
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

News Update
Court bid to stop teen circumnavigation
A battle is being waged in a court in Utrecht over the right of a 13-year-old girl to attempt a record to be the youngest person ever to sail single-handed around the world. The Dutch Council for Child Protection is…
Crinniú na mBád 2009
Kinvara in Co. Galway had a successful Crinniú na mBád 2009 festival (August 21–23), the traditional boats attracting many entrants and spectators. Meaning 'Gathering of the Boats', Crinniú na mBád is held every August and brings us back in time…
Help needed for Channel Swim team
The Irish Cancer Society are hoping to raise urgently-needed funds this September from the attempts of three relay teams from Irish Life Investment Managers (ILIM) to swim the English Channel. Hard training is going on and, whilst ILIM is not…
Last week in August events
We’ve championships to spare this week – Fireballs in France (if you happen to be there), 1720s in Baltimore, Laser Nationals in Lough Derg, Etchells at Howth, Squibs in Dun Laoghaire, and GP14s in Sligo. What a wealth! Adding to…
Bring the Kids to see the Hookers
Now that we have your attention, we should point out that it's Galway's lovely, creaking red-sailed ladies of the sea we're talking about. Not the other kind. The annual Cruinniu na mBad begins this evening in Kinvara, with racing on…
Sailing School is a recession buster
It's well known that Dun Laoghaire Sailing School is one of the country's busiest teaching establishment but news that August tuition reached 300 children per week must be one of the marine industries best recession busting stories of the summer.…
Jeanie Johnston museum by 2010
A west of Ireland company, Aiseanna Mara Teoranta (trading as Sail West), has been appointed to carry out a maintenance programme on the Jeanie Johnston this autumn. The Jeanie Johnston is owned by the Dublin Docklands Development Authority (DDDA) and…
IMDO report shows signs of recovery in shipping
The latest analysis of 2009 shipping traffic data published by the Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO) indicates that the rate of decline of shipping on the island of Ireland eased during the 1st half of 2009. However the overall volume…
Traffic at Drogheda Port halved
Drogheda Port Company (DPC) has reported a decrease in the number of containers passing through: from a peak of 1.4 million per year to 660,000 in 2009. DPC's accounts – which have not yet been filed but were accessed by…
Barry Hurley for Dun Laoghaire
The Royal Irish Yacht Club in Dun Laoghaire are looking forward to extending a warm and celebratory welcome to Ostar single-handed transAtlantic race winner Barry Hurley on Sunday the 23rd of August. Barry and his boat Dinah plan to sail…
Week Events 17th-23rd August
It looks like an Indian summer (kind of...) has come our way so we can advantage of these mild days and enjoy what’s going on around the country. The Achill Yawls are still out in all their glory in Co.…
Navigation error - Cruiser Carnage
The secret of good navigation is to steer around the rocks, a lesson learnt this year by some of the 1000 competitors in Sweden's Tjörn Runt. The event is the annual long distance sailing competition that takes place around the…
Dun Laoghaire East Pier Battery to open to the Public
Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company is to open the East Pier Battery to the public later this month as part of a plan to develop the battery as a major cultural and heirtage centre.
Focus Ireland Triathlon raises vital funds
One-hundred-and-fifty participants donned their swimming, cycling and running gear at Grand Canal Square in Dublin's Docklands on the August bank holiday weekend to take part in the Focus Ireland Fundraising Triathlon supported by Dublin’s Q102. The Focus Ireland Triathlon is…
Boating course at Sallynoggin College
Sailing and boating is more accessible than ever before, especially when local educational establishments are running courses in the skill. Sallynoggin College of Further Education in Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, are doing a ten-week Autumn night class: Introduction to Boating…
Finn sailors celebrate sixty years
For three days this coming weekend (14th–16th August 2009), Uppsala in Sweden will become the centre of the universe for Finn sailors. Sixty years ago in 1949 the first Finn was launched there by its designer Rickard Sarby in his…