
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

19 Water Wags Contest First Races of National Championships at Dun Laoghaire Harbour

8th August 2024
Guy and Jackie Kilroy's Water Wag No. 38 Swift was second in both of Wednesday, August 7th's races at Dun Laoghaire that constituted the first races of the 2024 class National Championships
Guy and Jackie Kilroy's Water Wag No. 38 Swift was second in both of Wednesday, August 7th's races at Dun Laoghaire that constituted the first races of the 2024 class National Championships Credit: Harry Gallagher

19 Water Wags turned out on Wednesday, August 7th, for AIB DBSC summer season racing, also marking the first day of the class National Championship. Race Officer Harry Gallagher ran two races in very pleasant weather conditions in Dun Laoghaire harbour.

The first race was a short two-round windward-leeward course with a final downwind finish in a South-West 10 knot breeze gusting to 20 knots.

Guy and Jackie Kilroy in Swift led at the first weather mark, but William Prentice, with his daughter Laura in Little Tern, took the lead in the second beat and maintained it in the downwind leg to the finish.

The second race was longer, with three rounds and a finish at the windward mark. The wind was 15 knots at the start but then decreased and was variable for much of the race. At the first weather mark, Cathy MacAleavey and Con Murphy in Mariposa were in the lead, but as the wind decreased and became patchy across the course during the second beat, there was a lot of change in position across the fleet. Sean and Heather Craig took the lead before the second windward mark and retained and increased that lead during the next two beats.

1st race

  1. No. 42: Little Tern, William and Laura Prentice
  2. No. 38: Swift, Guy and Jackie Kilroy
  3. No. 36: Little Tern, Tim Pearson and crew

2nd race

  1. No. 52: Puffin, Sean and Heather Craig
  2. No. 38: Swift, Guy and Jackie Kilroy
  3. No. 47: Peggy, John Cox and Ben Huskinson
Published in Water Wag, DBSC Team

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