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Large 44-Boat Squib Fleet Braves Challenging Conditions to Compete in Irish Inland Championships on Lough Derg

15th October 2024
Some close downwind racing at the Squib Irish Inland Championships on Lough Derg with 241 'Durt', Rob Stanley, 35 'Ruby Blue' Aidan O'Connell, Behind him 89 'Klipbok' Mikey Carroll, 25, 'Crackers' Sean Murphy and 51, 'Mucky Duck' Michael O'Suilleabhain
Some close downwind racing at the Squib Irish Inland Championships on Lough Derg with 241 'Durt', Rob Stanley, 35 'Ruby Blue' Aidan O'Connell, Behind him 89 'Klipbok' Mikey Carroll, 25, 'Crackers' Sean Murphy and 51, 'Mucky Duck' Michael O'Suilleabhain Credit: Reggie Goodbody

You can tell the health of any keelboat class by the numbers attending open events. Despite the autumn weather being expected to be cold, forty-four owners packed up their Squib keelboats and towed them to Dromineer on Lough Derg for the Irish Inland Championships.

All the races under PRO, Lt. Cdr. John F. Leech and his team, were windward-leeward races of two laps. For race one, the wind blew from the southwest, with a forecast indicating that it would veer to the northeast; the strength was about 12-14 knots, gusting to about 20 knots. On the first lap 'Mucky Duck' sailed by Michael O'Suilleabhain & his dad Michael O'Sullivan (Kinsale YC) led, until, on the second lap 'Quickstep III' helmed by Gordon Patterson & steered by Ross Nolan (R North of Ireland YC) headed hard left into Garraunfada Bay and pulled out a lead to win by 100m.

A line squall took out two Squib masts while the fleet waited for the course to be laid for the second race. The wind increased for race two, and after a false start and a general recall, 'Quickstep III' battled to gain the lead and won from Ian Travers & Keith O'Riordan in 'Atomic' (Kinsale YC).

The competitors were beginning to learn how to deal with the shifty lake winds where 10 degree shifts added to the game! Race three was won by 'Mucky Duck' from Dick and Pamela Batt in the oldest boat of them all, the original 'Squib' (R. Victoria YC).

Number 51 'Mucky Duck' sailed by Michael O'Suilleabhain and his father, Michael O'Sullivan, competing at the 44-Boat Squib Irish Inland Championships at Lough DergPhoto: Reggie GoodbodyNumber 51 'Mucky Duck' sailed by Michael O'Suilleabhain and his father, Michael O'Sullivan, competing at the 44-Boat Squib Irish Inland Championships at Lough Derg Photo: Reggie Goodbody

Chairman of the Irish Squib Class, Travers, authorised the PRO to hold a fourth race as the conditions were ideal. That race was won by 'Mucky Duck' from Sean & his dad Paul Murphy in 'Crackers' (Kinsale YC). In that race 'Quickstep III' collected an OCS penalty.

Overnight 'Mucky Duck' (4 points) which had won the Irish Squib Inland Championship previously under a different owner, was the overall leader from 'Quickstep III' (5 points), 'Crackers'(10 points) and 'Atomic'(11 points). All the tired crews were amply fed and watered in the clubhouse, and again watered until a late hour in the local hostelry, 'The Whisky Still'.

On Sunday the wind had turned 180 degrees and was oscillating from 120 to 145 degrees at 2 to 8 knots, making life difficult for the PRO. Those who took the left-hand side of the first beat past the Corrikeen Islands led the race, but almost ran out of wind at the first windward mark close to Hazel Point, but at the finish it was 'Atomic' ahead of Rob Stanley & Fergus O'Kelly in the infamous 'Durt' (Howth YC) which was displaying an expensive new graphics scheme.

Race six, again in light shifting winds, was won by Mikey & Michael Carroll in 'Klipbok' from Aidan O'Connell & Lauren Donahht in 'Ruby Blue' (R. Irish YC).

In the final race the wind swung back to the east, just before the start, which allowed the Squibs near the pin end of the start line, to tack on the line to almost lay the windward mark. They may have been several noisy port and starboard incidents on the line. That race was won by Robert Marshall & Carl Allen in 'Slipstream' (Killyleagh YC) from Peter Wallace & Martin Weatherstone in 'Toy for The Boys' (R. North of Ireland YC). Vitally, 'Mucky Duck' and 'Quickstep III' were both given 'U' flag disqualifications in that race,

'Quickstep III' scored 27 points due to her carrying a thirteenth place, but still won the event by 2 points from 'Crackers' carrying a nineth place. 'Atomic' in third place was one point behind and carried a 12th place.

In conclusion any of five boats, Nos. 11, 25, 51, 137 or 820 could have won the event. The 45-60 minute races were not enough to separate out the fleet, resulting in four or five boats crossing the finishing line together. In the Hunter Class, Fergal Keating & Dave Maher in 'Bodacious' (Lough Derg YC) were the winners in 23rd. place from Philip Despard & Stephany Gorski in 'Sinbad' (Iniscealtra SC) in 28th. Top lady helm was Geraldine Kiernan in 'Sibu' (Kinsale YC).

Lough Derg Yacht Club's hospitality included chicken curry on Friday evening, coffee and cakes before launching each day and afternoon teas each day. 50 Squibs will be back in June next year for the Irish Squib Championship.

2024 Irish Inland Squib Championship Results at Lough Derg Yacht Club2024 Irish Inland Squib Championship Results at Lough Derg Yacht Club

Published in Squib
Vincent Delany

About The Author

Vincent Delany

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Sailing historian Vincent Delany is a member of the Association of Yachting Historians, and an active sailor in Water Wag, SOD and Squib classes. He has written a thesis on 'Yachting and yachtsmen on the River Shannon 1830-1930.' He has lectured on the history of The Water Wag Club, Royal St.George Yacht Club, and the Killinure Yacht Club, He has written two sailing books 'The Water Wags 1887-2012' and 'The International 12 foot class in Ireland' both of which are available from

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At a Glance - Squib Class 2024 Event Dates

  • Southern Championships- 8th/9th June- Baltimore Sailing Club
  • Northern Championships – 25th/26th May – Royal North of Ireland Yacht Club
  • National Championships – 26th 28th July – Howth Yacht Club
  • Eastern Championships – 7th/8th September – Royal George Yacht Club
  • Inland Championships – 12th/13th October – Lough Derg Yacht Club

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