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Water Safety Ireland Awards 32 Rescuers Including Members of Garda Siochána

3rd October 2024

Rescuers who saved 19 lives from drowning have been recognised at the annual Water Safety Ireland (WSI) awards in Dublin Castle.

A number of gardaí are among the 32 recipients of awards presented by Minister of State for Equality and Integration Anne Rabbitte at the Hibernia Conference Centre in Dublin Castle.

“I want to commend the valiant efforts of these individuals who saved others from drowning and to also pay tribute to the ongoing work of Water Safety Ireland volunteers who teach swimming and water rescue skills,” she said.

Some 136 volunteers were also presented with long-service awards, recognising a combined total of 2,535 years of personal voluntary service teaching swimming, water rescue and survival skills in communities nationwide.

“That is a remarkable achievement and I want to commend every volunteer who devotes their spare time to making our waters safer,”Ms Rabbitte said.

Water Safety Ireland CEO Joanne Walsh noted that safety is a small investment to avoid drownings which can happen “quickly and silently”.

32 recipients of awards were presented by Minister of State for Equality and Integration Anne Rabbitte at the Hibernia Conference Centre in Dublin Castle32 recipients of awards were presented by Minister of State for Equality and Integration Anne Rabbitte at the Hibernia Conference Centre in Dublin Castle

“Start a water safety conversation with your family, friends and colleagues and encourage them to read Water Safety Ireland’s guidelines at so they can enjoy Ireland’s waterways safely,”Ms Walsh said.

The Seiko Just in Time (JIT) Awards and Rescue Appreciation (Rescue App) awards were presented to those who helped to save someone at risk of drowning. The recipients were as follows:

1. Garda Peter McGee JIT Donegal

On Tuesday November 30th, 2021, Garda McGee observed a female in distress in the water at Port Bridge, Letterkenny. Without hesitation, Garda McGee entered the water and swam towards the female.

The water was quite deep, the tide was coming in and the current was strong. He managed to grab onto the woman and bring her over towards the riverbank. He held on valiantly to the wall of one of the arches of the bridge until a ringbuoy was thrown to him.

He used the ringbuoy to bring the woman back to the edge and up onto the embankment to safety. She was taken to hospital where she made a full recovery.

2. Darragh Cullivan JIT Dublin, Paul Cullivan JIT, Meabh Murray Rescue App

On Monday August 7th, 2023, Darragh and Paul were alerted to a commotion down at the shore of Inis Oirr beach, Co Galway. They observed a woman face down in the water. Without hesitation, both entered the water and swam out to the woman. Upon reaching her, they realised that she was unresponsive. They immediately began rescue breaths on her while in the water.

They managed to bring her to the shore and commenced CPR. They also called out for an AED and an ambulance. They moved the woman up to dry sand and restarted CPR. After a period, they noticed a pulse.

At that point they continued to support her breathing until a doctor arrived with equipment to help. They remained with her and continued to support and monitor. She slowly regained consciousness.

Meabh Murray who was with both Darragh and Paul, organised for the beach to be cleared for the helicopter to land safely. Thanks to the swift and brave actions of Meabh Murray, Darragh and Paul Cullivan the woman recovered and tragedy was averted.

3. Michael Walsh JIT Cork, Amy Walsh Rescue App

On a Thursday evening in February 2021, a woman got into difficulty while swimming at Dunworley beach. She was pushed by the turbulent tide into a blowhole where she became trapped and as the tide closed in she could not see anything as visibility was very poor.

Michael and his mother Amy were out walking, when Amy noticed clothing and a phone near the waterline of the beach. They observed the beach from the slipway and they could not see anyone in the water. As a precaution, they decided to make their way over to a rocky area to ensure that there was nobody in difficulty. Amy proceeded to yell into the blowhole, and they could hear a cry for help.

Michael immediately obtained a ringbuoy that was located beside the blowhole. He climbed into the blowhole and threw the ringbuoy towards the woman. Thankfully, she managed to grab hold of the ringbuoy. Meanwhile, Amy went to her car and obtained a lifejacket. She passed this onto Michael who managed to successfully throw the lifejacket to the woman.

Michael held onto the rope of the ringbuoy for over fifteen minutes until emergency services arrived. They took over and successfully brought the woman to safety. The woman made a full recovery.

4. Paul Jackson JIT Dublin

On September 23rd, 1955, then three-year-old Richard Clarke was playing with his five-year-old cousin, when he fell into the water at Binn’s bridge, Royal Canal. His cousin sought help from ESB employees who were laying cable nearby. They rushed to the boy’s aid.

One of them made an unsuccessful effort to help Richard out of the water. Paul Jackson, then 14 entered the water and successfully brought Richard onto the bank to safety. The ESB employees revived the boy, and he was taken to hospital where he made a full recovery.

5. Carlos Amaya JIT Cork, Aaron O Callaghan JIT

On March 18th, 2024, at Garrettstown beach, Carlos had just reached his van after teaching a surf lesson when he heard shouting for help. He spotted a family in distress in the water. A woman was standing on rocks in the water, shouting at three members of her family, who were further out to sea and being pulled outwards by a rip current.

Carlos immediately grabbed his surfboard and ran towards the water. Another surfer, Aaron, who was already in the water was also making his way towards those in distress. By the time they reached the three people, they were approximately 200 metres from shore. Carlos focused on rescuing the two children with the aid of his surfboard and managed to bring them safely to the shore.

Aaron assisted the father of the children who had become exhausted and brought him safely to shore. All three made a full recovery.

6. Gardai, Stephen Murray (Res App), Joshua Lancaster (Res App), Sonia Buggy (JIT), Lorcan Cowen (Res App) and Senan Farrell (Res App). Dublin

On Sunday evening, August 11th, 2024, Gardaí Sonia Buggy, Joshua Lancaster, Stephen Murray, Senan Farrell and Lorcan Cowen attended the scene of an incident at Memorial Bridge, Dublin 1. When the gardaí arrived at the scene they observed a male in difficulty in the River Liffey off the Memorial bridge. He was being quickly carried downstream by a strong current.

Gardai Stephen Murray and Garda Joshua Lancaster grabbed a ringbuoy each. Garda Lorcan Cowen also grabbed a third ringbuoy. They attempted to intercept the male as he was being brought down the river by the current. Garda Sonia Buggy went down a ladder and entered the water. At this point the male had submerged under the water numerous times and was exhausted from trying to stay afloat.

Thankfully the man grabbed hold of a ringbuoy and Garda Buggy entered the river with another ringbuoy. She successfully brought the male over to the ladder and held onto him. He lost consciousness, so Garda Buggy put the man on his back and opened his airway. After a time, he regained consciousness, and the gardaí were able to encourage him to climb up the ladder with assistance. He was taken to hospital and made a full recovery.

7. Gardaí Coleman Curran (JIT), Garda Brendan Murphy (JIT) Kildare

On Saturday August 3rd, 2024, gardaí in Athy, Kildare were notified of a woman in distress in the River Barrow. Gardaí Coleman Curran and Brendan Murphy ran to the scene, and Garda Curran entered the water and brought the woman to safety with the assistance of Garda Murphy.

The woman re-entered the water and was carried downstream by the current. Garda Curran re-entered the water, caught up with her and held onto her while Garda Murphy threw a ringbuoy to Garda Curran. Garda Murphy successfully pulled both Garda Curran and the female to safety and she made a full recovery.

8. Garda Hayden Drew (JIT) and Garda Brian Burns (JIT) Wexford

On November 11th, 2023, Gardai Hayden Drew and Brian Burns received a call regarding a male in distress in the river at Ferrybank in Wexford.

The speed of the current, the cold temperature of the water and the slippery condition of the slipway raised serious concerns for the gardaí.

Following a quick assessment of the situation, both Gardai entered the water just above waist level, and managed to reach the man and take him to safety. He made a full recovery.

9. Garda Keith Conlon (JIT)– Donegal, Garda Deirdre Connolly (JIT), Garda Tara McGrory (Res App)

On September 17th, 2023, Gardai Keith Conlon, Deirdre Connolly and Tara McGrory arrived at Lough Swilly in Buncrana, where a group of people said that there was a man in difficulty somewhere in the water but it was dark and visibility was poor.

Garda Conlon and Garda Connolly waded into the water for 400 meters, making their way in the general direction of the person in distress. They continued to call out while Garda McGrory shone her torch in their direction from shore. They eventually located the male who was on a sandbar.

They reassured him and eventually managed to bring him safely to shore. He made a full recovery.

10. Michael Breen JIT Sligo

On September 27th, 2023, Michael was out walking his dog at Enniscrone beach. He spotted a woman lying face down in the water. Michael ran down onto the beach and entered the water. He managed to grab hold of the woman and bring her safely to shore.

Emergency services arrived at the scene and took over. She made a full recovery.

11. Rohan Debeny Bazeley (Res App) Donegal, Yanto Carrothers (Res App)

On the evening of May 18th, 2024, at Portnablagh pier, both Rohan and Yanto heard yelling down at the pier. They observed gardaí arriving at the scene. They grabbed kayaks, entered the water and paddled quickly towards a woman in distress. Upon reaching the woman, they noticed she was afloat and holding onto something by the pier.

Gardaí had managed to grab a hold of the female and both students remained in the water with her until she was safely pulled onto the pier to safety by members of the Gardai. She made a full recovery.

12. Thomas Shaw Hamilton (JIT) Waterford

On June 6th, 2024, two young teenagers were swimming on Clonea Strand in Waterford. Thomas happened to be on the beach when he noticed the two boys suddenly getting into difficulty. He could see that they were caught in a rip current.

He immediately entered the water. The rip current was very strong. It took him 10 minutes to swim out to them. Upon reaching the boys, he calmed them down by verbally reassuring them. Thomas was wearing a lifejacket at the time and was able to remove it and use it to keep all afloat.

After about 15 minutes they managed to get back to the shoreline. Onlookers called emergency services, and both boys made a full recovery.

13. Michael Brennan (JIT) Wexford

On August 20th, 1982, at Fethard-On-Sea, Michael was alerted to a man and a boy in difficulty in the water. He immediately swam out towards them. The water was very deep, and they were far from the shoreline. Michael managed to reach both and began helping them to swim towards the shore while calling for help to people on the beach.

Michael managed to bring the boy safely back to shore where he made a full recovery.

14. Garda Michelle Conway (JIT) Cork, Garda Daniel O Callaghan (JIT) Cork

On January 1st, 2024, Gardai Conway and O’Callaghan observed a vehicle entering the sea at Gobby beach, Ringaskiddy. Visibility was poor and after assessing the scene and calling for assistance, both gardaí entered the water and waded out to the vehicle where the driver was having difficulty getting out.

Both gardaí broke the window of the car and managed to pull the driver out of the vehicle and safely back to the shore. He made a full recovery.

15. Gardai JP Twomey, Alison O’Flynn, Richard Casey Cork

On January 1st, 2024, Gardaí Twomey, O’Flynn and Casey became alerted to a woman in distress in the water near Brian Boru bridge on the River Lee. Garda Casey grabbed a ringbuoy and threw it in the direction of the person while Garda Twomey descended a ladder with a second ringbuoy and managed to pass it to the woman.

Both Garda Casey and O Flynn controlled the ringbuoy ropes while Garda Twomey reassured the person who was unable to exit the water. They remained with her until the fire brigade unit arrived at the scene and removed her from the water. She made a full recovery.

16. John Sweeney (JIT) Dublin Father David Sweeney

On the night of June 19th 2024, while on holidays in Spain, a young boy with additional needs left the bedroom he was sharing with his father and managed to make his way to the swimming pool. He entered the water which was approximately 1.2 metres deep.

A woman noticed the boy was in difficulty and called out to her son for help. Her son John quickly entered the pool and managed to reach the boy and pull him back to safety, where he was reunited with his relieved father.

Details of Long Service Awards and other awards here

Published in Water Safety, Rescue Team

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