
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Cork Harbour Sailmaker Adds Splash of Colour to PPE Gear in Fight Against Covid-19

9th April 2020
The UK Sailmaker produced PPE gear on the sail loft floor in Crosshaven The UK Sailmaker produced PPE gear on the sail loft floor in Crosshaven

UK Sailmakers in Cork Harbour have busy fulfilling the many orders for gowns for healthcare workers in the frontline against COVID-19.

As Afloat reported previously, sailmaker Barry Hayes and his team at Crosshaven have been deploying their resources to help make Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for local healthcare workers at the front line in the fight against this disease.

"We hope the rainbow colours bring a touch of joy to those working tirelessly on the frontline",  Hayes said on social media.

First conceived by UK Sailmakers Norway, the UK lofts in New York, Canada and the Irish loft have made refinements on the design and material selection.

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