
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Bangor RNLI’s New Lifeboat Ruby Robinson Launches Twice in One Day

28th July 2024
Bangor RNLI’s new inshore lifeboat Ruby Robinson
Bangor RNLI’s new inshore lifeboat Ruby Robinson Credit: RNLI/Byron Griffiths

Bangor RNLI in Northern Ireland launched to the aid of two people last week in two separate incidents on a single day.

At 10.46am on Tuesday (23 July), the volunteer crew launched their new Atlantic 85 class lifeboat Ruby Robinson for her maiden call-out following a request from Belfast Coastguard to assess a situation where a sailing boat with one person onboard had broken down at sea just off Stricklands Glen and was in difficulty.

The weather at the time was dry, slightly overcast with a moderate sea state and little breeze. The sky was clear and visibility was good.

The crew made their way to the scene and located the casualty vessel. They then spoke to the person onboard and found them to be safe and well and wearing a lifejacket.

The crew assessed the situation and made a decision to tow the vessel to a mooring in Ballyholme Bay as the casualty vessel had no means of propulsion. The crew safely left the sailing boat on the mooring.

During the wash-down of the lifeboat, the crew heard a Mayday call from another boat advising Belfast Coastguard that they appeared to have smoke in the cabin and thought the vessel had a fire in the engine bay.

The crew and shore teams immediately prepared to relaunch Ruby Robinson. Belfast Coastguard paged the crew at 12.10pm requesting assistance for the motorboat's crew reported to be a quarter of a mile off the Eisenhower Pier.

The crew launched at 12.11pm and then made best speed towards the casualty boat to provide assistance. The casualty motor boat was then escorted to the Eisenhower Pier where she was met by members of HM Coastguard and the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service.

It was ascertained by the fire service that there was no fire and the smoke was a result of coolant leaking onto hot pipework in the engine compartment. The lifeboat was then stood down.

Speaking following the call-outs, Bangor RNLI helm Russell McGovern said: “The boat owners on both occasions did exactly the correct thing by calling us out to help, which we were only too happy to do.

“Fire at sea is life threatening and can escalate quickly if it is not dealt with correctly. The crew made the right decision to keep the suspect compartment sealed shut to starve the suspected fire of any oxygen, and call for immediate assistance. The fire service were quickly able to establish that there was no fire and it was safe to inspect the compartment.

“Thanks to our colleagues in the other agencies for their timely, professional and friendly assistance.

“We would urge all boat owners to carry out regular maintenance checks on our vessel. Carry fire extinguishers and spare parts if possible and ensure that you have a means for calling for assistance if you find yourself in trouble.

“If you see someone in trouble on the water or are in difficulties yourself do not hesitate to call 999 or 112 and ask for the coastguard.” Team

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Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI) in Ireland Information

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) is a charity to save lives at sea in the waters of UK and Ireland. Funded principally by legacies and donations, the RNLI operates a fleet of lifeboats, crewed by volunteers, based at a range of coastal and inland waters stations. Working closely with UK and Ireland Coastguards, RNLI crews are available to launch at short notice to assist people and vessels in difficulties.

RNLI was founded in 1824 and is based in Poole, Dorset. The organisation raised €210m in funds in 2019, spending €200m on lifesaving activities and water safety education. RNLI also provides a beach lifeguard service in the UK and has recently developed an International drowning prevention strategy, partnering with other organisations and governments to make drowning prevention a global priority.

Irish Lifeboat Stations

There are 46 lifeboat stations on the island of Ireland, with an operational base in Swords, Co Dublin. Irish RNLI crews are tasked through a paging system instigated by the Irish Coast Guard which can task a range of rescue resources depending on the nature of the emergency.

Famous Irish Lifeboat Rescues

Irish Lifeboats have participated in many rescues, perhaps the most famous of which was the rescue of the crew of the Daunt Rock lightship off Cork Harbour by the Ballycotton lifeboat in 1936. Spending almost 50 hours at sea, the lifeboat stood by the drifting lightship until the proximity to the Daunt Rock forced the coxswain to get alongside and successfully rescue the lightship's crew.

32 Irish lifeboat crew have been lost in rescue missions, including the 15 crew of the Kingstown (now Dun Laoghaire) lifeboat which capsized while attempting to rescue the crew of the SS Palme on Christmas Eve 1895.


While the number of callouts to lifeboat stations varies from year to year, Howth Lifeboat station has aggregated more 'shouts' in recent years than other stations, averaging just over 60 a year.

Stations with an offshore lifeboat have a full-time mechanic, while some have a full-time coxswain. However, most lifeboat crews are volunteers.

There are 46 lifeboat stations on the island of Ireland

32 Irish lifeboat crew have been lost in rescue missions, including the 15 crew of the Kingstown (now Dun Laoghaire) lifeboat which capsized while attempting to rescue the crew of the SS Palme on Christmas Eve 1895

In 2019, 8,941 lifeboat launches saved 342 lives across the RNLI fleet.

The Irish fleet is a mixture of inshore and all-weather (offshore) craft. The offshore lifeboats, which range from 17m to 12m in length are either moored afloat, launched down a slipway or are towed into the sea on a trailer and launched. The inshore boats are either rigid or non-rigid inflatables.

The Irish Coast Guard in the Republic of Ireland or the UK Coastguard in Northern Ireland task lifeboats when an emergency call is received, through any of the recognised systems. These include 999/112 phone calls, Mayday/PanPan calls on VHF, a signal from an emergency position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) or distress signals.

The Irish Coast Guard is the government agency responsible for the response to, and co-ordination of, maritime accidents which require search and rescue operations. To carry out their task the Coast Guard calls on their own resources – Coast Guard units manned by volunteers and contracted helicopters, as well as "declared resources" - RNLI lifeboats and crews. While lifeboats conduct the operation, the coordination is provided by the Coast Guard.

A lifeboat coxswain (pronounced cox'n) is the skipper or master of the lifeboat.

RNLI Lifeboat crews are required to follow a particular development plan that covers a pre-agreed range of skills necessary to complete particular tasks. These skills and tasks form part of the competence-based training that is delivered both locally and at the RNLI's Lifeboat College in Poole, Dorset


While the RNLI is dependent on donations and legacies for funding, they also need volunteer crew and fund-raisers.

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