
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Irish Port and Shipping News
Bulker Xo Lion berthed at Port Talbot's deepwater jetty predominantly used to importing coking coal, minerals and ores to the Tata Steel plant in south Wales. The last such steelworks in Ireland, ISPAT Irish Steel closed in 2001, though the legacy of heavy industry remains at the site on Haulbowline Island where remediation works on waste spoils are to be completed by mid-2018.
#SteelPort - Upgrading infrastructure work at ABP’s port of Newport, south Wales involved an engineering firm from Port Talbot where also located is the giant steelworks of Tata Steel whose 4,000 strong workforce recieved much welcomed news yesterday, writes Jehan Ashmore.…
The upgraded cranes at Newport, south Wales is to boost cargo capability capacity plus where cruise operator CMV's Magellan is to offer direct cruises to Dublin and Norwegian fjords in season 2017
#Cranes&Cruises – Two ports in south Wales operated by Associated British Ports (ABP) have invested over £2.8 million in the refurbishment of five cranes at Newport and Swansea, writes Jehan Ashmore. The work which took 14 months to improve operational…
Stern view of giant containership Gustav Maeark
#IMDOreview: The Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO) Weekly Market Review which is produced in-house returns this week with coverage of domestic and global shipping news. Irish Maritime News: Brexit has revived a dormant territorial dispute between Britain and the Republic of Ireland…
Operating a new Ireland-Turkey export livestock service, the cattleship Brahman Express (loaded with 3,000 weanlings) was monitored by Afloat heading through the Irish Sea this week
#ShippingReview - Jehan Ashmore reviews the shipping scene from among the following stories over the last fortnight. The iShip Index published by the Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO) recorded shipping and port volumes in the Republic rose by 2% in…
In stark contrast the clear blue skies above the shipyard at Hoogezand are newbuild sisters Arklow Valley (now in service) and on the stocks Arklow Valour which was launched yesterday
#FoggyLaunch - In particularly foggy conditions Arklow Shipping's newest dry-cargo vessel Arklow Valour was launched in the Netherlands yesterday, writes Jehan Ashmore. The Dutch flagged 2,999 gross tonnage general cargsoship (yard No. 725) was launched sideways off the stocks at…
The distinctive ventilation shafts of the livestock-carrier, Brahman Express which Afloat tracked in the Irish Sea this afternoon having departed Greenore Port is bound for Turkey
#CattleShip - In monitoring Irish Sea shipping movements noted a livestock carrier that had departed Greenore Port, Co. Louth today is bound for Turkey, writes Jehan Ashmore. The purpose built livestock carrier Brahman Express with a cattle capacity pen…
From left to right: UKSA CEO Ben Willows, UKSA student and Sea Cadet Jake Strachan, Fisgard Association representative Stephen White and UKSA Cadet Manager Emma Baggett
Sea Cadet and UKSA Professional Yacht Cadet Jake Strachan, aged 18 from Peterhead, Aberdeenshire has been awarded the prestigious Fisgard Plate in recognition of his achievements in his Sea Cadet Class One Marine Engineering examinations. UKSA are a youth charity…
A general cargoship departs Fenit in July with Liebherr container crane parts on board
#FenitExpansion? - A feasibility study to explore the possible expansion of Fenit Harbour is to carried out next year according to Radio Kerry. Kerry County Council will spend almost €1 million in 2017 on the operation and promotion of the…
The latest analysis indicates that four of the five principal freight segments grew in the third quarter of 2016.
According to the latest iShip Index published by the Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO), shipping and port activity in the Republic of Ireland rose by 2% in the third quarter of 2016 when compared to the corresponding period of 2015.…
#LoLoTrade - Irish Continental Group (ICG) total revenue in Container (Lo-Lo) and Terminal Division recorded in the period 1 January to 31 October 2016 amounted to €105.0 million, an increase of 5.7% on the previous year. For the year to…
MSC Nederland alongside Liverpool2, the newly opened £400m facility (not requiring docks system) is the largest container terminal on the Irish Sea with operators notably serving Dublin Port
#ShippingReview - Jehan Ashmore reviews the shipping scene from among the following stories over the last fortnight. The International Maritime Organisation IMO reach agreement to maintain deadline of 2020 for introducing global cap of 0.5% sulphur content in marine fuels.…
European Sea Ports Organisation Elect Eamonn O’Reilly As New Chairman
#NewEPSOchairman - At the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) General Assembly held in Brussels Eamon O’Reilly was unanimously elected as Chairman following a vote held yesteray. O'Reilly succeeds Santiago Garcia-Mila who chaired the organisation during the last four years. The…
Liverpool2, one of the world's most modern shipping terminals and on the Irish Sea, was officially opened on Friday at the Port of Liverpool
#Liverpool2Opens - Liverpool2, one of the world’s most modern shipping terminals, officially opened last Friday at the Port of Liverpool by the Secretary of State for International Trade, Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox MP. The £400 million investment by Peel…
Pilotage Conference at National Maritime College
The importance of good and effective communication between all those on the bridge of a ship when working in a port with local harbour pilots has been stressed at a conference in Cork yesterday on the topic of ‘Pilotage today…
#PortAward - The Scottish south-west Port of Ayr, (south of Troon, see ferry report) part of the large UK ports owned group, ABP, won the top accolade at this year’s company chairman’s awards, writes Jehan Ashmore. The award is the ‘Oscars’…
#Soft/HardPorts - The Irish Times writes delegates at the All-Island Civic Dialogue on Brexit held in Dublin yesterday, heard that the UK are unaware of the hurt and anger towards it across EU. Taoiseach Enda Kenny has forecast “vicious” negotiations over…