
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Power From the Sea
New Mammal Detection Sonar System for Sea Turbines
The latest product from sonar technology company Tritech is a mammal detection system for use around underwater turbines. According to the manufacturers, the Gemini SeaTec system uses a multi-beam sonar and image detection software to provide real-time monitoring and warning…
'Underwater Kite' a Clean Energy Solution
An 'underwater kite' developed by a Swedish company could be a simple answer to harnessing the power of the sea, The Local reports. The Deep Green device looks like a toy kite with a turbine attached. But when tethered to…
Licences Sought for WestWave Energy Project
ESB International is seeking foreshore liecences to develop a new wave energy project on the west coast. The Irish Times reports that the scheme is part of a strategy to generate 150MW of electricy from the sea by 2020, in…
Renewable Energy Firms Plan Tidal Array in Wales
Two renewable energy companies have applied for planning permission to install a tidal turbine array off the Welsh coast. Energy Efficiency News reports that the 10MW array commissioned by RWE npower renewables would consist of seven SeaGen turbines from UK-based…
Kelly to Give Keynote Address at Wind Energy Conference
Sean Kelly, Fine Gael MEP for Ireland South, will address the IWEA in Dublin this week. As the national association for the wind industry in Ireland, the IWEA aims to educate and build awareness in order to promote the use…
Scotland To Host World's Biggest Tidal Power Array
Scotland's west coast will be home to the world's largest tidal power facility, it has been announced. The £40 million (€45.9 million) 10MW tidal array, to be developed by ScottishPower Renewables in the Sound of Islay, will generate power for…
Lenihan Offers New Petroleum Licences
Minister for Natural Resources, Conor Lenihan, today announced the completion of a detailed evaluation by his Department of the applications received for Licensing Options in the Northwest Carboniferous Basin and the Clare Basin. On the basis of that evaluation Minister…
Ireland has Potential to Produce 10 times our Existing Electricity Demand
Energy Minister Eamon Ryan today published the Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan for public consultation. Ireland's ocean territory is 10 times our land mass size. This Plan, in conjunction with the Strategic Environmental Assessment of Irish Waters also published today,…
 Irish Atlantic Promoted for Petroleum Exploration
In Dublin this morning, Minister for Natural Resources Conor Lenihan opened an important research conference for the petroleum industry. The Atlantic Ireland 2010 conference brings together researchers and industry alike, to examine the opportunities for oil and gas exploration in…
Government to Showcase New Exploration Opportunities in Irish Waters
Minister for Natural Resources, Conor Lenihan will next week front a major promotion of Ireland's oil and gas exploration potential to a large global audience. Minister Lenihan will showcase new exploration opportunities in Irish waters – the 2011 Atlantic Margin…
€3.6 million to Irish Wave Ocean Firm
Energy Minister Eamon Ryan announced today that Irish company Wavebob Ltd has secured a grant of $2.4 million (€1.83 million) from the US Department of Energy to prepare for a commercial-scale wave energy demonstration project planned for US waters in…
Harland and Wolff to build two Offshore Substations for Siemens
Siemens, a global powerhouse in electronics and electrical engineering, has awarded Harland and Wolff Heavy Industries Limited the design and build contract for two offshore substation platforms for the Gwynt y Môr offshore wind farm off the coast of North…
Belfast Uni Gets Funding for Tide Turbines
A consortium involving Queens University Belfast has won funding to develop a new marine turbine tidal energy system that can be deployed underwater, but raised to the surface easily for repairs.  Marine Current Turbines Ltd and its project partners Queen’s…
Nearly €4m to be Sunk Into Galway Bay Research
The Marine Institute has welcomed Friday’s announcement by An Taoiseach, Brian Cowen and Mr Batt O Keffe, TD of nearly €4m of funding for technology development in Galway Bay.  SmartBay, an innovative project to establish a shared platform for testing…
Belfast Firm Wins Wind Power Station Contract
A Belfast firm has won a contract to build a major power station to cope with electricity generated by Irish Sea wind turbines.  Powerteam Electrical Services will build a substation linked to a 51-turbine wind farm off the Lancashire coast.…
Smart Economy of the Seas
A major innovation strategy, designed to bring together two of Ireland’s greatest assets – its ICT sector and marine natural resources - in order to tap into emerging global markets, was released today (Monday 22nd March) for consultation at the…