
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

New for Arklow As Leadship G-Class Gem Launched into Dutch Canal

6th April 2023
Cargoship Arklow Gem, the new G class leadship was launched in the Netherlands this morning where the shipyard was open to the public for the event
Cargoship Arklow Gem, the new G class leadship was launched in the Netherlands this morning where the shipyard was open to the public for the event Credit: shipyardFerusSmit-instagram

Arklow Gem became the newest cargoship for Irish shipowners when launched this morning at a Dutch shipyard where the public were also invited to view the event, writes Jehan Ashmore.

The leadship is the first of five 'G' class newbuilds for Arklow Shipping Ltd.

With a shipyard newbuild number (Nb. 454) Arklow Gem at 10.00hrs slid off the stocks at the Ferus Smit shipyard in Westerbroek.

This involved the newbuild make a launch transversely into the adjacent canal, the Winschoterdiep.

A cargo carrying capacity is over 5000 deadweight tons and the ship has a single hold that has a maximized volume of 220.000cft

A 1,600 kW MaK engine will propel the vessel that has a single ducted propeller.

As part of the routine ship building to delivery process, the Arklow Gem will be towed to Delfzijl. From there the newbuild will head into the Ems Estuary and head to Emshaven.

The port will act as a base to carry out shipbuilder seas trials on the North Sea before the Arklow Gem is handed over to the Irish shipowner.

Jehan Ashmore

About The Author

Jehan Ashmore

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Jehan Ashmore is a marine correspondent, researcher and photographer, specialising in Irish ports, shipping and the ferry sector serving the UK and directly to mainland Europe. Jehan also occasionally writes a column, 'Maritime' Dalkey for the (Dalkey Community Council Newsletter) in addition to contributing to UK marine periodicals. 

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Afloat will be focusing on news and developments of shipyards with newbuilds taking shape on either slipways and building halls.

The common practice of shipbuilding using modular construction, requires several yards make specific block sections that are towed to a single designated yard and joined together to complete the ship before been launched or floated out.

In addition, outfitting quays is where internal work on electrical and passenger facilities is installed (or upgraded if the ship is already in service). This work may involve newbuilds towed to another specialist yard, before the newbuild is completed as a new ship or of the same class, designed from the shipyard 'in-house' or from a naval architect consultancy. Shipyards also carry out repair and maintenance, overhaul, refit, survey, and conversion, for example, the addition or removal of cabins within a superstructure. All this requires ships to enter graving /dry-docks or floating drydocks, to enable access to the entire vessel out of the water.

Asides from shipbuilding, marine engineering projects such as offshore installations take place and others have diversified in the construction of offshore renewable projects, from wind-turbines and related tower structures. When ships are decommissioned and need to be disposed of, some yards have recycling facilities to segregate materials, though other vessels are run ashore, i.e. 'beached' and broken up there on site. The scrapped metal can be sold and made into other items.