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Two Gardaí Commended for Kinvara Rescue in South Galway

27th September 2024
Killian Kenny, who was rescued, and Chief Supt Gerry Roche, who presented Garda Randal Considine and Garda Shane Riddell with commendations at Gort Garda Station
Killian Kenny, who was rescued, and Chief Supt Gerry Roche, who presented Garda Randal Considine and Garda Shane Riddell with commendations at Gort Garda Station

Two Gardaí in Co Galway have been awarded Commendations with Distinction following their rescue of a man from the water in Kinvara last week.

The incident occurred at around 4.45pm on Thursday, September 19th, 2024 when Garda Randal Considine and Garda Shane Riddell were called out to a small rocky outcrop near Dunguaire Castle (Kinvara).

Killian Kenny, in his seventies, was in difficulty in the water, having trapped his left foot in rocks when walking out a short distance from shore at low tide.

The tide had turned, and only his head was visible above water when the gardaí arrived.

Garda Riddell ran for a life buoy while Garda Considine swam to the man and managed to free him from the rocks.

He then swam him back to shore, where emergency services were waiting. Mr Kenny made a full recovery.

Chief Supt Gerry Roche said presented Garda Randal Considine and Garda Shane Riddell with the commendations in Gort Garda Station.

At the presentation, Killian Kenny, who was rescued, thanked the Gardaí for their fast response.

"Had it not been for you, I wouldn’t be here. The tide rose so fast, I could feel it coming up to my shoulders, then I could feel it coming to my chin. Randal, after going down to release my boot from the rocks, swam me back to shore. It was heroic. Had it been two minutes later, chances are it would be a different story,” Mr Kenny said.

Receiving his commendation, Garda Considine said: “We’re glad we got there in time, we got a bit of a shock when we looked over the wall and could only see your head. We’re happy to have got you out and safely back to your family.”

"Right place, right time,” added Garda Riddell.

Superintendent Ollie Baker of Galway County East Community Engagement said: "Our response in management was one of total admiration for what the two members did.”

“ They just acted on instinct and it is a real testament to them; everything they did was phenomenal. It gives me great comfort that we have members of that calibre working in our area and responding and understanding the need to have an immediate response. It was a real team effort and it must have been a frightening, shocking and exhilarating experience all at the same time,” he said.

Inspector Georgina Lohan of Galway County East Community Engagement said: "For An Garda Síochána, our mission is to keep people safe and I think, with distinction, that’s what the lads did on that day. They kept you safe.”

Published in Rescue, Connemara
Lorna Siggins

About The Author

Lorna Siggins

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Lorna Siggins is a print and radio reporter, and a former Irish Times western correspondent. She is the author of Search and Rescue: True stories of Irish Air-Sea Rescues and the Loss of R116 (2022); Everest Callling (1994) on the first Irish Everest expedition; Mayday! Mayday! (2004); and Once Upon a Time in the West: the Corrib gas controversy (2010). She is also co-producer with Sarah Blake of the Doc on One "Miracle in Galway Bay" which recently won a Celtic Media Award

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