
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Power From the Sea
Belfast Firm Wins Wind Power Station Contract
A Belfast firm has won a contract to build a major power station to cope with electricity generated by Irish Sea wind turbines.  Powerteam Electrical Services will build a substation linked to a 51-turbine wind farm off the Lancashire coast.…
Smart Economy of the Seas
A major innovation strategy, designed to bring together two of Ireland’s greatest assets – its ICT sector and marine natural resources - in order to tap into emerging global markets, was released today (Monday 22nd March) for consultation at the… €5m in EU Funds for Wave Energy Project
Irish Times Marine Correspondent Lorna Siggins writing in today's paper says Galway energy company Wavebob is leading a consortium which has been given just over €5 million in EU funds to test a full-scale wave energy converter off the Portuguese…