
Ireland's sailing, boating & maritime magazine

'Green Corridor' Route Between Dublin Port and Holyhead Moves One Step Closer Following Funding Boost

18th October 2024
The Green Corridor initiative is to establish a zero-emission shipping route between Dublin and Holyhead, which has moved one step closer following a funding boost from the International Green Corridor Fund. The route is the busiest of the roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) routes between Ireland and the UK. Above among the ferries operating the Ireland-Wales route is Ulysses and Stena Adventurer.
The Green Corridor initiative is to establish a zero-emission shipping route between Dublin and Holyhead, which has moved one step closer following a funding boost from the International Green Corridor Fund. The route is the busiest of the roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) routes between Ireland and the UK. Above among the ferries operating the Ireland-Wales route is Ulysses and Stena Adventurer. Credit: Jehan Ashmore

The Green Corridor initiative, a collaboration between the ports of Dublin and Holyhead with ferry operators, Irish Ferries and Stena Line, and supported by the environmental consultancy Ricardo, Maynooth University and EDF, has received €143,621 in grant funding from the International Green Corridor Fund towards the total project investment.

The aim of the Green Corridor initiative, which is to establish a zero-emission shipping route on the Ireland-Wales route, has moved one step closer following a funding boost from the International Green Corridor Fund. A green shipping corridor is a route between two or more ports upon which a zero-emission vessel operates. Reducing emissions along green corridors helps accelerate global maritime decarbonisation.

‘Greening the Irish Sea - The Central Corridor’ is led by ferry operators, Irish Ferries and Stena Line, and supported by Ricardo environmental consultancy in partnership with key stakeholders and is designed to explore the feasibility of a green shipping corridor between Dublin Port and the Port of Holyhead. The project has secured funding from the International Green Corridor Fund funded by the governments of Ireland and United Kingdom, delivered in partnership with Innovate UK and Ireland’s Marine Institute supported by the respective Department of Transports in UK and Ireland.

The Holyhead-Dublin trade route is the busiest roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) routes between the UK and Ireland. In 2022, nearly 1.5 million people travelled this route, with over 6,000 sailings accounting for more than 74% of all ferry passenger movements between the two countries. The ports of Dublin and Holyhead serve as key economic gateways, handling a significant volume of trade, with Dublin Port handling managing 83% of RoRo freight and 72% of ferry volumes into Ireland. This study aims to advance the decarbonisation of this critical trade artery.

The stakeholder group, which also includes Dublin Port Company and Holyhead Port Authority, the EDF R&D team and academic partners Maynooth University, will use the funding to assess the suitability of the Holyhead-Dublin route as a green shipping corridor. Detailed assessments of existing landside and vessel infrastructure will be conducted, accompanied by economic and environmental impact analysis. The initial focus will be on vessels operated by Irish Ferries and Stena Line and the potential for e-methanol as an alternative fuel, although the feasibility of other alternative fuels will also be considered.

Andrew Sheen, Managing Director, Irish Ferries said: ‘We welcome this government funding and look forward to collaborating on this important project. Irish Ferries already has a strong focus on sustainability and has previously availed of Green Shipping Finance from the European Investment Bank to support our investment in new and existing ships to reduce emissions and improve fuel efficiency. We hope the feasibility studies for this project can be conducted quickly so that we can move forward to establish Ireland’s first ‘Green Corridor’ and advance our own and Ireland’s sustainability agenda.”

Ian Davies, Head of UK Port Authorities, Stena Line said: “We’re delighted to have been awarded this funding to explore establishing the first ‘Green Corridor’ between Wales and Ireland in collaboration with our partners. It is one of many initiatives that Stena Line is undertaking across ships and ports in the Irish Sea to support our sustainability strategy. We are already working to futureproof our fleet across Europe by investing in new hybrid ships and have plans to convert existing ships to be able to operate on alternative fuel. This project will allow us to determine the best way forward for our vessels on this key trading route between Dublin and Holyhead, and to assess the infrastructure needs at Holyhead Port to support a fossil free shipping corridor.”

Speaking about the project, Ken Rooney, Head of Engineering & Sustainability, Dublin Port Company said: “One of the major challenges for critical infrastructure providers such as Dublin Port is the emergence of multiple possible alternative fuel options, each with different requirements in relation to land use, electricity supply and other factors. This techno-economic study will compare e-methanol to other candidate fuels and will give us some essential insights as we plan ahead. This funding along with the partnership approach is very welcome and an important next step as we look at the alternative fuels’ infrastructure needed to reach net zero.”

Outputs will include assessments of the potential low-carbon energy pathways; a detailed exploration of the regulatory and policy measures that could support the green shipping corridor; and a business case containing project timescales, cost-benefit projections, and delivery plan.

The project will also review opportunities for local and national sustainable fuel production, and evaluate the modifications required at the ports to enable sufficient storage and bunkering. The research team will consult with engine manufacturers, operators, port authorities and alternative fuel suppliers to contrast the viability of converting existing vessels against new builds, whilst there will also be regular engagement with maritime regulatory bodies to ensure any proposals follow international and domestic requirements.

The 6-month study commences now in October 2024 and if established, the Green Shipping Corridor (GSC) between Holyhead and Dublin will be the first green route to operate between the UK and Ireland.

Published in Ferry, Dublin Port
Jehan Ashmore

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Jehan Ashmore

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Jehan Ashmore is a marine correspondent, researcher and photographer, specialising in Irish ports, shipping and the ferry sector serving the UK and directly to mainland Europe. Jehan also occasionally writes a column, 'Maritime' Dalkey for the (Dalkey Community Council Newsletter) in addition to contributing to UK marine periodicals. 

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Ferry & Car Ferry News The ferry industry on the Irish Sea, is just like any other sector of the shipping industry, in that it is made up of a myriad of ship operators, owners, managers, charterers all contributing to providing a network of routes carried out by a variety of ships designed for different albeit similar purposes.

All this ferry activity involves conventional ferry tonnage, 'ro-pax', where the vessel's primary design is to carry more freight capacity rather than passengers. This is in some cases though, is in complete variance to the fast ferry craft where they carry many more passengers and charging a premium.

In reporting the ferry scene, we examine the constantly changing trends of this sector, as rival ferry operators are competing in an intensive environment, battling out for market share following the fallout of the economic crisis. All this has consequences some immediately felt, while at times, the effects can be drawn out over time, leading to the expense of others, through reduced competition or takeover or even face complete removal from the marketplace, as witnessed in recent years.

Arising from these challenging times, there are of course winners and losers, as exemplified in the trend to run high-speed ferry craft only during the peak-season summer months and on shorter distance routes. In addition, where fastcraft had once dominated the ferry scene, during the heady days from the mid-90's onwards, they have been replaced by recent newcomers in the form of the 'fast ferry' and with increased levels of luxury, yet seeming to form as a cost-effective alternative.

Irish Sea Ferry Routes

Irrespective of the type of vessel deployed on Irish Sea routes (between 2-9 hours), it is the ferry companies that keep the wheels of industry moving as freight vehicles literally (roll-on and roll-off) ships coupled with motoring tourists and the humble 'foot' passenger transported 363 days a year.

As such the exclusive freight-only operators provide important trading routes between Ireland and the UK, where the freight haulage customer is 'king' to generating year-round revenue to the ferry operator. However, custom built tonnage entering service in recent years has exceeded the level of capacity of the Irish Sea in certain quarters of the freight market.

A prime example of the necessity for trade in which we consumers often expect daily, though arguably question how it reached our shores, is the delivery of just in time perishable products to fill our supermarket shelves.

A visual manifestation of this is the arrival every morning and evening into our main ports, where a combination of ferries, ro-pax vessels and fast-craft all descend at the same time. In essence this a marine version to our road-based rush hour traffic going in and out along the commuter belts.

Across the Celtic Sea, the ferry scene coverage is also about those overnight direct ferry routes from Ireland connecting the north-western French ports in Brittany and Normandy.

Due to the seasonality of these routes to Europe, the ferry scene may be in the majority running between February to November, however by no means does this lessen operator competition.

Noting there have been plans over the years to run a direct Irish –Iberian ferry service, which would open up existing and develop new freight markets. Should a direct service open, it would bring new opportunities also for holidaymakers, where Spain is the most visited country in the EU visited by Irish holidaymakers ... heading for the sun!