
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

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Correspondence to: Rosemary Roy, Hon. Secretary

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Dublin Bay Sailing Club (DBSC) News & Results
Radial sailor Conor Gorman of the National Yacht Club
DBSC dinghy sailing continued its strong turnout for the first Saturday racing of the 2020 season. Over 40 Dinghies turned out for three races in a moderate westerly wind inside Dun Laoghaire Harbour yesterday. Royal St. George's Theo Lyttle won…
DBSC Summer keelboat racing on Saturdays continues until October 10th
Dublin Bay Sailing Club's (DBSC) plans for the revised 2020 season continue apace as a bumper dinghy fleet is already in action and the start for keelboat and cruiser classes is now slated for July 7th, two weeks earlier than…
The DBSC Laser 4.7 fleet race past Dun Laoghaire's East Pier
Tuesday evening Dublin Bay Sailing Club (DBSC) dinghy racing got off to a great start in Dun Laoghaire Harbour tonight with a bumper Laser fleet competing. As Laser Class Captain Gavan Murphy predicted on Afloat a fortnight ago, there was a…
DBSC has drafted a plan to commence racing two weeks earlier on the 7th of July for keelboat and cruiser classes
Dublin Bay Sailing Club sees a potential start for keelboat and cruiser classes on July 7th, two weeks earlier than it had originally planned. In a note to members, Commodore Johnathan Nicholson tells members that "following the announcement last Friday…
SB20 sportsboats will race as part of DBSC's 2020 revised race programme downloadable below
Dublin Bay Sailing Club has issued a revised schedule for its much anticipated 2020 season. Commodore Jonathan Nicholson says his committee has considered many factors in putting the programme together and reports as follows: Dinghy Racing Dinghy racing commences in…
A J109 yacht rounds DBSC Race mark on Dublin Bay
Dublin Bay Sailing Club Club (DBSC) has laid some of its race marks on Dublin Bay in anticipation of the Summer Series getting underway next month. As Afloat previously reported, DBSC aims to race from July 20th. Outer guard marks…
DBSC yacht racing is expected to return next month from July 20
Dublin Bay Sailing Club aims to race from July 20th, according to an update from DBSC Commodore Jonathan Nicholson this morning. This could see DBSC's first Thursday race of the season start on July 23rd and Saturday racing from July…
DBSC Marks are ready for deployment at Dun Laoghaire
As Irish sailing waits for guidance that yacht racing can resume under COVID-19 regulations at some point this summer, there can be no doubting the preparations of Dublin Bay Sailing Club in order to get back on the race track…
That was then…..the conclusion of Scottish Series a year ago, and Dublin Bay’s Andrew Craig (second right) has emerged as overall champion with his J/109 Chimaera and a crew of all the talents
How many other front-line sailing administrators anywhere in the world would have noted the February announcement of the postponement of the new James Bond movie’s global premiere in London from early March 2020 away back until November, and immediately realised…
National Yacht Club Sesquicentennial Regatta Cancelled
With the Government announcement last week of the phased plan to relax restrictions, sailing can begin preparing for a resumption of sailing activity in accordance with the phases of that plan. The National Yacht Club has now cancelled its special…
A J109 Class One yacht passes DBSC's East Mark in 2019. A club survey revealed large support for racing on the Bay this season
There has been overwhelming support from a Dublin Bay Sailing Club (DBSC) survey to going racing this season despite the problems posed by COVID-19. The anonymous survey got a response from over half of DBSC's 1,200 members There showed 'huge…
2020 DBSC racing was due to start this Saturday
In a week when Ireland's biggest yacht racing club was due to start its summer schedule, Dublin Bay Sailing Club (DBSC) is instead surveying members in lockdown for their thoughts on the prospect of racing on the Bay later this…
Yachts racing on Dublin Bay - a new solidarity regatta of all Dun Laoghaire yacht clubs has been announced for July 31st
A new Dublin Bay regatta involving the whole Dun Laoghaire sailing waterfront has been announced for July 31st to August 3rd.  The 'Dun Laoghaire Combined Clubs Solidarity Regatta 2020' is an initiative of all five of Dun Laoghaire's yacht clubs…
A French-built Archambault A31 racing under spinnaker. An A31 will race in Class Two DBSC this season
The Dublin Bay Sailing Club (DBSC) buoyant Cruiser Two fleet has an A31-type yacht added to its number this season.  The French-built Archambault A31 is arguably one of the most competitive IRC boats of its size. The new arrival is a National Yacht…
The 2020 DBSC sailing season has been postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions
The opening of Dublin Bay Sailing Club's summer season scheduled for the last week in April has been postponed due to Government Covid-19 measures. The revised start date is so far unknown.  The club, one of the largest yacht racing…
The RIYC at Dun Laoghaire Harbour
The Royal Irish Yacht Club will be launching boats in less than a fortnight for the summer sailing season at Dun Laoghaire on Dublin Bay. Details of the annual lift-in are contained in a bulletin to members that sets out…

Dublin Bay Sailing Club (DBSC) is one of Europe's biggest yacht racing clubs. It has almost sixteen hundred elected members. It presents more than 100 perpetual trophies each season some dating back to 1884. It provides weekly racing for upwards of 360 yachts, ranging from ocean-going forty footers to small dinghies for juniors.

Undaunted by austerity and encircling gloom, Dublin Bay Sailing Club (DBSC), supported by an institutional memory of one hundred and twenty-nine years of racing and having survived two world wars, a civil war and not to mention the nineteen-thirties depression, it continues to present its racing programme year after year as a cherished Dublin sporting institution.

The DBSC formula that, over the years, has worked very well for Dun Laoghaire sailors. As ever DBSC start racing at the end of April and finish at the end of September. The current commodore is Eddie Totterdell of the National Yacht Club.

The character of racing remains broadly the same in recent times, with starts and finishes at Club's two committee boats, one of them DBSC's new flagship, the Freebird. The latter will also service dinghy racing on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Having more in the way of creature comfort than the John T. Biggs, it has enabled the dinghy sub-committee to attract a regular team to manage its races, very much as happened in the case of MacLir and more recently with the Spirit of the Irish. The expectation is that this will raise the quality of dinghy race management, which, operating as it did on a class quota system, had tended to suffer from a lack of continuity.