
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Friday 13th powerboat business will ride storm

12th March 2009 is the first and only powerboat school on the River Liffey in the heart of Dublin City centre. Directors, Felix Finlay and Ann-Marie White are passionate about boating and envisage others appreciating and celebrating the beautiful and enticing waterways in and around Dublin. Launching their exciting new venture on the auspicious date of Friday 13th - “You make your own luck,” says Felix - the couple draw upon years of boating and business experience to navigate the economic downturn. will be training marine professionals, corporate customers and all those interested in exploring an invigorating lifestyle on the water. Ann-Marie, who has a background in recruitment, says: “I know that potential employers look for an employee who has taken it upon themselves to train or up skill especially in an area that requires team work.”

As an ISA training Centre (Irish Sailing Association) offers certificate courses that may be offered as a module accredited by FETAC (Further Education and Training Awards Council).

Positive about the future of, Felix decried the superstitious fears that have haunted seamen for centuries: “When something bad happens at sea, it has nothing to do with the day or the time and everything to do with a mistake that has been made – lack of planning, lack of training and knowledge”. And will forge ahead to prove just that as it stems the tide of the economic climate and trains people to be safe, first class accredited boaters. Team

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