

A number of gardaí were also commended in this years awards, with Garda Keenan McGavisk and Garda Róisín O’Donnell receiving Bronze Medals for their rescue of a distressed man from a fast-flowing river in Ardee, Co Louth in March last year, and Garda Caroline O’Brien also getting a Bronze Medal for saving the life of a young man who entered the water near St John’s Quay in Kilkenny in July 2019.

And 26 years after her crucial lifesaving actions, a Silver Medal and Certificate of Braver were awarded to Susan Hackett for the rescue of two young people who got into difficulty while swimming in the River Suir new Newcastle, Co Tipperary in the summer of 1995.

The National Bravery Awards are awarded annually by Comhairle na Míre Gaile – the Deeds of Bravery Council – which was founded in 1947 to enable State recognition of exceptional acts of bravery.

The council is chaired by the Ceann Comhairle and includes the Cathaoirleach of Seanad Éireann, the Lord Mayors of Dublin and Cork, the Garda Commissioner, the President of the Association of City & County Councils and the chairman of the Irish Red Cross.

Published in Rescue

#Coastguard - The late Irish Coast Guard volunteer Caitriona Lucas has been recognised in this year’s National Bravery Awards.

The Posthumous Gold Medal and Certificate of Bravery were presented to Lucas’ family at Farmleigh House yesterday (Friday 20 October) a year after she died during a search operation in Kilkee when her RIB capsized.

“Catriona’s courage and selfless action on that day says everything about her — her strength of character and spirit and willingness to help others,” said Ceann Comhairle Seán Ó’ Fearghaíl, who presented the awards to 15 recipients.

“It is also a reminder of how committed and brave members of our emergency services put their lives on the line on a daily basis to help and protect their communities.

“Caitriona’s family accepted a Gold Medal for Bravery in recognition of her courage, which is the highest award possible.”

Others recognised at the ceremony yesterday include Darren McMahon, who was awarded a Certificate of Bravery for his attempt to rescue his brother from a kayak trapped in a weir gate in Ennis.

Bronze Medals and Certificates of Bravery also went to scouts Sean Baitson, Kyle Corrigan, Cory Ridge Grenelle and Philip Byrne for their attempts to rescue 14-year-old Aoife Winterlich, who died after being swept into the sea during an outing at Hook Head Lighthouse in December 2015.

Byrne in particular was noted for his efforts to keep Winterlich afloat in the rough waters before help arrived.

Published in Coastguard

About the Irish Navy

The Navy maintains a constant presence 24 hours a day, 365 days a year throughout Ireland’s enormous and rich maritime jurisdiction, upholding Ireland’s sovereign rights. The Naval Service is tasked with a variety of roles including defending territorial seas, deterring intrusive or aggressive acts, conducting maritime surveillance, maintaining an armed naval presence, ensuring right of passage, protecting marine assets, countering port blockades; people or arms smuggling, illegal drugs interdiction, and providing the primary diving team in the State.

The Service supports Army operations in the littoral and by sealift, has undertaken supply and reconnaissance missions to overseas peace support operations and participates in foreign visits all over the world in support of Irish Trade and Diplomacy.  The eight ships of the Naval Service are flexible and adaptable State assets. Although relatively small when compared to their international counterparts and the environment within which they operate, their patrol outputs have outperformed international norms.

The Irish Naval Service Fleet

The Naval Service is the State's principal seagoing agency. The Naval Service operates jointly with the Army and Air Corps.

The fleet comprises one Helicopter Patrol Vessel (HPV), three Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV), two Large Patrol Vessel (LPV) and two Coastal Patrol Vessels (CPV). Each vessel is equipped with state of the art machinery, weapons, communications and navigation systems.


LE Eithne was built in Verlome Dockyard in Cork and was commissioned into service in 1984. She patrols the Irish EEZ and over the years she has completed numerous foreign deployments.

Type Helicopter Patrol Vessel
Length 80.0m
Beam 12m
Draught 4.3m
Main Engines 2 X Ruston 12RKC Diesels6, 800 HP2 Shafts
Speed 18 knots
Range 7000 Nautical Miles @ 15 knots
Crew 55 (6 Officers)
Commissioned 7 December 1984


L.É. Orla was formerly the HMS SWIFT a British Royal Navy patrol vessel stationed in the waters of Hong Kong. She was purchased by the Irish State in 1988. She scored a notable operational success in 1993 when she conducted the biggest drug seizure in the history of the state at the time, with her interception and boarding at sea of the 65ft ketch, Brime.

Type Coastal Patrol Vessel
Length 62.6m
Beam 10m
Draught 2.7m
Main Engines 2 X Crossley SEMT- Pielstick Diesels 14,400 HP 2 Shafts
Speed 25 + Knots
Range 2500 Nautical Miles @ 17 knots
Crew 39 (5 Officers)


L.É. Ciara was formerly the HMS SWALLOW a British Royal Navy patrol vessel stationed in the waters of Hong Kong. She was purchased by the Irish State in 1988. She scored a notable operational success in Nov 1999 when she conducted the second biggest drug seizure in the history of the state at that time, with her interception and boarding at sea of MV POSIDONIA of the south-west coast of Ireland.

Type Coastal Patrol Vessel
Length 62.6m
Beam 10m
Draught 2.7m
Main Engines 2 X Crossley SEMT- Pielstick Diesels 14,400 HP 2 Shafts
Speed 25 + Knots
Range 2500 Nautical Miles @ 17 knots
Crew 39 (5 Officers)


L.É. Roisin (the first of the Roisín class of vessel) was built in Appledore Shipyards in the UK for the Naval Service in 2001. She was built to a design that optimises her patrol performance in Irish waters (which are some of the roughest in the world), all year round. For that reason a greater length overall (78.8m) was chosen, giving her a long sleek appearance and allowing the opportunity to improve the conditions on board for her crew.

Type Long Offshore Patrol Vessel
Length 78.84m
Beam 14m
Draught 3.8m
Main Engines 2 X Twin 16 cly V26 Wartsila 26 medium speed Diesels
5000 KW at 1,000 RPM 2 Shafts
Speed 23 knots
Range 6000 Nautical Miles @ 15 knots
Crew 44 (6 Officers)
Commissioned 18 September 2001


L.É. Niamh (the second of the Róisín class) was built in Appledore Shipyard in the UK for the Naval Service in 2001. She is an improved version of her sister ship, L.É.Roisin

Type Long Offshore Patrol Vessel
Length 78.84m
Beam 14m
Draught 3.8m
Main Engines 2 X Twin 16 cly V26 Wartsila 26 medium speed Diesels
5000 KW at 1,000 RPM 2 Shafts
Speed 23 knots
Range 6000 Nautical Miles @ 15 knots
Crew 44 (6 Officers)
Commissioned 18 September 2001


LÉ Samuel Beckett is an Offshore Patrol Vessel built and fitted out to the highest international standards in terms of safety, equipment fit, technological innovation and crew comfort. She is also designed to cope with the rigours of the North-East Atlantic.

Type Offshore Patrol Vessel
Length 90.0m
Beam 14m
Draught 3.8m
Main Engines 2 x Wärtsilä diesel engines and Power Take In, 2 x shafts, 10000kw
Speed 23 knots
Range 6000 Nautical Miles @ 15 knots
Crew 44 (6 Officers)


LÉ James Joyce is an Offshore Patrol Vessel and represents an updated and lengthened version of the original RÓISÍN Class OPVs which were also designed and built to the Irish Navy specifications by Babcock Marine Appledore and she is truly a state of the art ship. She was commissioned into the naval fleet in September 2015. Since then she has been constantly engaged in Maritime Security and Defence patrolling of the Irish coast. She has also deployed to the Defence Forces mission in the Mediterranean from July to end of September 2016, rescuing 2491 persons and recovering the bodies of 21 deceased

Type Offshore Patrol Vessel
Length 90.0m
Beam 14m
Draught 3.8m
Main Engines 2 x Wärtsilä diesel engines and Power Take In, 2 x shafts, 10000kw
Speed 23 knots
Range 6000 Nautical Miles @ 15 knots
Crew 44 (6 Officers)


L.É. William Butler Yeats was commissioned into the naval fleet in October 2016. Since then she has been constantly engaged in Maritime Security and Defence patrolling of the Irish coast. She has also deployed to the Defence Forces mission in the Mediterranean from July to October 2017, rescuing 704 persons and recovering the bodies of three deceased.

Type Offshore Patrol Vessel
Length 90.0m
Beam 14m
Draught 3.8m
Main Engines 2 x Wärtsilä diesel engines and Power Take In, 2 x shafts, 10000kw
Speed 23 knots
Range 6000 Nautical Miles @ 15 knots
Crew 44 (6 Officers)


LÉ George Bernard Shaw (pennant number P64) is the fourth and final ship of the P60 class vessels built for the Naval Service in Babcock Marine Appledore, Devon. The ship was accepted into State service in October 2018, and, following a military fit-out, commenced Maritime Defence and Security Operations at sea.

Type Offshore Patrol Vessel
Length 90.0m
Beam 14m
Draught 3.8m
Main Engines 2 x Wärtsilä diesel engines and Power Take In, 2 x shafts, 10000kw
Speed 23 knots
Range 6000 Nautical Miles @ 15 knots
Crew 44 (6 Officers)

Ship information courtesy of the Defence Forces

Irish Navy FAQs

The Naval Service is the Irish State's principal seagoing agency with "a general responsibility to meet contingent and actual maritime defence requirements". It is tasked with a variety of defence and other roles.

The Naval Service is based in Ringaskiddy, Cork harbour, with headquarters in the Defence Forces headquarters in Dublin.

The Naval Service provides the maritime component of the Irish State's defence capabilities and is the State's principal seagoing agency. It "protects Ireland's interests at and from the sea, including lines of communication, fisheries and offshore resources" within the Irish exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The Naval Service operates jointly with the Army and Air Corps as part of the Irish defence forces.

The Naval Service was established in 1946, replacing the Marine and Coastwatching Service set up in 1939. It had replaced the Coastal and Marine Service, the State's first marine service after independence, which was disbanded after a year. Its only ship was the Muirchú, formerly the British armed steam yacht Helga, which had been used by the Royal Navy to shell Dublin during the 1916 Rising. In 1938, Britain handed over the three "treaty" ports of Cork harbour, Bere haven and Lough Swilly.

The Naval Service has nine ships - one Helicopter Patrol Vessel (HPV), three Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV), two Large Patrol Vessel (LPV) and two Coastal Patrol Vessels (CPV). Each vessel is equipped with State of the art machinery, weapons, communications and navigation systems.

The ships' names are prefaced with the title of Irish ship or "long Éireannach" (LE). The older ships bear Irish female names - LÉ Eithne, LÉ Orla, LÉ Ciara, LÉ Roisín, and LÉ Niamh. The newer ships, named after male Irish literary figures, are LÉ Samuel Beckett, LÉ James Joyce, LÉ William Butler Yeats and LÉ George Bernard Shaw.

Yes. The 76mm Oto Melara medium calibre naval armament is the most powerful weapon in the Naval Services arsenal. The 76mm is "capable of engaging naval targets at a range of up to 17km with a high level of precision, ensuring that the Naval Service can maintain a range advantage over all close-range naval armaments and man-portable weapon systems", according to the Defence Forces.

The Fleet Operational Readiness Standards and Training (FORST) unit is responsible for the coordination of the fleet needs. Ships are maintained at the Mechanical Engineering and Naval Dockyard Unit at Ringaskiddy, Cork harbour.

The helicopters are designated as airborne from initial notification in 15 minutes during daylight hours, and 45 minutes at night. The aircraft respond to emergencies at sea, on inland waterways, offshore islands and mountains and cover the 32 counties. They can also assist in flooding, major inland emergencies, intra-hospital transfers, pollution, and can transport offshore firefighters and ambulance teams. The Irish Coast Guard volunteers units are expected to achieve a 90 per cent response time of departing from the station house in ten minutes from notification during daylight and 20 minutes at night. They are also expected to achieve a 90 per cent response time to the scene of the incident in less than 60 minutes from notification by day and 75 minutes at night, subject to geographical limitations.

The Flag Officer Commanding Naval Service (FOCNS) is Commodore Michael Malone. The head of the Defence Forces is a former Naval Service flag officer, now Vice-Admiral Mark Mellett – appointed in 2015 and the first Naval Service flag officer to hold this senior position. The Flag Officer oversees Naval Operations Command, which is tasked with the conduct of all operations afloat and ashore by the Naval Service including the operations of Naval Service ships. The Naval Operations Command is split into different sections, including Operations HQ and Intelligence and Fishery Section.

The Intelligence and Fishery Section is responsible for Naval Intelligence, the Specialist Navigation centre, the Fishery Protection supervisory and information centre, and the Naval Computer Centre. The Naval Intelligence Cell is responsible for the collection, collation and dissemination of naval intelligence. The Navigation Cell is the naval centre for navigational expertise.

The Fishery Monitoring Centre provides for fishery data collection, collation, analysis and dissemination to the Naval Service and client agencies, including the State's Sea Fisheries Protection Agency. The centre also supervises fishery efforts in the Irish EEZ and provides data for the enhanced effectiveness of fishery protection operations, as part of the EU Common Fisheries Policy. The Naval Computer Centre provides information technology (IT) support service to the Naval Service ashore and afloat.

This headquarters includes specific responsibility for the Executive/Operations Branch duties. The Naval Service Operations Room is a coordination centre for all NS current Operations. The Naval Service Reserve Staff Officer is responsible for the supervision, regulation and training of the reserve. The Diving section is responsible for all aspects of Naval diving and the provision of a diving service to the Naval Service and client agencies. The Ops Security Section is responsible for the coordination of base security and the coordination of all shore-based security parties operating away from the Naval base. The Naval Base Comcen is responsible for the running of a communications service. Boat transport is under the control of Harbour Master Naval Base, who is responsible for the supervision of berthage at the Naval Base and the provision of a boat service, including the civilian manned ferry service from Haulbowline.

Naval Service ships have undertaken trade and supply missions abroad, and personnel have served as peacekeepers with the United Nations. In 2015, Naval Service ships were sent on rotation to rescue migrants in the Mediterranean as part of a bi-lateral arrangement with Italy, known as Operation Pontus. Naval Service and Army medical staff rescued some 18,000 migrants, either pulling people from the sea or taking them off small boats, which were often close to capsizing having been towed into open water and abandoned by smugglers. Irish ships then became deployed as part of EU operations in the Mediterranean, but this ended in March 2019 amid rising anti-immigrant sentiment in the EU.

Essentially, you have to be Irish, young (less than 32), in good physical and mental health and with normal vision. You must be above 5'2″, and your weight should be in keeping with your age.

Yes, women have been recruited since 1995. One of the first two female cadets, Roberta O'Brien from the Glen of Aherlow in Co Tipperary, became its first female commander in September 2020. Sub Lieutenant Tahlia Britton from Donegal also became the first female diver in the navy's history in the summer of 2020.

A naval cadet enlists for a cadetship to become an officer in the Defence Forces. After successfully completing training at the Naval Service College, a cadet is commissioned into the officer ranks of the Naval Service as a Ensign or Sub Lieutenant.

A cadet trains for approximately two years duration divided into different stages. The first year is spent in military training at the Naval Base in Haulbowline, Cork. The second-year follows a course set by the National Maritime College of Ireland course. At the end of the second year and on completion of exams, and a sea term, the cadets will be qualified for the award of a commission in the Permanent Defence Force as Ensign.

The Defence Forces say it is looking for people who have "the ability to plan, prioritise and organise", to "carefully analyse problems, in order to generate appropriate solutions, who have "clear, concise and effective communication skills", and the ability to "motivate others and work with a team". More information is on the 2020 Qualifications Information Leaflet.

When you are 18 years of age or over and under 26 years of age on the date mentioned in the notice for the current competition, the officer cadet competition is held annually and is the only way for potential candidates to join the Defence Forces to become a Naval Service officer. Candidates undergo psychometric and fitness testing, an interview and a medical exam.
The NMCI was built beside the Naval Service base at Ringaskiddy, Co Cork, and was the first third-level college in Ireland to be built under the Government's Public-Private Partnership scheme. The public partners are the Naval Service and Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) and the private partner is Focus Education.
A Naval Service recruit enlists for general service in the "Other Ranks" of the Defence Forces. After successfully completing the initial recruit training course, a recruit passes out as an Ordinary Seaman and will then go onto their branch training course before becoming qualified as an Able Body sailor in the Naval Service.
No formal education qualifications are required to join the Defence Forces as a recruit. You need to satisfy the interview board and the recruiting officer that you possess a sufficient standard of education for service in the Defence Forces.
Recruit training is 18 weeks in duration and is designed to "develop a physically fit, disciplined and motivated person using basic military and naval skills" to "prepare them for further training in the service. Recruits are instilled with the Naval Service ethos and the values of "courage, respect, integrity and loyalty".
On the progression up through the various ranks, an Able Rate will have to complete a number of career courses to provide them with training to develop their skills in a number of areas, such as leadership and management, administration and naval/military skills. The first of these courses is the Naval Service Potential NCO course, followed by the Naval Service Standard NCO course and the Naval Service senior NCO course. This course qualifies successful candidates of Petty officer (or Senior Petty Officer) rank to fill the rank of Chief Petty Officer upwards. The successful candidate may also complete and graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Leadership, Management and Naval Studies in partnership with Cork Institute of Technology.
Pay has long been an issue for just the Naval Service, at just over 1,000 personnel. Cadets and recruits are required to join the single public service pension scheme, which is a defined benefit scheme, based on career-average earnings. For current rates of pay, see the Department of Defence website.