
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

Launch in Belfast Harbour of New Maritime Mile Blueway Trail

29th August 2024
The free Maritime Mile Blueway Trail is open until 4th November. There are 10 stops along Belfast’s iconic waterfront with questions, clues and facts, all easily found on information panels along the self-guided route. There will be monthly prize draws, and everyone who completes the trial will get their Maritime Mile Blueway Trail certificate.
The free Maritime Mile Blueway Trail is open until 4th November. There are 10 stops along Belfast’s iconic waterfront with questions, clues and facts, all easily found on information panels along the self-guided route. There will be monthly prize draws, and everyone who completes the trial will get their Maritime Mile Blueway Trail certificate. Credit: Belfast Harbour-facebook

Belfast Harbour has joined with the Maritime Belfast Trust for the launch of the new Maritime Mile Blueway Trail down at their award-winning marina this week.

Open until November 4th, the trail is an exciting new outdoor educational and family experience aimed at encouraging locals, visitors, school and community groups to explore Belfast’s historic waterfront and find out about its wildlife.

Maritime Belfast Trust, the charity which preserves and promotes Belfast’s rich maritime heritage, has collaborated with Belfast Harbour on the initiative, which has been developed to support the Blue Flag status of Belfast Harbour Marina and the promotion of the city’s iconic heritage waterfront as a seamless, accessible and vibrant destination for everyone.

The Marina recently earned its coveted Blue Flag status after meeting world-class standards in areas such as safety, accessibility, cleanliness, and environmental education. The new trail strengthens the connection with local tourism and actively engages the public in aspects of Belfast Harbour’s sustainable development and maritime heritage.

As part of its vision to develop a sustainable future for Belfast’s iconic waterfront, Maritime Belfast is also working with the Waterfront Task Group (which includes Belfast Harbour) to create a seamless 10km waterfront promenade for the area. The framework will support net zero aspirations specifically reducing lifestyle-carbon by enhancing active travel options and connecting multiple urban neighbourhoods with the city’s waterfront.

For further information on the Maritime Mile Blueway Trail visit here.

Published in Belfast Lough
Jehan Ashmore

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Jehan Ashmore

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Jehan Ashmore is a marine correspondent, researcher and photographer, specialising in Irish ports, shipping and the ferry sector serving the UK and directly to mainland Europe. Jehan also occasionally writes a column, 'Maritime' Dalkey for the (Dalkey Community Council Newsletter) in addition to contributing to UK marine periodicals. 

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