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Dublin Port Launches Ten 'SafePort' Golden Rules

5th September 2023
Dublin Port Harbourmaster Michael McKenna with An Garda Síochána, the HSE, Customs and Revenue and representatives from the seven founding Dublin Safe Port terminal operators, Dublin Ferryport Terminals, Doyle Shipping Group, Irish Ferries, P&O Ferries, Peel Ports Group (MTL), Seatruck Ferries and Stena Line at the launch of ‘Dublin SafePort Ten Golden Rules’
Dublin Port Harbourmaster Michael McKenna with An Garda Síochána, the HSE, Customs and Revenue and representatives from the seven founding Dublin Safe Port terminal operators, Dublin Ferryport Terminals, Doyle Shipping Group, Irish Ferries, P&O Ferries, Peel Ports Group (MTL), Seatruck Ferries and Stena Line at the launch of ‘Dublin SafePort Ten Golden Rules’

Dublin Port has published SafePort Golden Rules today, a set of 10 rules designed to enable Port Management and the seven Terminal Operators to engage with employees and visitors on Dublin Port sites safely.

The publication follows the introduction of a ‘new Dublin SafePort initiative’ in July 2022 and the introduction of 40km speed limits within the port in October 2022.

Dublin Port is also pleased to announce that An Garda Síochána, the HSE and Customs and Revenue - who all play a pivotal role in Port safety - have also come on board as SafePort partners. The seven founding terminal operators are Dublin Ferryport Terminals, Doyle Shipping Group, Irish Ferries, P&O Ferries, Peel Ports Group (MTL), Seatruck Ferries and Stena Line. Together, they account for an estimated 75% of port workers on the estate.

Dublin Port was pleased to host representatives from all the partners in Dublin Port’s SafePort initiative at the announcement of the ‘Ten Golden Rules’ today, Monday, 4th September in Port Centre. Harbourmasters Michael McKenna and Paul Hogan were joined by An Garda Síochána, the HSE, Customs and Revenue and representatives from the seven founding terminal operators, Dublin Ferryport Terminals, Doyle Shipping Group, Irish Ferries, P&O Ferries, Peel Ports Group (MTL), Seatruck Ferries and Stena LineDublin Port was pleased to host representatives from all the partners in Dublin Port’s SafePort initiative at the announcement of the ‘Ten Golden Rules’ today, Monday, 4th September in Port Centre. Harbourmasters Michael McKenna and Paul Hogan were joined by An Garda Síochána, the HSE, Customs and Revenue and representatives from the seven founding terminal operators, Dublin Ferryport Terminals, Doyle Shipping Group, Irish Ferries, P&O Ferries, Peel Ports Group (MTL), Seatruck Ferries and Stena Line

By their very nature, ports present complex challenges and potential hazards. Without strict adherence to rules and safety practices, incidents and accidents can occur, posing risks to workers, visitors and operations. Dublin SafePort has developed a comprehensive set of 10 safety rules that address critical areas of concern and promote a culture of safety-first behaviour.

The SafePort 10 Golden Rules have been crafted by the Dublin SafePort working group, consisting of representatives from various segments of the port community. Their expertise, collaboration and a sharing of lessons learnt has shaped a set of rules that cover both high-level safety principles and behaviours that, if left unchecked, can lead to serious incidents. These rules encompass a wide spectrum of port activities, ensuring that every facet of the port ecosystem is safeguarded.

The 10 Golden Rules are as follows:

  • Turn up fit for work and unimpaired by drugs and alcohol.
  • Always use designated walkways provided.
  • Be aware of lifting operations and moving machinery. Keep a safe distance.
  • Follow traffic management guidelines, observe speed limits, and wear seatbelts.
  • Prioritise water safety – wear a personal flotation device within 1.5m of the quay wall.
  • Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the task.
  • Limit smoking to designated areas and avoid littering.
  • Use mobile devices only as approved and avoid distractions.
  • Report incidents promptly to prevent accidents.
  • Familiarise yourself with the specific rules within terminals.

Dublin Port's SafePort Golden RulesDublin Port's SafePort Golden Rules

Download the Dublin Port Safeport golden rules as a high res pdf below

Implementation of the SafePort 10 Golden Rules will be a joint effort by Port Management, the seven Terminal Operators and all port users. The initiative will be rolled out in two key areas: public roads and spaces within the port estate, and terminal and common user areas. Signage, social media campaigns, and educational materials will ensure the rules are accessible and understood by all.

The SafePort 10 Golden Rules initiative is part of a broader commitment by Dublin Port to prioritise safety, stemming from the Dublin SafePort working group's insights and global best practices. Dublin Port aims to create a safer and more secure environment for all stakeholders by growing a culture of safety consciousness and adherence.

Pictured are Garda Vincent Carroll (Dublin Port Immigration), Donna McGuirk (Revenue and Customs) and Garda Dermot Moran (Dublin Port Immigration) at the launch of ‘Dublin SafePort Ten Golden Rules’Pictured are Garda Vincent Carroll (Dublin Port Immigration), Donna McGuirk (Revenue and Customs) and Garda Dermot Moran (Dublin Port Immigration) at the launch of ‘Dublin SafePort Ten Golden Rules’

Michael McKenna, Dublin Port Harbourmaster, said: “What we are trying to achieve with the launch of the Golden Rules is to keep reinforcing the SafePort message, ensure that people are aware of its relevance around the Port Estate in day-to-day operations, SafePort does not belong in a meeting room on PowerPoint presentations it must be in operation across the Port Estate and be in people’s minds as they go about their business.”

Superintendent Jarlath Lennon, Store St Garda Station, said, “As a key stakeholder in Dublin Port, An Garda Síochána will take an active role in implementing Dublin Port’s 10 SafePort Golden Rules to make Dublin Port a safer place for all port workers and visitors. An Garda Síochána’s promotion of the Golden Rules on a daily basis and close working relationship with all of our partner organisations in Dublin Port is an important aspect of our Mission Statement of Keeping People Safe.”

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About Dublin Port 

Dublin Port is Ireland’s largest and busiest port with approximately 17,000 vessel movements per year. As well as being the country’s largest port, Dublin Port has the highest rate of growth and, in the seven years to 2019, total cargo volumes grew by 36.1%.

The vision of Dublin Port Company is to have the required capacity to service the needs of its customers and the wider economy safely, efficiently and sustainably. Dublin Port will integrate with the City by enhancing the natural and built environments. The Port is being developed in line with Masterplan 2040.

Dublin Port Company is currently investing about €277 million on its Alexandra Basin Redevelopment (ABR), which is due to be complete by 2021. The redevelopment will improve the port's capacity for large ships by deepening and lengthening 3km of its 7km of berths. The ABR is part of a €1bn capital programme up to 2028, which will also include initial work on the Dublin Port’s MP2 Project - a major capital development project proposal for works within the existing port lands in the northeastern part of the port.

Dublin Port has also recently secured planning approval for the development of the next phase of its inland port near Dublin Airport. The latest stage of the inland port will include a site with the capacity to store more than 2,000 shipping containers and infrastructures such as an ESB substation, an office building and gantry crane.

Dublin Port Company recently submitted a planning application for a €320 million project that aims to provide significant additional capacity at the facility within the port in order to cope with increases in trade up to 2040. The scheme will see a new roll-on/roll-off jetty built to handle ferries of up to 240 metres in length, as well as the redevelopment of an oil berth into a deep-water container berth.

Dublin Port FAQ

Dublin was little more than a monastic settlement until the Norse invasion in the 8th and 9th centuries when they selected the Liffey Estuary as their point of entry to the country as it provided relatively easy access to the central plains of Ireland. Trading with England and Europe followed which required port facilities, so the development of Dublin Port is inextricably linked to the development of Dublin City, so it is fair to say the origins of the Port go back over one thousand years. As a result, the modern organisation Dublin Port has a long and remarkable history, dating back over 300 years from 1707.

The original Port of Dublin was situated upriver, a few miles from its current location near the modern Civic Offices at Wood Quay and close to Christchurch Cathedral. The Port remained close to that area until the new Custom House opened in the 1790s. In medieval times Dublin shipped cattle hides to Britain and the continent, and the returning ships carried wine, pottery and other goods.

510 acres. The modern Dublin Port is located either side of the River Liffey, out to its mouth. On the north side of the river, the central part (205 hectares or 510 acres) of the Port lies at the end of East Wall and North Wall, from Alexandra Quay.

Dublin Port Company is a State-owned commercial company responsible for operating and developing Dublin Port.

Dublin Port Company is a self-financing, and profitable private limited company wholly-owned by the State, whose business is to manage Dublin Port, Ireland's premier Port. Established as a corporate entity in 1997, Dublin Port Company is responsible for the management, control, operation and development of the Port.

Captain William Bligh (of Mutiny of the Bounty fame) was a visitor to Dublin in 1800, and his visit to the capital had a lasting effect on the Port. Bligh's study of the currents in Dublin Bay provided the basis for the construction of the North Wall. This undertaking led to the growth of Bull Island to its present size.

Yes. Dublin Port is the largest freight and passenger port in Ireland. It handles almost 50% of all trade in the Republic of Ireland.

All cargo handling activities being carried out by private sector companies operating in intensely competitive markets within the Port. Dublin Port Company provides world-class facilities, services, accommodation and lands in the harbour for ships, goods and passengers.

Eamonn O'Reilly is the Dublin Port Chief Executive.

Capt. Michael McKenna is the Dublin Port Harbour Master

In 2019, 1,949,229 people came through the Port.

In 2019, there were 158 cruise liner visits.

In 2019, 9.4 million gross tonnes of exports were handled by Dublin Port.

In 2019, there were 7,898 ship arrivals.

In 2019, there was a gross tonnage of 38.1 million.

In 2019, there were 559,506 tourist vehicles.

There were 98,897 lorries in 2019

Boats can navigate the River Liffey into Dublin by using the navigational guidelines. Find the guidelines on this page here.

VHF channel 12. Commercial vessels using Dublin Port or Dun Laoghaire Port typically have a qualified pilot or certified master with proven local knowledge on board. They "listen out" on VHF channel 12 when in Dublin Port's jurisdiction.

A Dublin Bay webcam showing the south of the Bay at Dun Laoghaire and a distant view of Dublin Port Shipping is here
Dublin Port is creating a distributed museum on its lands in Dublin City.
 A Liffey Tolka Project cycle and pedestrian way is the key to link the elements of this distributed museum together.  The distributed museum starts at the Diving Bell and, over the course of 6.3km, will give Dubliners a real sense of the City, the Port and the Bay.  For visitors, it will be a unique eye-opening stroll and vista through and alongside one of Europe’s busiest ports:  Diving Bell along Sir John Rogerson’s Quay over the Samuel Beckett Bridge, past the Scherzer Bridge and down the North Wall Quay campshire to Berth 18 - 1.2 km.   Liffey Tolka Project - Tree-lined pedestrian and cycle route between the River Liffey and the Tolka Estuary - 1.4 km with a 300-metre spur along Alexandra Road to The Pumphouse (to be completed by Q1 2021) and another 200 metres to The Flour Mill.   Tolka Estuary Greenway - Construction of Phase 1 (1.9 km) starts in December 2020 and will be completed by Spring 2022.  Phase 2 (1.3 km) will be delivered within the following five years.  The Pumphouse is a heritage zone being created as part of the Alexandra Basin Redevelopment Project.  The first phase of 1.6 acres will be completed in early 2021 and will include historical port equipment and buildings and a large open space for exhibitions and performances.  It will be expanded in a subsequent phase to incorporate the Victorian Graving Dock No. 1 which will be excavated and revealed. 
 The largest component of the distributed museum will be The Flour Mill.  This involves the redevelopment of the former Odlums Flour Mill on Alexandra Road based on a masterplan completed by Grafton Architects to provide a mix of port operational uses, a National Maritime Archive, two 300 seat performance venues, working and studio spaces for artists and exhibition spaces.   The Flour Mill will be developed in stages over the remaining twenty years of Masterplan 2040 alongside major port infrastructure projects.

Source: Dublin Port Company ©Afloat 2020.